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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. drewpy

    Back to work

    I worked two days last week (nice and quiet) and I'm off this week
  2. I agree about the strip. I see on the swing arm on the rear it looks scrubbed, mine is exactly the same. Are they all like that?
  3. drewpy


    aye, been using them for years, but pricey. they found my exhausts for the xs at £990 didn't buy them
  4. idiot, nearly took away two lives there. could tell he was reckless as the 1st corner he took too fast and did that Save Reflex thing and backed right off.
  5. sounds like a "cheaper option" plan. I wouldn't use the hammerite in the downtubes, but certainly the exhausts and cross over
  6. there's a ceramic coater in Warrington I seem to remember (changed pc since then) best to google
  7. works really well but only with doritos apparently
  8. no change here, I can only replicate it if I turn off Java
  9. if you need to increase your bikes power, you need to up the power band. this is all the info you need http://www.planetash.net/gos/powerbands.html
  10. OK I know what it is, its your Java that's disabled. I have a function in firefox to disable it to enable me to download otherwise locked pictures.
  11. ......with a pulse jet yeaaah
  12. I'll need to fit pedals to keep up
  13. that would work too, leave them hanging to dry out
  14. is it still doing it? sometimes the browser needs updated, sometimes its just the host
  15. on mine , I poured in smooth hammerite and turned then around to coat the inside surface. Not too much though or it'll clog up
  16. sums it up nicely I think http://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/words/holiday-2.html
  17. cool, love to see the whole thing
  18. just to mindfuck ya all http://youtu.be/ODKvDKIlMAc
  19. looks the same? a black box with wires coming from it you mean? or something more meaningful
  20. just watched the vid on youtube via telly. some good info in there even though it was a little clunky. good to hear Julian Ryder in there though ps just found a great way to search the tube on telly, by pairing up my mobile phone. easier to search and it send the play codes and everything to it
  21. good score on the exhausts Tommy and those Avons are sweet as i have them on the fz and they perform well.
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