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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. +1 for the hand guards, just make sure you get a set that are braced with alluminium, i had a set on the DT that were purely made of ABS and the they shattered like glass the first time i dropped it, bought a set of alluminium braced handguards and they were brilliant, couple these with handlebar muffs (alright, they look about as trendy as condoms but they do their job) and its all good, alternatively Maplins do heated gloves which run off their own battery pack (9v rating, should be able to get a step-down fom your 12v bike electrics if you really need a longer run time) As for the bulb, the phillips high output series are quite good, if you have a halfords trade card they are even cheaper, failing that you may be better off sticking with what you have standard
  2. reminds me of a night out when i was stationed at RAF cosford, we all buggered off into wolverhampton, copious amounts of alcohol was consumed, then later on we decided to go to a strip club, several dances later we got kicked out after Mac was sick on Biscuits shoes, so it was time to go back to the barracks and upon entering the front door i was greeted with the sight of one of the other lads stood in the hallway with his trouser round his ankles balls-deep in a 'Henry' hoover... turns out he ran out of money before he got the strip club and decided to call it a night and "sort himself out"... nobody ever used that hoover after the story was told... needless to say he gained the nickname Henry for the next 18 months of his life, pretty sure the nickname carried to his new base when he was posted aswell And Sach, that wasnt exactly what i had in mind but 7/10 for effort
  3. Haha, Sash i swear you got a little more naughty every time we cross paths?, heck, we may be swapping dirty pictures by next week, hehe . *awkward turtle* in my current 'well oiled' state, i have had a brilliant idea, why dont we put a load of these things in the forests? ya know, for the pandas, or the occasional cottager
  4. Stop teasing, you know EXACTLY what you're doing to me and its not fair
  5. ok cheers for the input peeps sounds good, can't see myself keeping the blade though, not as comfy as my XJ was, also the overheating was not on the road as its not T&T'd yet, this was just starting it and letting it run
  6. just thought i'd chime in and leave my mark, considered an FJ1200? neat looking bikes imho and can be picked up for peanuts with bulletproof engines. my XJ600 was perfectly happy in 6th gear most of the time on motorways, bet then again im about 9.5 stone, depending what sort of shape you are in (round is a shape, btw) you may need to drop to 5th when in a hurry, the bloke i sold my XJ to was about twice my age, 6ft3 and twice my weight... when he rode off on that bike it looked similar to a bear on a honda 50
  7. Hi everyone Dusted the cobwebs off my 893 Fireblade yesterday for the first time in months, started it up and noticed the cooling fan wasnt kicking in and the temperature gauge would go right into the red, i have checked the fuse and that is fine but is there anything else likely to be causing this? next logical step would be to manually short out the thermostat and see if the fan will run, then maybe change the thermostat assuming all is ok with the fan any other ideas? its a bit different to the trusty thrusty DT... most things on that could be fixed with bodge tap and bootlaces...
  8. there's a lot of talk about cookies here, makes me feel hungry...
  9. only seen it once and i cant seem to get it to appear again, have sent alex a message so hopefully he will be able to look into it as apart from messing around with Dreamweaver my knowledge of HTML and websiting is limited
  10. Hi there, first of all welcome to the forum, please post a short intro in the newbie section so that we know a little bit more about you and your bikes e.t.c, the regulars get a bit annoyed with people turning up out of the blue and asking random questions. as for your carb dilema what exactly is it you are trying to unblock? the carb on the DT50 is rather simple in build and it is probably well worth taking it apart and giving everything a blow through with compressed air or the bristles from a toothbrushe if your jets need cleaning, exactly why wont the bike "go"? - Foamy
  11. if it comes with its own sensors they will probably leave the wiring in the loom, in which case stick some tape over the plug and it will be fine, that way you can use the original clocks again if you need to, i find it odd however that they would wire in its own sensors rather than taking feeds from the bikes original sensors, just creating more work really
  12. then wouldnt you need it to feed the new lights on the new speedo?...
  13. will do a bit of digging peeps, hang fire a sec EDIT: found the link, only appears when im logged out though, will have a peak through the code and see if i can identify it, will ping alex a PM to make sure he is aware of it, didnt get any AVG warnings or problems running scripts, for those who havent seen it this is what it looks like: haven't seen it since the first time it appeared though so no idea where it came from :/
  14. nothing on my side bud, only ad i can see is a Sky bet one on the homepage, will keep an eye out, have you made alex aware?
  15. depends what plug it is, what it feeds and what it takes feeds from
  16. urgh, its like last night all over again -.-
  17. Haha, unfortunately it is true, was on rude tube months ago i think... hard to believe there are people in this world who are too lazy to wank, what is the point in having a one-eyed custard slinger if you arent going to feckin' use it!
  18. what do you expect? neversaydie kinda hit the nail on the head, filth sells faster than news, those "magazines" are full of shit, targeted at a generation of apathetic dispunded trust-fund babies
  19. Mine's a 1983, looks like newkbusas is probably an '82 The engine is now at Headley bodyshop to have some TIG welding done on it, Also got some pics of what Glenn found when he opened up the carbs, this is what happens if you leave your bike full of petrol for several years: Likewise, when i opened up the master cylinder to strip it down i found it was filled with a jelly-like substance which at some point in time was probably brake fluid Didnt get round to shotblasting anything yesterday as there was a surprise leaving-do for one of my friends, copious amounts of alcohol were consumed, woke up this morning after a visit from the beer badger wearing next to fuck all and laying next to said friends fishpond, its fair to say i probably shouldnt be operating power tools when i am feeling this delicate... UPDATE: Finally dragged my sorry ass out of bed and did some shotblasting, resprayed the fork legs, number plate holder, bottom yoke e.t.c, but then it started raining, i ran out of blasting media and i got hungry so came inside
  20. Slow and steady progress on the turbo, been concentrating on the the minis recently before the cold weather rolls in, was supposed to be moving to wolverhampton back in August but due to the fact G4S couldn't organise a pissup in a brewery, the military being just so f*ckin good at everything we do and the government constantly f*ckin us up the arse without the common courtesy to give us a reach-around my promotion course has now been postponed until March next year... But who says I'm bitter... Anyhoo, went across to swindon today to collect the newly overhauled fork legs and drop off the cars to be sorted out, decided to try and find a place that would be willing to fill the exhaust stud cavities with aluminium tig weld so I can redrill the holes and helicoil them, Also started work on clearing 29 years worth of shit off the turbo, scrubbing up the rear mudguard and removing the remnants of the number plate holder, stripped the brake master cylinder ready for shotblasting and new seals, gonna have a sandblasting session tomorrow so hopefully should have some more progress to report later Pics to come
  21. tbh, i think its a bit naughty that the photos were taken whilst they were in a secluded private residence, fucks sake i walk around my room naked so why can't the royalty? its like all that bollocks with the vegas hotel, if i had loads of money and a vegas hotel too right i would have lots of pretty women walking around scantily clad. Wills is a fresh breath of air into the otherwise stale and outdated monarchy, he is someone we can all relate to, and Kate is gorgeous, 'nuff said. didn't see Wills working at the olympics though, funny old thing that, its classed as an 'op' when they want it to be, sure they can make us work 18 hours a day for 2 months with only 6 days off during the whole time, but as soon as i want my 7 days off as operational standown they shit-can it, no planning or organisation whatsoever, many days i turned up at the olympic park at 5 in the fucking morning only to be told it was working nights or having a days standown but seeing as i was there i may aswell be put to work... rant over, 'nuff said...
  22. What's green and invisible?... ... This cabbage -> XD - foameh x
  23. izmo: every time I following that link and log in to gocompare it just takes me through to my quotes summary and doesn't give an option for imports
  24. it seems the second link is just a generic link which shows whatever you type into google the old man can get a days cover on it for £30 as he is plenty old enough and it still has tax and mot until the 20th
  25. nah not yet, arent too many brokers in my small backwards town, usually once they hear im under 21 they dont want to know, im not exactly after commercial use as i only want it for moving the bikes and minis around
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