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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Bloody right about Lockies hating WD40. It basically causes MORE crap to stick in the lock and buggers the mechanism something chronic!! Little spray cans (about 2.5" tall) can be had from Maplins for a couple of quid. You will need ONE SMALL spray inside the lock, work the lock mechanism for a bit, then give it ONE more QUICK spray. Have some paper towels to hand. If you give it a big, heavy spray, you WILL be covered in yucky black shit... and I will laugh!!
  2. The 650 does have 2 cables. Fairly straight-forward. There will be one you can fit easy as, then turn the throttle (thus pulling the cable open) to fit the other. It should then spring back into the closed position.
  3. Really??!! My first thought was a cable from the speedo directly to the left side of the front wheel, where it attaches to a 'thingamajig' on the left fork that is connected to the front wheel. Then again, it depends on whether you have an original 1100 front end, or what mods have been made. This one does look original, though... Any chance of pics of the speedo and left side of the bike's front?
  4. Just to expand slightly - The black plastic bit on your right bar is the 'throttle slider'. The throttle cables attach directly to this and it's this bit that you're twisting to make the throttle work. You can get replacements but, of course, it's much better if you don't have to!! Hairspray = good idea!!
  5. We do indeed - What you have is fine. This is all it takes and gets you a far friendlier response! Welcome to the forum!!
  6. Ttaskmaster


    Why? Because, as you say, they are arseholes. What do do? As suggested, phone 'em up at stupid o'clock!!
  7. Have you tried bleeding them and building the pressure up a bit?
  8. "www.EasyJet.com....... ticket... to..... Russia"
  9. Because you can, I guess...
  10. My jacket has a removable padded panel in the back, with a velcroed access slit. If yours is the same, I'd suggest keeping it in there. Use the plastic sleeve as well.
  11. Cor, how big are these things???!!! Do they not fit in a pocket?
  12. Please tell me you crossed the Alps on an elephant!!
  13. Cars can also lock up and fishtail, just like bikes do. Difference is that locking up on a bike will low-side you, but can also high-side you and send you down the road with 37 stone of steel careening after you. You want the right application of each brake so that your weight transfers properly to the area with the best traction. Typically, this is the front. A little back brake in a corner is OK, as it drags you back online. Too much and you'll low-side over the outside of the bike. WAY too much and you will actually highside. The rake angle on Cruisers means the weight tends to get pushed along the road, rather than down into it, so sometimes a little back is required to bring the weight down. Watch professional Sports racers when they brake at high speed. The back wheel often starts lifting off a few inches.
  14. So every m/c instructor out there is lying about using an equal mix of front and back, then??!! Front brake is more effective than back, even in the wet. ONLY time it's not is when riding on ice.
  15. Back brakes on bikes are for low speeds only. This is why, from CBT, they train you to use mostly front brake. If you're trying to stop with just the back at speeds above 10-15mph, then yes you will lock up. 75-80% front, all the way and I'd say this goes for most bikes. Only exception is some emergencies. I have a fairly firm reservoir and use sintered pads - I have almost pulled a stoppie on my 650 with this!! The Drag has quite a steep rake, relatively. However, with a properly bled reservoir, it stops perfectly fine. That said, the 650 tips into corners far faster than the 125. Handling is vastly improved with correct tyre pressures (tyre manufacturer's pressures, not the ones in the manual).
  16. Depends entirely on whether the Nottingham scrotes have nicked yer bike, where Plod and his ray gun are camped out, whether you're going out during the school run and when you last took a dump.
  17. You'll average 40, at best. There's a reason we call it a "Hardly Moving, son".
  18. Welcome, chap!! Good choice of bike, too. When you're feeling confident, start taking the road down the hill into to Boscastle and have fun with the hairpin at the end. See how tight you can turn up it on the way out!! It takes a skilled rider to do that on a long, big-ass Cruiser like the Dragstar.
  19. Harley Davidson - Excellent choice of bike. Lots of longevity in them. In fact, 95% of all Harleys ever made are still on the road..... The other 5% actually made it home without breaking down!!
  20. Not until after payday, I'm afraid. But do have fun there. If you meet anyone called Barry or Marcus, say Hi for me.
  21. Ttaskmaster


    See, I knew it had some cool, serious purpose! I actually love some of the Ratbike/Survival Bike styles, so this just appeals even more. I think it's a pretty damn tidy piece, far better than half the critics here could manage with their load of luggage simply bungied on. Simon clearly put a lot of thought into doing all this and came up with some great innovations. Reasons for choice of bike, available budget and all that are all explained, so I fail to see what any of the issues are. Why a bike and not a car? Because he can and for the pride of doing it (mostly) all himself. Simple as! Sure, you can get a fancy, do-all, custom-built machine that looks so cool and whatever else you need feel better about appearances. But it will cost a FECKING FORTUNE and looking cool is not the be-all and end-all. No combat-ready soldier ever passed inspection... and no inspection-ready soldier ever survived combat. Massive kudos to the chap, RIP, for what he achieved!!
  22. Ttaskmaster


    Again, I ask - what's wrong with this? It may not look sylistically appeasing particularly, but everything has clean lines and is well constructed. Everything looks like it's supposed to be there, ie it's there for a reason. I'm intrigued by this and would love to know what fancy gadgets he has on there and why. It's a bit like a massivley hyped up version of my bike - No cosmetic enhancements, all additions having some practical purpose. It looks like an adventure bike of some kind.
  23. What's wrong with Avon Venoms?
  24. Ttaskmaster


    What's the problem with the caliper? I think it looks rather cool. Rat it a bit and it'll do nicely!
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