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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Cool, thanks for that. That leads into the next point... That would be brand new, out the box though. It loses HP over time. Therefore, if you dyno the bike and prove it's under the 33hp at the appropriate point, you'd be legal to remain unrestricted, right? Task 'Meister'? Master, or Maister if you please. Or just Tasky, if ya like And yes, the ex was a Dragstar Girl. She turned out to be a brainless, childish twat though, with American Biker dreams fuelling her desperately sad Harley aspirations and last I heard she crashed it doing one of the many stupid things she used to. Everything about the bike was wrong from the start and everything about the way she rode was everything I didn't want in myself, as a rider. The last straw was pretty much after she caused my third ever crash (she also caused my first one, the second was a massive diesel spill). After that, she was gone. However, not all Girlie Drastars are bad - My wife has many years of Dragstar heaven under her belt and is a proper Lady as well. Old school English rose, well mannered, decent values and so many awesome qualities - The best being a strong sense of her own mortality, which is kinds essential as a biker First met her at a local bike show and later through similar such interests. Good women are out there!
  2. Forum full of kids? Well you can just shut up you silly poo-poo head! Don't know the basics... Well, in 16 hours and four posts, you've failed to wow anybody with your worldly wisdom youself, so I'd say that makes us even. No-one said this is an über-geeky, ultra-knowledgable forum full of mechanics and everyone who knows everything and it's certainly not a free provider of what you'd normallypay a mechanic decent money for - That's what the service manual is for. This is a Yamaha Owner's forum, for people who own Yamaha bikes - It's pretty much all there in the title, mate. Or did you not manage an attention span sufficient to make it through the entire header? The greeting as a new member? Oh, what, the post at 8:05pm? Well, since I haven't even logged on until now and hadn't yet seen it, no wonder you haven't had a reply, eh... I don't give a fuck what your other three posts were or how wise and sagely the information from your 'oh, so learned and experienced' self might be... if you're REALLY that much of an impatient prick that you'd not even give people even 24 hours to see your posts, I don't think you belong here... or indeed most civilised places! Tip: Don't ever order anything that has to be delivered, even with guaranteed 24hr delivery - Someone as impatient as you would probably be climbing the walls waiting for the postman to arrive!!
  3. On a bike that already weighs 230kg and only has 40hp with which to haul it, I really don't think the weight is a factor...
  4. Doesn't the law specifically say 33BHP, regardless of anything else, or is that apocryphal? It is almost pointless to take a 40BHP down to 33... but if that's the law.
  5. "hi there i just bought a dragstar 1998 classic on the ride home very wet and dark so traveled with the spots on as well and found battery drained when i got home looking around the forums i found this explains it all to me: I have been working on putting together a complete map of the 650 Electrical system with wattages,etc so folks understand a bit better exactly how much you can add and what you can expect to be the outcome of adding extras. The following items on the bike use the power constantly: Headlight - 55W Taillight - 8W Front Running lights - 16W Speedo light - 2W Ignition Coils - 72W Ignition Module - 20W This means that under normal running conditions the bike will use at least 173W of power.According to the test data from Electrosport in their comparison of their stator to the stock one, the stock system puts out 169W at idle(1200RPM) and 221W at 5000RPM. Yamaha states that the stock system puts out 280W Max so most bikes will fall between the 221W and 280W marks. Here are some additional power usages: Signalling - 28W Braking - 27W Carb Heaters - 60W Passing lamps - 60W (smaller units) - 110W (larger lamps) The carb heaters kick in when the temps are lower than 12 degrees Celsius.What this means is that the bike will consume 173W + 60W = 233W of power when the carb heaters are on. My 2000 Classic puts out something like 235W-240W at 5000 RPM which is barely enough to keep the system running without using the battery while highway riding only. At idle, the charging system cannot keep up and an additional 64W are drawn from the battery. I have a battery monitor on my bike and was able to verify the above. I'm sure the “My battery died” posts are going to start now that the weather is getting cooler and a lot of folks falsely blame the battery when it is actually the weak charging system and too many electrical accessories that are to blame. Bottom line is that if you ride in temps lower than 12 degrees Celsius, you had better not run your passing lamps or any other extra lights or you will drain the battery and have difficulty starting."
  6. I was hoping the post would begin with: "Four and Twenty virgins came down from Inverness..."
  7. Just so you know people are paying attention - I do not have any pics, I'm afraid. However, welcome to the forum. You might want to post in the Introduction section as single posts, particularly questions, are considered rude and tend to attract little more than sarcastic insults (usually from me!)
  8. Welcome to the forum! I'd love to get out your way, specifically to Moab - Not only did they film several of my favourite films there, but I wanna try some of the INSANE-looking off-road stuff they do and maybe buy me one of them manic-styled 4x4 trucks!
  9. My ex did this. If I recall, it cost £175 to buy the restrictor kit and have it fitted by an expensive Harley specialist mechanics (she was a complete div). She was under 21 at the time and it cost maybe £600 to insure FC with Bennets. A lot of it often depends on age, experience, area you live, security fitted and where it's kept. Ring around and get some quotes. Also, try the companies' websites - You often get a different quote and can open negotiations by playing that against them, before you even think about telling them how X place offers a cheaper deal, often through the same insurance company - Equity Red Star are a very common one where brokers like Carole Nash and Bennets find different rates from the same place! I personally found Carole Nash offered unbeatable rates for me - £200 cheaper than anywhere else could even dream of!
  10. 3 years? Top down service. First thing. Check, adjust and clean everything. Full-on project, just to be sure and eliminate as many common issues as possible for as little money as possible!
  11. Viggies are perfectly reliable, if maintained properly and even that doesn't take much. The fact that people still seek them out after so many years says something. Parts are getting a bit hard to find. The styling is a little dated and not to everyone's tastes. They're a touch on the small side for some riders. Most of these are just features of the bike though, not exactly Cons. Yes, they are getting old and bits may fail, but that's the same with most bikes anyway. The 650 Drag is based on the 535, so there's little between them that doesn't come down to your personal preferences.
  12. As with many other things, destruction is cheaper and far easier. Plus, for most items, the sale option is actually prohibited for the Police. Certain things they can sell, hence Police auctions, but some of the best stuff (like certain weaponry) is off limits. Don't know the exact reasons, as certain ammunition can actually be given away (but not sold), but then the law is an ass - Arsehole cops are allowed to walk free, yet those who use riot shields as sledges and thus show a friendly, fun-loving human side to the Police get reprimanded... go figure!
  13. >Why is it virtually impossible to get a service/workshop manual for a yamaha xvs 125??? It's not impossible... Just that the most reliable way is to pay the same large amount of money that a professional mechanic would to obtain the official version. Other than that, any free PDF or the like is technically illegal, due to the above-mentioned copyright. This is another reason why the links expire - People take the material down to avoid getting caught and prosecuted. >I thought proper club sites helped to find these things but alas no. I thought proper club site members wanting help were polite and appreciative of any efforts made to furnish them with illegal copies of what would otherwise cost a LOT of money to acquire... but alas, no. >What tool is needed to adjust the mixture/air screw on same bike? Most people actually use a screwdriver, I understand. Flathead, I believe, is the preferred choice. Try different sized ones, maybe thinner or longer, see if that helps. Yes, taking tanks off usually makes some things easier. It's been ages since I owned a 125 Drag, but are you sure it's the mixture screw you're after and not the idle screw?
  14. He asked for an opinion. Many people here did not like them, hence not owning them. Few Viggie owners have thus far chirped up. I actually wanted one myself, until I rode one - No problem as a bike, but just not suited to me, hence me not utterly slamming the little workhorses. The only major criticism I'd have of the Viggie is the small tank, even on later models.
  15. Hey, at least someone on here remembers me mentioning graphite grease, rather than using WD40 and ending up clogging the mechanism with crap! You a Locksporter, perchance? However, horses cost a bomb to replace. Bikes at least can usually be fixed for a lot less!
  16. Used to have to play a number of their songs in my band... Hated them all, ha ha!!
  17. No Haynes or Clymer, but there is a workshop manual around somewhere. We keep posting links to where you can download one, but they often expire. In such a case, Google is your best bet, unless someone chimes in with a current link...
  18. Apparently both the BBC and several other more independent associations all tried to assemble exposes on Saville, but when they conducted their investigations NONE of them found any evidence at all... Strange that, innit? I think the whole idea is just bollocks. My mother worked with Saville for a short time. Apparently he was a very nice man, but physically very weak and flimsy. Doesn't sound really that capable of physically forcing himself on anyone over the age of maybe 10, to be honest.
  19. Do you already have a backrest? This can help. Failing that, there are loads of custom Cruiser accessory companies around, some of whom offer various different seats. Search for the Touring range of stuff, as they're often bigger and comfier. Most will be in America though, so either expect high postage and import costs, or look to have a custom one made up from a UK company. Getting short outriggers to extend the pillion pegs can also help in making the seating position and weight distribution a bit eaiser on yer back-seat babe!
  20. >Thats your opinion, not proven to be right, so not nessessarily right.just an opinion, fair enough. Come ride with me then and count how many such dickheads are doing exactly that on the roads here. In fact, there's another thread about someone doing this very thing in Bolton! >Well I've seen signs for Deer, signs for Toads, signs for low flying Pheasants, Maybe they should do one for horses, then? >generally a sign telling you that you are within an area that has a high risk of a Deer jumping out at you. Ah, but what about where it's a low-to-medium risk, not high enough for the council to justify spending on a sign for it, yet a distinct possibility? Moreover, how would you fit all that information on a single sign? >'asserting your demand' comes over abit harsh mind, It's either that, or they crash into me and get 37 stone of steel motorcycle through their windscreen and into their child's face... I'll be dead - I won't give a fuck about their darling little rugrat who is now going to live the rest of their life with only one arm and a face that makes them looks like a Batman character, all because Mummy was too busy Facebooking that she was driving while slapping makeup on to take a single second and look before she moved! >what I'm saying here is I just wish horse riders would wear high viz waste jackets for the road as it aids visibility. Most of them actually do, at least round here. Nothing better than crawling past a bunch of horsey girls with their tight jodpur things as they bounce up and down in their tight-fit polo shirts... Hmmm! >when was the last time you saw a Dyno Rod van in an accident, Oh, you had to ask, didn't you..... Earlier this year in May, when I rode up the M4 on my way to Wandsworth, which I remember as it was a topic of conversation with the lady at my destination. Smug mode engaged >the driver just isn't concentrating on the road infront of him. And THAT was what I meant by Hi-Viz not being relied upon. >I have been pissed off by everyother person on the road at one time or another. How often have you pissed another road user off? Anyone who says 'never' is either a liar or hasn't used the road since 1962! >it`s up to the hores rider to determin wheather or not it safe to pass And they make that assessment. Fact is, you can be trotting along a very quiet country road (just like the one I live on, actually), nice 50mph limit and all that, when suddenly a VFR800 comes SCREAMING round the corner at 130mph. You have nowhere to go, nowhere to tuck the horse into and certainly not enough time to do so anyway... This is the ONLY route you're allowed to take your horse down, yet somehow it's YOUR fault for being there? And yes this has happened, on the A4074- It was on a stretch known locally as the Thirteen Bends Of Death (Any guesses why? We're not an ironic town here in Reading). "Ride it like you stole it"? I love hearing that... "Ride it like you stole it" - So that'd be in a calm, law-abiding fashion that will NOT get you noticed by the Police, then? Heated argument? Have you SEEN some of my other threads? Man, I love going off on one, the more bizarre the better and a lot of it depends on my mood. Sometimes I really will kick off on the nob remarks ("so... I can't be arsed to Google - how fast does my bike go?"). Other times I'm a lovely, helpful chappie and will write pages on something if it helps someone. The aim is fun and entertainment, hence the pedantic banter and the best clue that I'm pissing about (or even just half-pissing about) is when I bring badgers and otters into the fun!
  21. You were only doing 20 in what I suspect was a higher limit area. Yes - you should have seen him and reacted accordingly, yes - hazard awareness and whatever other crap the prosecution would spout at you, yes - the kid would probably hav tried to claim off your insurance, so a lot of it would have been down to other witness statements, yes - if you're really unlucky,no-one would have been watching and/or they hate bikers so would happily fuck you over on that one. But without knowing more precise details (directions, distances, etc), I don't believe it would have been really your fault. He probably swore at you in to reassert himself and out of fear for what nearly happened (no-one likes to believe it's *their* fault, after all). I'd still have probably decked the little prick, though... Next time just kill the fucker and eliminate all possible comebacks from him, at least. When they step out so close to you, well within your stopping distance, there's nothing anyone can do except make sure you leave some skid marks so it looks like you made the effort.
  22. >nobody actually comes out of it being right or wrong It's not about right or wrong, it's about eliminating the stupid side of the argument (which I usually like to do with hilariously insane and extreme examples) and getting down to simple common sense. >but still have to use a whopping great rotating orange light on them, Only because there are too many morons not watching where they're going and pissing about texting to Facebook about how they're walking blindly along the road, not paying attention. >where I live here in Devon, if theres any chance of a Deer jumping out on you, you can bet your arris theres a pretty large sign just before, That's when one of the few local badgers runs out and the surviving driver bitches about there being no badger signs too... Thus was begat the myriad road signs everywhere, to stop the morons from getting hurt. >Now then, thats more like it, you don't want to wear a vest because it'd make you look daft and geekish, fair enough if thats how you roll, I'm asserting my demand that drivers wake up and pay fucking attention. I'm not Superman or anything, yet I still see things well in advance that they'd never notice unless they crashed into it... oh, wait, they do! >what I'm saying is its much easier to spot a horse rider wearing one Then perhaps all those FUCKING MASSIVE articulated lorries that I keep seeing cars crash into should also be painted in Hi-Viz... because a lot of cars SMIDSY them as well.... Bloody trucks. Never see them, always in yer blind spot, right!
  23. Hey, I'm bored at work and love a good debate. I am sometimes perhaps a little more insulting than intended, but it's part and parcel of using the extreme examples I'm so fond of, I guess. Speaking of which - Sorry Nev, but I gotta have a little knock at this one... A horse stands about 8 feet to the top of it's head, with a rider taking it to maybe 11 high and is a mostly symmetrical shape very different to a car or anything else you might expect to see on a road, especially a straight one with good vision like this. So if you cannot already see a BIG-ASS horse under normal conditions, what good will a Hi-Viz do? Besides... do deer, rabbits and badgers stop to put on Hi-Vizes before dashing across the road in front of you? Then why insist other potential road hazards do? I always maintain that individual observation is far better than more signs, conditions, rules and regs. I don't argue that Hi-Viz *can* help visibility, but given how often it's also failed (brightish day, great visibility, black and yellow striped hi viz, Dynorod-Orange bike, white lid with black Mohawk, FUCKING LOUD pipes and only doing 30, yet *STILL* has a SMIDSY??!!) it should not be relied upon. I purposely don't use Hi-Viz or lights during daytime, which forces me to govern my riding with defensive moves that get me noticed. I also found Hi-Viz occasionally made me look like some easily intimidated safety-geek motorcyclist to certain cars... Now I have the Bad-Ass biker thing going, combined with my aggressive defense positioning they actually pay more attention and are a touch more carefull.
  24. Ttaskmaster

    What bike

    I thought there was also an add-on for the 8 litre one?
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