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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Then why are we taught NOT to touch the front brake in corners during our training, then? As I and most riders I know were taught: Handful of front brake - Weight transfers to the front, back steps towards outside of corner, inertia carries bike forward, weight on front creates a pivot point while gravity drags bike down = Lowside crash. Rear brake - Traction increases on rear, front lightens, rear drag makes front step towards inside of corner = bike stands upward. Yes, you can use a *little* front brake in some corners (depending) but nowhere near as much as normal braking and it's not something you can just do without a feel or some experience. From CBT: http://www.begin-motorcycling.co.uk/elc2.htm If you must brake in a bend * Avoid using the front brake. Rely on the rear brake and engine braking to slow you down. If you must use the front brake, be very gentle. There's a risk of the front tyre losing its grip and sliding sideways * Try to bring your motorcycle upright and brake normally ( provided you can do so safely )
  2. Not the first time I've seen the concept, but certainly the first time I think it's been affordable... What's the SHARP rating, though? Also, I need a decent internal sun visor...
  3. Ttaskmaster


    Keep those spirits up high, my Bionic Biker mate!! Guys - Can we perhaps contact Yamaha and NABD (or the US equivalent) and see if there's anything they can do to help get this good man back on the road, when the time comes? Anyone know Yammie contact details?
  4. Err... Isn't that the other way around? Rear drags it upright, front causes a lowside slide which can highside if the rear re-grips? Also - Remember you have a lot more engine braking than you think, too!! My 650 Drag had so much of it, I simply rolled off and that was enough braking to panic a rider behind me.
  5. Most (if not all) carburetted bikes do something like this. It's kinda cool... even better if your clocks whizz round as well!
  6. "Public lewdness??!! No, officer, I was alleviating cramp... honest!! The copy of Readers Wives? Oh... Somebody must have left that there.... umm.... yeah...."
  7. Yep, Intros are the done (polite) thing and folk are big on basic manners here. Just hop over to the Intro section and whack a quick one up.
  8. Get it, then sell the house and buy the FJR as well!!!
  9. I'm far more used to the bike these days and it's an effort to keep below 90 (or 120) on open motorways, just because I can do such speeds! It's not one I'm happy chucking around so much, but I find I don't need to anyway, so that's good. I've done a few hundred miles in one day and it's handled those with aplomb, even if my body didn't. Definitely looking into bar risers, I think!
  10. I still get achey moments on the FJ if I try and ride it like my Cruiser. Most of it is just fidgeting around, altering your position and finding what works best for you.
  11. Go into this with the same trepidation. Know that you can do it... but remember not to be too overconfident!
  12. Was it really '77? I'd have guessed early 80s, perhaps....
  13. There's a place right in the middle of Reading called the Rising Sun. It always used to be the local biker pub and still has that rep after all this time, with the 1%ers and everyone else always welcome. It has changed hands every few months for the past two decades though, but you could likely have it for a few grand. It's a Tut N Shive owned place, last I saw. I guess that's a brewery?
  14. Oh, it was one of those where a Farcebook friend shows you some shitty vid of them doing karaoke or something and you end up following the more interesting links they display at the end, I expect.
  15. Nah, you need yellow lights all around the visor area. ALL good space helmets have lighting that blinds you, but lets everyone else see your face:
  16. We do have owners of such here ourselves and will do everything we can to find the answer. As mentioned in the other thread, I did ask Blokie and he'd really need to see it. You have any pictures, perhaps?
  17. I asked... but he said he'd have to actually see it in person to ascertain how the damage occurred. You're not anywhere near Reading, are you?
  18. Get them to fix it and then, pre-payment, take off and nuke their entire site from orbit... it's the only way to be sure!! I'll try and run this past my mechanic-friend, as he's a big fan and former owner of R1s
  19. Pro-Bike are still dealers at the end of the day, but that's where my Draggie came from and as far as dealers go, I thought they were pretty great folks!!
  20. I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit... it's the only way to be sure!! But yeah, see what they say. If it's their fault, you might get some compensation or some fancy extras, free servicing or who knows...
  21. Yeah - We'd all just turn up, find the pub and kick back with a few pints, ha ha!! Seriously, it'd be great!
  22. I'll happily meet up - I'm in the Reading area too, so am doubly interested! How long you been riding? Do I know you from local events, perhaps? Where you getting the Bolt from, incidentally? Pro-Bike in Newbury?
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