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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Whereabouts are you? You really should fill out your profile properly. I think i have some old fork legs kicking about that are in bloody site better nick than they are.
  2. I'm concerned by your use of plurals through your last post, there is only 1 shock and its only the ends that are different. 10 mins with a spring compressor and you should be good to go.
  3. Clutch drag? Now its running have you adjusted the clutch again, as now it has actually run all the parts will have settled after the initial set up.
  4. Cheers Andy So you fit something that needs 100mph+ speeds to have any token worthwhile effect on a cruiser? Ok i see, i think.....
  5. You can put car oil in a motorcycle. Cat food is formulated for cats and dog food for dogs, obviously. The finer specifics of the food favours the particular species, the cat food won't have certain egg products in it for example as it can stop cat digestion. The visuals of cat food are irrelivant as a cat can't see much closer than a foot or so from its nose and then mainly movement, wheras dogs 'see' there food far more hence the 'big meaty chunks' that a cat will struggle with. In essance its the same, they can eat it and survive but the proper product for the proper animal is best. Same for the engines, they will work with it but for how long and performance/health may suffer.
  6. That would be easier to understand in greek i think Whats a hypercharger? Try an introduction, just say bit about you and the bike. Helps no end, a lot like punctuation.
  7. Used to do my old 600 every 3-4k i did rag it though and being one of the old suzuki oil pumpers it was coolant too. If you ride steady you could go longer, mate of mine changes his bike every year. Never lays a spanner on em, pays for it, rides it for a while then gets rid. Heard that somewhere before......
  8. Should have put this up a couple of weeks ago but better late than never. My bike was leaking fuel from the LH carb, it was damp and a little wiffy (no puns) Well 2 strokes being what they are, like the wife not liking neglect, it bit me. Flooded out massively, almost had me walking home. Anyway TDR's being what they are, (a big motor stuffed in a 125 frame) its a bit tight so off comes the offending carb. Open her up clean out the carb, nothing visible but there was dirt on the cloth i cleaned it with. Whacks it all back together and........... nothing. Std options first.... Change plugs, old ones were sparking but you never know. Changed fuel, it had run on the stuff in it but.... Whipped the carbs out to drain them and check i'd put the LH one back together properly, finding the drain screw in the process that is blocked buy the other carb? And..........STILL nothing. Right, off come the exhausts and the carbs. Both pipes get the overnight with light caustic treatment. Carbs get the works, used an entire can of carb cleaning solvent and blagged my mates compressor to blow EVERYTHING out. Airways etc. And.........STILL nothing. Found the cause in the end, the cable outer for the LH carb had not seated properly meaning the carb was open around a quarter inch. As a result the choke won't work and even the good side will pull the easy way through the more open carb, weakening the mix further. Once it was seated properly it started next kick. So to all those that post one liners saying they have checked everything, simple fact is you haven't. There will be something stopping the bike from running you just haven't found it. It may be something disasterous like a crank seal. But it is just as likely to be something tiny like mine. The cable outer was in the proper place but it needs to be pushed fully home so you feel a slight 'click' that was all i'd missed. HTH Enjoy
  9. Don't care the scenery you can ride through more than makes up for it. Your houses are higher than our cloud base most of the time.
  10. Well as summers go i thought it was pretty good, bit of sun and double figure temperatures. Could actually see to the horizon which was nice. Soon be christmas...
  11. Discrimination now, whats wrong with the camel, its not like it has a choice is it.. Seriously after being on the DT the squishy suspention hides just how shitty the roads are, i have discoverd bumps and pot holes i didn't know existed on a road i travel twice a day at least.
  12. Pheeeew, swapped onto the TDR now and oh f me i forgot how bloody hard it is to ride well. Yes the engine is very torquey and responsive for a 2 stroke but still, it is a 2 stroke running gopping great flatsides, not a recepie for smooth and steady progress. Compared to the DT....... Didn't take long for the mist to decend though, oh my god you can see why there are so few left, St Andrew himself would be cast out on one of these. What a motorcycle... Bring on the sunshine..............................
  13. As intro's go thats a biggy. Welcome to the boards there are several old sweats on here who are long time DT 175 owners so help is only a click away.
  14. I have a f wheel you can have, its needs rebuilding completely but your welcome to it to just come take it away, the hub is good in respect of being useable to build into a new wheel (or your current dtr one). I think i may have a fr brake assy too i'll have a dig. Drill just the heads off, then when the cover is safely out of the way have at the studs with penetrating oil, heat and abuse. They normally come out.
  16. If you fit that shiny fresh painted tank in the proper place you will dent it pretty badly. The steering lock without the 'imagination' used by the previous user is really really bad. Several times i saw bikes with either the fromt of the tank squashed flat to allow room or the tank moved, that screws the seating pos up. Its something you are going to have to look at i'm afraid. Without one or the other mods you really will have the turning circle of a hyabusa.
  17. Hey no problem you can have mine..................you did say decent(ish)175, that was for the SV and the cash?
  18. Well done mate. A pay rise, haven't had one of those sufficient to resuly in an amount of cash you would actually notice, (i'm talking maybee 2 quid a week) in years. The firm wants us to feel cuddly at a poxy (they say generous) 1.5%rise after dropping our basic by 6 hours a week.
  19. TBH its a pain in the arse, i had a keyless ig on my suzuki breifly. Had a keyfob to turn on and off. Several times it shut the bike down in my pocket. I ended up fitting an overide under the seat.
  20. Was a common swap in the late 90's by the green laning/off road fraternity, did it myself. Thankfully i kept all the std kit at the back of the garage. Actually makes the bike worse as the front and rear of the bike are way out of balance. And she becomes real front heavy.
  21. Just seen this, the tank movement is a quick fix for what is most likely an entire DTR125 front end, well it looks like the one in my garage. The shape of the yolks and the thickness of the forks means the tank fouls. Badly. Your going to be searching for a 175 front end, nothing will carry over. Your lucky the lock stops haven't been hacked off.
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