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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Well done. Remember every victory you still have the tricky bit to do. Day 1 is the hardest.. Week 1 is hard but dooable Week 2 is not too bad as already the cravings should reduce. Week 3 and 4 are where most fail. At this point people think they have quit and. 'one wont hurt'. Oh yes it will. Smoking is the same as an alcoholic. Except in VERY rare people you cannot risk another fag. Even one and you will be back to sq 1. Good work so far. This is something that helped me. 90% of the price is TAX. Then you pay TAX on that with vat. Thats a good incentive for me.
  2. You still havent said if its cdi or not. The oil pump is preference but obviously the oil pump that adjusts the oil to the rpm and throttle conditions can be done far better by chucking oil on the fuel. As i said preference and mine is that the pump is worth any effort needed to use it. Finaly. You want to loose 3inches of travel. Check how much you have first. Losing that much will make it dangerous.
  3. Thats better. Junking the oil pump is up to you. Its a marmite subject. Personally i think you would be stupid to do it. Lowering the forks. They are hardly long and the travel is not extensive. Dropping them through the yokes with thicker oil would be better surely. Lastly the ig. Is it cdi or points. If its points and you dont want lights or anything else you could be down to 2 or 3 wires. Litterally mag to coil to kill switch.
  4. Point proven. Were both dt nuts but in VERY different ways.
  5. Why not introduce yourself. Makes a big difference to the amount of replies. First post questions unless well written and informative are often ignored.
  6. The only real shame is that the bike will never be ridden. Its really nothing more than a museum piece. Internally there will be no end of issues. It may not even run. To me its worth nowt. But if i had a few bob and passed my test on one. That would change it massively. At the end of the day its worth what someone will pay.
  7. The voice from the land of the free. If only you could do that here. Fishing without a permit.. That will be poaching. Fly camping, nope you will get moved on or done for trespase. Lastly there is nowhere 24hrs away. Unless you want to get wet. Much as i like the uk. Its not really a free country anymore for a man with a house, a job and 2.4. Kids.:-(
  8. Your as anti smoking as i am then kev..... :-D
  9. Bigger rear is the same as changing the front to a smaller size you just need to go up by 5 or 6 teeth at a time instead. I have found that smaller sprockets but keeping the ratio the same or changing it slightly to favour accelleration used to help when i was on the small stuff in the 80's. There is less chain to suck power and the smaller need less power to turn. May not work so well on the modern stuff but it made a difference on my old 50 and a gp100.
  10. What i did was use the money. The first couple of weeks dont let the missus nick it for anything silly like food or clothes for the kids. Spend it on real stuff for you and the bike. I dont mean fuel either. I bought a complete new set of mc gear in the 6 months after quiting. I started with a good pair of gloves. Ended up with leathers. Textile jacket summer and winter gloves. Boots and a new lid. You can really see your savings and can give yourself targets. 7days of fags will get me those gloves. 14days will get me a decent jacket etc. Helped me through the cravings.
  11. What about the 175 then. Save the exhaust that would be close to a straight swap.
  12. I cant get hold of them either. Pods are not good. Really plays havoc with inlet reasonance and such. They are also bloody loud pn a stroker. Not tempted with a dt125lc motor. Even a dt175. That should fit quite neatly with only a little swearing....
  13. Its a lovely job,,but! That avon on the rear just looks wrong. Where da knobbly
  14. Cynic

    fek fek fek fek

    Haha been there. Nope this piston will never bang again. The motor was no better this morning.
  15. Very reasonable. The challenge is getting them to answer the phone... Very busy i think.
  16. Cynic

    fek fek fek fek

    Simple really. The TDR is far too nice to ruin in winter salt. As well as being far to expensive to fix. Accidents can happen but slipping off on ice would be tragic. The dt can handle it all. But with that down its the range rover that picks up the slack.. That uses A DAY! What the dt uses a week in fuel.
  17. Cynic

    fek fek fek fek

    Sorry but i ride all year. I need her to get me to work..
  18. Cynic

    fek fek fek fek

    I dont think so. Was only a couple of years since i did the bottom end. All the seals and gaskets. Not saying its not but the top end seemed fine in the rebuild. I feel that the piston has just worn out... Has used a couple of plugs too. Maybe something in the ig has gone....
  19. Cynic

    fek fek fek fek

    will get into it tommorow.... Defo fixing it myself..... First blow up in. ....in....must be 10 years. That was a leaky exhaust which its def not this time. It has been hard to start lately and it hasnt had a bore for a long time so it may have just gone. So long as the bottom end is ok. Thats my only worry really.
  20. Cynic

    fek fek fek fek

    waaaaaaaahhhhh The dt blew up wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhb. 50mph running great and quick nip and then brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Anybody with a 2 stroke knows the noise. Compression is gone. You cant tell its in nutral save for the brrrrr noise as you push, nothing at all. Think the piston has gone religeous. Waiting for the man with a van now. Least its not raining.
  21. Cynic


    Congrats.........feel good?
  22. Done the off road thing, i took a 61 S2 landy and turned it into a v8, full auto, power steered pot hunter. Trouble was i was great at building the winning kit. Just couldnt drive for shit. I ended up pit crew on my own truck. Dont get me wrong i could get anywhere it wasn't the terrain i just could never judge the soddin canes well enough. Just have my bikes and barely have time for them. Have a couple of now, very dusty rc helicopters too.
  23. That wont be cheap. Finding a dyno that measures that low effectively may be tricky too. Why do you need to go to that extreem. Its a 2stroke. Next time the weather changes it will be out.
  24. Good luck. Just remember you will never quit. Its just longer between smokes. Its now 8 years since my last one.....
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