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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. If your stuck just bypass the multiplug. Cut the wire from each side of the plug. Put the repair in the loom and recconect at the multiplug with spades or bullets. Tape the connection to the multiplug. Then the next owner will see whats happened.
  2. Yep in france it is a requirement. New sharks (french company)come with eu compatable stickers if your lid is non reflective.
  3. With a thundercat airbox i take it they are thundercat carbs. On that basis stock settings should just be a google away. It is certainly where to start from. If you have the carbs airbox etc it should be pretty close. The tricky spot will be if they are 400 carbs. As i recall this convertion is a bit tight on the carbs. Dont think i would be reccomending the builder. Or the dyno tbh as any good dyno shop would have a good idea of the right carb settings just hearing it run on the dyno. The guys that did my old 600 certainly did.
  4. Speaking as a TDR250 owner here. Black is fastest, best, coolest etc........always.
  5. Cheap and nasties will need oiling. Genuine ones come ready done in my exp. I always though you oiled foam filters regardless.
  6. Hmmm. Not keen on their privacy policy myself. Lots of third party data collection references. May be paranoid or cynical...
  7. No you dont. The verbal ins are shocking. And normally too late. No sound needed just pics. Mount it sensibly in the centre. Covering the spedo works well cos the sat nav will tell your speed and your fine. Looking at the sat nav is not unnatural then either.
  8. Kin hell noise. If the van was doing 94mph you should argue the case..... :-)
  9. Exactly why i like small bikes. I can rag them at my limit and still get nothing more than a couple of points and a bollocking. Far better than risking everything being bored at anything under 3 figures. Which is what started to happen on my old 600.
  10. Cynic

    Misfire or what?

    Might be a bit of floaty gunk in the carb. Had it happen to me more than once. Everything fine then for whatever reason you give it some beans. The floaty bit moves and covers the jet. Then it either passes through or comes away when you stop and everything rosy again.
  11. Oh yes. Maps rule. I just use the sat nav as a reminder. As a hgv driver i am well aware of their limitations. Maps are still king for me. The latest phillips truck atlas is superb.
  12. I use an old tomtom1. Positively steam powerd by todays stds but works well enough and if it breaks, dies or gets nicked no loss. Only works with 'mains' power but the bike is man enough. Just modified the bracket to clamp the bars. They are 10 a penny on ebay.
  13. Removing the snorkel has allowed more air to get to the engine.This means the mixture is weaker. For the short term there will be a performance increace but its a falsehood. As a leaner mix gives more power, but! The leaner mixture will cause higher piston temps and shorten piston life by quite a margin due to the expansion increasing wear. Depending on how you ride, in the extreem you could hole the piston. Lifting the jet needle clip one notch may compensate and keep the motor happw with a bit of extra go. Stock is best though.
  14. Bugger. Unlucky DDT you will be missed. I take it i will be stopping john getting lost.......lol
  15. Wow kev. Where did THAT come from.
  16. You really need an inroduction in the deceptively named new members section. Lot more help that way. I think the top yolk will swap over IIRC been a while. As for the tank..........best of luck......rocking horse sh.t for a good one.
  17. Before messing with the jetting put the airfilter back. It should help starting and the idle too.
  18. Go past it couple of times a week in the truck. London is not nice. Ever. Dirty shit pit full of people who seem to be in a big hurry to kill themselves in their cars. Totally biased lorrydriver view of our crapital shitty. Crappy ride if you ask me but i will do it on the bike one day i suppose.
  19. I cleaned the car when i finished work?
  20. Called elbow grease. Open it up and clean all the contacts with wire wool. The cans of squirt are a real poor second.
  21. Might need a decoke. The way a 2 stroke works is some fuel mix ends up in the expansion chamber. Then its sucked back into the engine. When the smoke which is effectively the gunk in the exhaust catching fire the smoke ruins the fuel mix. Sounds like a decoke is needed. Try this first. Get 5 or so feet of garden hose. Then for want of a better plan shove it as far up the exhaust as it will go. So long as it goes into the exp chamber it should help. Not as good as a proper decoke but helps a lot if its an issue.
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