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Everything posted by JimR

  1. so which one has one ? Regards Jim
  2. There cool ... I might just buy that one bring it home have a play then donate it to you for 'research' it would be better if some others helped Regards Jim
  3. well it may do .... as long as it was Old Git's Mobylette !!! Regards Jim
  4. Hi hmm an FS1 looks like this http://www.bikepics.com/yamaha/fs1/ of which there are some US versions ... perhaps not quite in the same league as the FZ Regards Jim
  5. Hi, best elect the XT then Regards Jim
  6. have I took the PEE ... nope I use the nick names for the Jawa as a term of endearment other than that I have tried to encourage you to restore the Jawa .... my point was some people here may be in a position to help you purchase this bike & looking at the pics will help you no end with your project Regards Jim
  7. Hi Dave I guess you where just misinformed (to a point) the speedo head could be the same but the drive (wheel gearbox) will have a different ratio to keep the head indicating the correct speed ... i.e 16 inch wheel =drive A 21 inch wheel drive B , and both could use the same head and also the drive's physical appearence remains the same. Years ago I had some fun by fitting another drive to a bike (the person said it was the fastest xyz) which then indicated to his speedo 100mph (he braged) everyone else laughed as he was past @ 75 when his clock was showing 100 ! Regards Jim
  8. Hi Merv at £300 I'd give it a punt & would not worry to much about where it's come from . perhaps a few quid each & we can buy it for foamy .. in order to help him out ! Regards Jim
  9. Or flog both & buy the MZ with the XT 600 motor in it and spend the proffit on a party for all of us ! Regards Jim
  10. I'd do the XT even tho its done the miles you could (perhaps) have more fun with it ... some off road tyres & a run down some green lanes etc but if your into just road & pose the MT would win ... looks pretty ! Regards Jim
  11. Hi Jim, get a cheese wire and cut some deeper groves in the old ones !! Regards Jim
  12. Hi Drewps, well at least you managed it .... do you know the cuase of this problem (stand going over centre & bent) 10 points for the correct answer 5 for a part answer 0 for ignoring !! Regards Jim
  13. Hi David, I would guess abot 1 & 3/4 turns out from home for the mixture screw, but this is subject to the bike running on idle smoothly (some xs400's needed the screw ½ turn out & others nearly 3 turns out to obtain that). With float height if the bike has not had the carbs 'played with' there is a good chance this will be correct, but I guess you have problems with the bike & it may be better to describe the faults rather than asking for specs as you may find that doing that will save you a bit of time as someone else has had the same fault in the past & has fixed it ! Regards Jim
  14. Hi, There is another side to the coin ... perhaps his views (no matter how correct they may or not be) may, from the UK governments point of view, may have caused problems within sections of the UK populace, which in turn may have caused civil unrest in some areas which at the time this rulling was made. I'm sure the UK government at that point knew the Telegraph would be exposing some of them as Conmen/Women and felt that this married to social unrest from allowing some people into the country who may upset factions of the populace was the only 'evil' they had any control over, and perhaps did not want both together. I would guess his ablity to enter the UK would not have made much difference to most UK residents, but as the poo was about to hit the fan it may be deemed that it was one less problem to deal with. But I would guess international politics is well for a motorcycle forum, even tho this is a general chat area ! Regards Jim
  15. Hi Barry, if you have no CB points under the L/H cover & no advance/retard under the right cover I would guess the ignition system has been altered some what ... can you say what lives under the L/H cover and can you find a white wire and aslo an orange wire connected to the ignition system any where ! Regards Jim
  16. Sorry the topic I guess just matured into another !!! Sorry Regards Jim
  17. Hi Drewps, sounds like yours was a basket case !!! having to do the stand as well ! normally it would work without playing with the stand ... but I guess the bikes are somewhat older than I remember and it's not possible to draw a new stand from the stores !! Regards Jim
  18. Hi dont you feel like a twat when you do it tho .... When the Uk government added this reg back in 1881 (ment 1981) the early systems where a bit bizzare ... Kawa AR125 had cables from the clutch lever connected to the side stand (so you could not pull the clutch in until the weight was off the side stand) .. remove the side stand total.... retrofit electrical switches to the side stand & clutch lever but now its sorted this problem should no longer happen ! Regards Jim
  19. Sounds like my kind of event ..... if you want to sponser me to be there your welcome !!!! Regards Jim
  20. Hi Looking at the photo I would guess this to be a picture of the right side of the bike (when sat on it) Which on UK models housed the advance retard unit and the breaker plate was under the left cover. with this the case there is a chance that the total ignition system is different and I'm talking of a totalaly different ignition system .. sorry for my interjection Regards Jim
  21. Hi, can you confirm which bike you are having problems with a DT or WR ? Regards Jim
  22. Hi Dave, the blog is cool but you have not mentioned the 'loose women' & bars. I'm guess there may have been some on the route Regards Jim
  23. JimR

    FZR 1000 EXUP??

    YZF750's & Thunderace's where not born in my day but as the engines are different I would guess that the processor that controls the valve would be different so you may find the hardware to fit (exhaust pipes, valve, cover & cables etc) but finding the correct (or a one that will work) controler may be a bit difficult ! Regards Jim
  24. Hi Mark, thats fine ... I would be interested to see what the fault is as I guess the bike you have is somewhat different to the UK spec ones!! Regards Jim
  25. I woold have thought it might have prefered an big mac and fries .. no accounting for taste !!! Regards Jim
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