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Everything posted by JimR

  1. Hi, you could test geni output buy testing the voltage across the white wires from the geni .. but as you are getting a charge it may be worth checking out the volt reg & rectifier first .... As you have a book of words (clymer) the techniques will be explained there. Regards Jim
  2. Got it .... how true !!!!
  3. Hi Alec, dont forget to adjust the chain at its 'tight spot' if adjusted elsewhere the 2cm deflection could be zero at the tight spot dependant on how worn the transmission is. If you are a heavy person/ride 2 up it may be worth putting some extra slack in the chain as it will over tighten with the weight or adjusting the chain while sat on the bike (off the stand) in order to obtain the correct tension. If your sat on the bike when the adjustment is made (still at the tight spot) you could have deflection of say 1 cm instead Regards Jim
  4. Hi Alec, not really just makes the gear change sloopy & the ears ring as the chain hits the chain guard.... An over tight chain will cause some power loss (amongst other things ). Regards Jim
  5. Hi, I would guess this is a short time so far as the part may be coming from another part of the world .. years ago Yamaha could not supply a part for about 2 months (it had to be made, the factory was out of stock) and Yamaha did pay some compo to the bike owner and some to me for having the bike in my workshop for that long ! So first off I would talk to Yamaha UK to try to work out where the part you require is and they should be able to give you an eta for it, Then if you feel the eta is too long perhaps you could mention that you are incurring costs through not having a bike etc etc. The dealer I guess has said 'dont call us we'll call you ? and I guess they are upset that your bike is in their store and should get in touch when the part is in stock but they should perhaps chasing Yamaha on your behalf and keeping you updated if not I would guess a visit to them also would not go a miss ... let us know what goes on Regards Jim
  6. I still can see nothing .. oh well perhaps the rual servers take a bit of time to update us ! Regards Jim
  7. Hi Merv There was no content to the message . nothing to say ? Regards Jim
  8. Hi Mark and Harley .... or did you mean that with the ref to Briggs & Stratton ? Regards Jim
  9. Hi Mike, I had a Bonnie new in 1979 , I know not an original one, which within 4 months was changed for an XS650S which did what it was advertised to do which, sadley, the Bonnie didn't Regards Jim
  10. Hi Loopy_lot The problem was caused by the bike being put on the main stand wrong ! (dragging on to the stand using the handle bars rather than the grab rail ) Which in turn put too much strain on the stand/frame & pin. tbh the repair is not too bad to do (as long as you have access to a welder). You may find that with the spring not holding tension the frame may be ok and it's down to a pin and main stand ... in saying that you have brake pedal wobble the frame is likley to have wear ! sorry Regards Jim
  11. Hi atocp let us know how you get on !! Regards Jim
  12. Hi Paul Perhaps its a DT175 'maxim' Regards Jim
  13. Hi Mike XT=S/moto MT=Road I would guess the S/moto is more fun to ride over a std road bike when you are young ... back years I had an XT500/XT600Z (both) and an XS650S I must admit I perfered the XT's then but all things considered now (some what older) I guess I would perfer the XS650 ... I guess its an age thing Regards Jim
  14. JimR


    hmmm I did my test on an RD200 and had to stick with it for a while till I could afford the next bike which did teach me how to ride with a pillon and poo handling ... so when I had the XS650S it was so simple to ride ... but running a moped to a large bike may end up in trouble ! Regards Jim
  15. if you class the XT as a wheelie bin so be it ... but I still perfer that bike a bit above the MT Regards Jim
  16. Hi Mike I've seen that too.... along with 'adjustments' to the side tread but they are beyond it ! Regards Jim
  17. Worth a try you may never know where that would end up Regards Jim
  18. Adding them from build up was a pain ..... there is little wonder they were not replaced ! Regards Jim
  19. and it looks somewhat 'more cool' Regards Jim
  20. Hi, if that happens the battery is not up too much, it is good to remember the bike does need to be running in order for the electrics to work correctly. The best thing you can do is to get the engine running & sort the wirring from there ... There is some chance there is nothing wrong bar the engine not running and a below par battery. Pulling the loom of the bike & trying to trouble shoot/get it working outside the frame will give you more a load more work and prduce errors that did not exist when the loom was insitu via it's earths not being sound. So the first thing to do is to run the engine ... or do you have a problem where the engine will not run ? Regards Jim
  21. do you really wnat to ride a chair ??? cred will drop to the same as Gordon Brown's and you'll pull the birds who are into saving the planet & always carry a tartan flask .... do you really want that ??? I guess not best thing to do is to keep solo ! Regards Jim
  22. Hi Atocp the main lights will not light without the engine running so i guess you will need to get the engine running to check them out ... but check where the loom passes under the bottom yoke for breaks as you may switch the main lights on (position II on the main switch) and blow the lot. I would guess you have a sticking/incorrectly adjusted brake light switch or a worn frame to allow the rear brake light to stay on until you move the rear brake pedal. Regards Jim
  23. Good Choice !!! the XT is a bit better as far as I'm concerned ... sorry MT owners ! Regards Jim
  24. hmm looking at the photo perhaps you should be looking at a Venture Royale Regards Jim
  25. Oh forgot to add the older DT's did not have a chain tensioner as STD Regards Jim
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