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Everything posted by mervin

  1. max speed 90 kph/56mph in france for a year after passing your test, roundabouts are not too bad the road leads you into them, junctions are worse, make sure you do not ride into oncoming traffic, an experienced rider on the honda XRV forum has just done this and ridden head on into a truck, he is alive and has been medivaced home but is in a bad way merv
  2. mervin


    Have a word with trading standards, if you bought it as that guaranteed mileage then you have a good case, if there was a disclaimer on the clock then you do not have a leg too stand on, i never believe speedos anymore, 1 have 2 brand new 1970.s Rd speedos in my stock pile 2 i have changed speedos on all kinds of things before cars bikes etc, always keep the original and give it too any new owner though, and a record of the mileage on the replacment clock 3 the latest electronic speedos supposed to be more difficult to clock are easiest of the lot , there are adverts all over the place for people that will do it Merv
  3. He He HE just went for a spin on the diesel, can=me up behind a queue of slow moving cars, as i starts too overtake the back one a largish BMW pulls out one from the front too overtake off he goes like scalded cat, as i pass the front car on a straight bit of road BMW driver is braking like hell, nothing in front of him, all of a suddenly i realise we have a rarity he uses his mirror, i am wearing a green reflective jacket, He He follows him through a village sticking religously to speed limits and through a 4 mile 40 mph on the A39 into bude bet he was crapping himself merv
  4. yes they are cheap and that sums it up, the engines are not genuine dont ever believe they are no matter what anyone tells you, off road messing around yes ok but look after it watch all the fixings etc, check them for coming loose, but do not expect it to last, i have been told that genuine parts will fit them as they are copies but do not know for sure on that, and I had the owner of Cardiff motorcycles a big bike breaker at my house recently, he said all they do with the chinese bikes that come in is cut them in half and throw them in the skip merv
  5. i think a fair compromise is the conti escape, i had em on my honda SLR and they do both jobs reasonably well,they will never be the same as out and out knobblies off road, but will be a lot better on the road avon distnazias are similar but more expensive and not quite so good off road i find merv
  6. 99 mph is a good figure being nicked at 100 mph mean you lose your licence 99 you will ust get points and a fine,if you want more fun buy an older bike, kawaski s3 goes like stink handles like shit more fun than stuffing rabid ferrets down ya trousers merv
  7. mervin

    Letter bombs

    first Aerlingus flight into heathrow, pilot michael says to co pilot "Seamus dat runway looks a bit short too me", seamus says, "but just look how wide it is Michael" how can you tell an aer lingus pilot?? the gold stirpes on the top of his wellies, Oh i was talking to my mate from Belfast the other night, apparently it is now twinned with Beirut. (this is old) he said his wife had just started a new job as rear gunner on the milk float, what was the fastest game in the world in the 1970,s pass the parcel in an irish pub. right i am going to shutup before i start on about mountbattens plimsolls i will get my coat
  8. mervin

    old gits

    Two old bikers are in a bar. They both have had a successful life and have done well with there businesses. They start arguing about who has the biggest house and property. Finally after a couple of hours there is no real end to who has what. One of them says.......I'll tell you what, I can get on my old Harley at sunrise and ride till sunset and I still wont have reached the end of my property. The other old biker puts his beer down, looks at his friend, and says.........I know just what you mean, I had an old Harley like that once. __________________
  9. children behave please, now anyone can do these things unintentionally, achieving a decent wheelie is not something i claim to have done, but having seen pics of the late great Dave Taylor wheelying a puch maxi across a beach in a 3 piece suit, collar, tie and crash helmet, i know anything is possible, do it sensibly in the right place, in Dave Taylors case the isle of man circuit, the whole circuit i am told, including jumping ballaugh bridge on the back wheel, and before anyone refers too Mr Taylor as a hooligan he was one of the loudest voices when it came to motorcycle safety campaigns in his day. oh and he did not die as a result of a bike accident either merv
  10. mervin


    Hi Dan welcome to the madhouse sound like your rieju seized up too me. highly tuned is great for speed but does nothing for longevity i have found, merv
  11. remove left cover take clutch apart noting order the plates came out in, clean em up and reassemble, but if you have water in the box then you will need to inspect the lot for corrosion, possibly complete tear down time merv
  12. In word NO, the amount of have you poles etc going through dover in a day? if one in a thousand are stopped and searched that is all, merv
  13. FORD ( Fix Or Repair Daily)
  14. i usually hold the pump wide open with the cable to prime it with engine ticking over. if you want the smell a small splash of castrol R in the petrol tank will do the trick and cause no harm and give yo the smell merv
  15. framptons plates great guys used em twice recently very helpful . also there is a firm in essex called tippers that do em
  16. I am off too work this morning but will eagerly await this report and pics merv
  17. aha i remember David Blunkett bought it for £5000 to clear up behind hid guide dog merv
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