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Everything posted by mervin

  1. Xs250/400 and Rd250/400 has 18" fronts, came standard with 300/18 tyres i used to run 360/18.s on em as seen here on my mate Pauls 400e, they will take a double disc and i have one in my shed that can come your way for a few beer tokens if you are in the uk
  2. mervin

    Lift or drag?

    Chateneuf du pape old boy
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  4. mervin

    Lift or drag?

    If you get enough lift to reduce the weight of the car it will reduce your traction. if you have traction control it will drive that crazy, also you may find yourself drifting of across the autoroute into the crash barrier as you lose traction, now this will endear you to all the french drivers around, A Rosbif joining in their national sport of barrier bending avec un voiture, but will go down like a lead balloon with your wife and family, who you ,may find actually matter more to you than you think at this point.also if you have imbibed too many of the aforementioned John Smiths monsieur le Gendarme will take your licence and throw it into the nearest river never to be seen again and ask for lots of money to fund the next Gendarme summer barbecue back at the hotel de police, and their drink drive limit is lower than ours believe it or not,
  5. some had 5/8" master cylinder, some 14mm, the usa model RD,s had the 14 mm master cylinder, but they should all work the calipers ok merv
  6. all i can add to that is by opting out you are giving them your number which there is a fair chance they do not have, seems like a good scam for harvesting numbers too me, remember the number calling you is displayed on your phone, anything witheld or i do not like the look of i reject nowadays merv
  7. i am not sure if the 400 one will be up too the job if your 500 has twin discs up font, but if it is single then fine i reckon rebuild the XS one as well, or a more modern one will go on , recently clssic mechanics did a projest on a Rd250 to attempt too get it too do 120 mph, they used a more modern front mastercylinder and said the braking was greatly improved merv
  8. mervin

    Whats it worth?

    dont worry it comes with age, as you get older you will be able to multi task sneeze, piss and shit yourself all at the same time merv
  9. umm yes angle grinders and letter /number stamps all available from www.axminster.co.uk merv
  10. the lidl ones (when they have them) are good for their price and generously sized merv
  11. WTF are you smoking Barky, any how in short drill the heads off if ya get caught doing it in the street make sure you have the proof of ownership with ya is what mr barking mad jammer is saying i thing, anus horribulis rectumus stincus etc Merv
  12. Vic do you have a parts list for your bike ??? if so check that, but what happens is that yamaha change model designations every year but very often the old parts/part numbers are still used, and the updated parts get the new numbers some of the last 1970/80 Rd,s were still using parts fitted to the old YR5/DS7 in the engines and they had the same part numbers all the way through Merv
  13. dunno but i always use non resistor caps on my Rd,s interferes with the telly a bit but i am not watching it when i am riding the bike andi do not trust resistor plugs either they do not seem too last very long merv
  14. angle grinder and skip required merv
  15. dunno if you can get dun,lop K82,s over there they are good and should come in those sizes or michelin M45,s merv
  16. sudco maybe a god place to start looking for bits merv
  17. mervin

    Sad news

    It has been announced by Writebike (Chris Pearson) on the Rd club forum that Rod Gibson editor of classic motorcycle mechanics has passed away this weekend , i will for sure miss him a whole lot more than a certain other person deceased this week merv :cry2: :cry2:
  18. agence communication Paris Lyon Graphéine
  19. He's being melted down and recycled into a playstation -- so kids can still play with him His Ghost has been found wandering the children's ward. He was trying to put the Willies up them ! Apparently his heart attack was brought on by him tripping over a pram, Doctors say its too early to "Blame it on the buggy" ! Some say it was food poisoning as he's been eating 12 year old nuts... Apparently it wasn't a heart attack...He was found in the children's ward having a stroke ! What's the difference between him and Alex Ferguson. Ferguson will be playing Giggs in August.. He hasn't been this stiff since McCauley Culkin stayed over ! He managed to whisper on his way to hospital to the paramedics...Could you put me in the children's ward. Doctors believe his heart attack was hereditary problem, the think he had a defective Billy Gene. Jockeys at tomorrows race meeting will wear black armbands out of respect for Jacko who successfully rode more 3 year olds than anyone in living history.. What a coincidence, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson dying on the same day. One played with Majors, the other played with Minors..
  20. Farrah fawcett died earlier the same day, and when she got to the pearly gates st peter said she could have one wish.....she said she wanted the children of the world to be safe..............
  21. I heard it was not a heart attack but he drowned he was found bobbing up and down on a buoy whats the difference between Alex Ferguson and M J Fergie will still be playing Giggs in august
  22. yes i beleive the XS was single front downtube possibly with the engine aa a part of the frame, so no dont bother i would say, sen a 400 in an FS1E pressed steel frame !!!! Merv
  23. Création de logotype Graphéine
  24. mervin

    :S pig sick

    Stop worrying if they had nothing better than that to do why were they out in a car in the first place merv
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