Oil/fossil fuels will still be needed, to power the power staions to charge these white elephants , solar panesl are useless at night , windmills are useless if the winds stops blowing , to much hype about green energy goes on, There is a village near us that decided to go for al the options windmill solar panels, heat exchangers ,
they had an open day a couple of years ago, they sat us down and lectured what the costs where, how much they where saving etc, i did a few quick calculaitons in my head, and when he asked if antone had anything to say i said did you workout how longit wil take to pay al this back on savings etc ,
there was a silence and i said i have roughly worked it out withut any maintenance /replacments of units just on your original costs and calculated savings it will take 180 years, and yuo tell us the windmill only has an effctive life of about 35 years ,
then came all the spiel about thats not the point etc etc .
Oh I have air source central heating, the car farting produces more heat so i feed him pickled onions now , the bloody thing uses immersion heaters to back it up in cold weatther