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VOTED :rolleyes:

mate of mine posted this on another site and i thought i would pass it on and try and get the votes up:

My mate Simon was involved a few years back in a very bad bike accident and as he says now 'I used to walk the walk and talk the talk, now I just fall over and mumble'. He has a really good attitude over what has happened to him although he now spends most of his time in front of a computer.

Now hes entered his pet in a online comp and so If I can ask you just to vote for his dog Sam...


I think it will cheer him up a bit when he gets loads of votes...so if you can pass it on.


:D:rolleyes: hope u win or is that [woof woof woof]in dog .good luck . y av good frends. beza [joe] :lol:

mate of mine posted this on another site and i thought i would pass it on and try and get the votes up:

My mate Simon was involved a few years back in a very bad bike accident and as he says now 'I used to walk the walk and talk the talk, now I just fall over and mumble'. He has a really good attitude over what has happened to him although he now spends most of his time in front of a computer.

Now hes entered his pet in a online comp and so If I can ask you just to vote for his dog Sam...


I think it will cheer him up a bit when he gets loads of votes...so if you can pass it on.


voted hope not to late good luck :D

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mervinPosted Today, 05:26 PM

HMMM not sure about vote rigging well suppose it worked for George W and Mr R Mugabe , nice pooch got my vote anyway


bezaPosted Today, 12:18 PM

QUOTE (Goff @ Apr 8 2008, 08:19 PM)

mate of mine posted this on another site and i thought i would pass it on and try and get the votes up:

My mate Simon was involved a few years back in a very bad bike accident and as he says now 'I used to walk the walk and talk the talk, now I just fall over and mumble'. He has a really good attitude over what has happened to him although he now spends most of his time in front of a computer.

Now hes entered his pet in a online comp and so If I can ask you just to vote for his dog Sam...


I think it will cheer him up a bit when he gets loads of votes...so if you can pass it on.


hope u win or is that [woof woof woof]in dog .good luck . y av good frends. beza [joe]

grisler54Posted Today, 11:57 AM


itsnotmePosted Today, 09:49 AM


TazR6Posted Yesterday, 10:57 PM


beowulfPosted Yesterday, 07:15 PM

QUOTE (Goff @ Apr 8 2008, 08:19 PM)

mate of mine posted this on another site and i thought i would pass it on and try and get the votes up:

My mate Simon was involved a few years back in a very bad bike accident and as he says now 'I used to walk the walk and talk the talk, now I just fall over and mumble'. He has a really good attitude over what has happened to him although he now spends most of his time in front of a computer.

Now hes entered his pet in a online comp and so If I can ask you just to vote for his dog Sam...


I think it will cheer him up a bit when he gets loads of votes...so if you can pass it on.


job done nice one for a friend

scousePosted Yesterday, 04:56 PM

Yep got mine !!!

GoffPosted Yesterday, 04:42 PM

Thank you all.

I shall let you know how the voting goes and what the results are.

R1evadPosted Yesterday, 03:59 PM

X In the box

yodaPosted Apr 9 2008, 01:59 PM

Pleased to be able to help.

Review the complete topic (launches new window)

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Hi Goff

Voted and good luck to Simon.

All the best


voted for the doggy

all the best for your mate

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