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wouldn't work on an LED though, but you can try

Fabulous! :biglaugha:

Had never heard of her until about a week ago when she became extremely popular up here

She was abhorrant the other year too, after the Clutha helicopter accident.

She is, almost without fail, vile and offensive. A comedian has recently said, about her, "I can't decide whether you're a worse person than a convicted paedophile"

I think the worst punishment for her would be to allow her to fade into obscurity. She craves attention, and doesn't care how she gets it.

I've no idea who she is, but I love father jack... and Dougal is a crack up. :)

She's all that's wrong with Fox News, rolled up into a single person.

  • Moderator

and the stupid cow came from Bideford near me , so glad she fucked off out of the area , or i may have had to go fuck her with the rough end of a pineapple

I think she is a breath of fresh air. No politically correct BS with her. She wanted to prove that fat folk can lose weight if they want to, so she piled on the pounds and then lost it again (i lost 3.5 stone last year and when i got on with it, it wasn't hard). She represents a lot of folk who are hacked off with gobshites like Russell Brand. I have no problem with her denouncing the Islamification of Western Europe, I think we are on a slippery slope.

It's worth remembering she only says things; pious idiots like Esther Rantzen talk a good liberal game, but said bugger-all when she knew full well Savile was buggering-all.

What she says is definitely not politically correct, but it's still bullshit.

She represents a deluded upper-middle class, who think those in working classes are sub-human.

She is a hypocrite and a fool [children shouldn't be named after geographical locations? What's you daughter's name, Hopkins?]

The fat thing? It's a gross simplification. Some people can sneeze and lose weight, others will put it on by just looking at food. Just because she was able to put on weight and lose it easily, does not make it the same for others.

As for Brand? I have to say, much of what he is saying currently is bang on the money - those struggling to get by are being held down in that position by the government and its policies. He's managed to break free of that, and is using his fame to speak out for those who remain. He regularly donates to charity and good causes.

And the Islamification? It's not happening as much as people are led to believe. But, countries should not have laws dictated by any religion's doctrines - that is the slippery slope, and one we've been on for a long time, anyway.

She's addicted to fame, and as long as she gets attention, she will continue to spew her bile.

What she says is definitely not politically correct, but it's still bullshit.

She represents a deluded upper-middle class, who think those in working classes are sub-human.

She is a hypocrite and a fool [children shouldn't be named after geographical locations? What's you daughter's name, Hopkins?]

The fat thing? It's a gross simplification. Some people can sneeze and lose weight, others will put it on by just looking at food. Just because she was able to put on weight and lose it easily, does not make it the same for others.

As for Brand? I have to say, much of what he is saying currently is bang on the money - those struggling to get by are being held down in that position by the government and its policies. He's managed to break free of that, and is using his fame to speak out for those who remain. He regularly donates to charity and good causes.

And the Islamification? It's not happening as much as people are led to believe. But, countries should not have laws dictated by any religion's doctrines - that is the slippery slope, and one we've been on for a long time, anyway.

She's addicted to fame, and as long as she gets attention, she will continue to spew her bile.

I'll give you that she is middle-class - I dont have a problem with that, we cant help who bore us. If you read what she says you will see you is supportive of working-class people, but not those who choose not to work. She joined the army and got a commision; guys I went to school with did this, I dont consider them or my cohort upper-middle class. I had a working class upbringing and live in one of the most deprived postcodes in SW England.

Brand is revolting, he squared up to a 'banker' who turned out to be subcontractor on a very average wage. He failed to respond the complainants rebuttle, because he is all mouth and no trousers. Brand seems unkeen to go for election, I take the reasonable view, whatever we think of government if we want to change it we need to do it via democratic means, not low-rent TV shows. My opinion of Brand mirrors your opinion of Hopkins, somewhat ironically. It would not surprised me if Hopkins also donates regularly to charity, who knows lots of people do it anonymously.

As for terrorism, I work with a number of Somalians, they are as concerned as many of us are that the PC-governments of the last 15 years have allowed islamofascism to grow, unhindered in the name of liberalism - they feel terrible when incidents like today happen, they shouldnt have too. Killing a group of cartoonists because they exercise their right to free speech, seems like nazism to me, but when i want to discuss it I tend to get called a racist, god knows why. It's easy to think that Islamic Terrorism is still isloated, but the press blow it up to be bigger, but Belgium, UK, Germany, France and Spain have all seen some diabolical attacks against innocent bystanders. I don't think trying to normalise it is healthy.

btw I don't sneeze and lose weight, but if we don't challenge obesity our kids face lives ridden with health-problems and much shorter life expectancy - it is timebomb and every discussion no matter how radical should be part of addressing the long term health crisis.

She's upper-middle in that she has managed to get money [or at least pretends to have money]

She judges people purely on their name, showing more of her snobbery [because appearances are what matter to her]

An army commission isn't what makes her upper-middle, and that is something that is open to people of all levels of class [although, easier for those in the higher classes] - my brother was in the army, for instance, and I'm definitely not middle class.

If this is the 'squaring up' that I think you mean [middle December?] he did respond, and quite in depth. If it's something else, got an article so I can have a look?

He also doesn't want to go for election because he's "scared of becoming one of them." He would rather galvanise others to take action, ones who would have previously sat on their hands.

Hopkins may or may not donate to charity - no easy evidence to find [but not discounting anonymous] - but there have been cases where she's stolen the thunder from charity events, just to get more limelight.

Terrorism should never be normalised, and nor should people be scared to speak out against any religious beliefs, as people have come to be regarding Islam. It's telling about someone's beliefs if, when challenged or mocked, they get aggressive...

She's upper-middle in that she has managed to get money [or at least pretends to have money]

She judges people purely on their name, showing more of her snobbery [because appearances are what matter to her]

An army commission isn't what makes her upper-middle, and that is something that is open to people of all levels of class [although, easier for those in the higher classes] - my brother was in the army, for instance, and I'm definitely not middle class.

If this is the 'squaring up' that I think you mean [middle December?] he did respond, and quite in depth. If it's something else, got an article so I can have a look?

He also doesn't want to go for election because he's "scared of becoming one of them." He would rather galvanise others to take action, ones who would have previously sat on their hands.

Hopkins may or may not donate to charity - no easy evidence to find [but not discounting anonymous] - but there have been cases where she's stolen the thunder from charity events, just to get more limelight.

Terrorism should never be normalised, and nor should people be scared to speak out against any religious beliefs, as people have come to be regarding Islam. It's telling about someone's beliefs if, when challenged or mocked, they get aggressive...

So Russell Brand who also 'managed to get money' is also upper-middle class? if i use your metric, yes. Perhaps using class labels is divisive?

Can you post a link to Brand's response? Here is the link to Brand getting owned: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/disgruntled-rbs-worker-writes-hilarious-open-letter-to-russell-brand-after-anticapitalist-publicity-stunt-leaves-him-hungry-9930135.html Brand should really not be getting up in people's faces - if he did that in this neck of the woods he be on in ass in a flash, fair play to the victim of his daft stunt who kept their cool.

Isn't Brand one of them? didn't he become of them when he decided to appear on Newsnight and belittle someone with different views to his own? Did Brand object when Amazon sold his book? no, he doesn't mind them using tax avoidance, if it feathers his own nest.

Brand thrives on grabbing the limelight in some really unsavoury ways. I remember clearly being in my car and hearing Brand (and Ross) make a revolting call to Andrew Sachs, about his grand-daughter, it took the bloke 6 years to apologise.

To paraphrase you, Id love to see Brand 'fade into obscurity', but I suspect he'll be media-whoring himself for a long time, railing against some imagined 'petty bourgoise', all the time getting richer himself.

Admittedly, using classes is divisive. But to me, class is more attitude than money: I know some upper class people who are pretty much skint.

Here's Brand's response to the bank worker: http://www.russellbrand.com/2014/12/8164/

In regards to the Amazon part: I've seen the Sun use similar "Oh, he rents from a tax avoiding landlord in an expensive flat!"

It's not his fault that he makes use - or has to make use - of those who flaunt loopholes. For instance, not using Amazon to sell his book also affects those that want to buy the book [and yes, it does bring him money...]

I remember the fallout from the Sachs thing. I didn't hear it, or listen afterwards, but I did find it very distasteful. And I was very put off by him. But in recent years, he has shown to have matured [from my point of view, at least] and become more caring to others.

6 years is indeed a long time to wait to apologise, and should have come much sooner. Some people take a long time to admit their mistakes - or bring the courage to face them.

Admittedly, using classes is divisive. But to me, class is more attitude than money: I know some upper class people who are pretty much skint.

Here's Brand's response to the bank worker: http://www.russellbrand.com/2014/12/8164/

In regards to the Amazon part: I've seen the Sun use similar "Oh, he rents from a tax avoiding landlord in an expensive flat!"

It's not his fault that he makes use - or has to make use - of those who flaunt loopholes. For instance, not using Amazon to sell his book also affects those that want to buy the book [and yes, it does bring him money...]

I remember the fallout from the Sachs thing. I didn't hear it, or listen afterwards, but I did find it very distasteful. And I was very put off by him. But in recent years, he has shown to have matured [from my point of view, at least] and become more caring to others.

6 years is indeed a long time to wait to apologise, and should have come much sooner. Some people take a long time to admit their mistakes - or bring the courage to face them.

Thanks for the response link - the comments below it say more about Brand than I ever could, I must keep a link to it.

Brand cannot with all good conscience say he 'does not want to become one of them', when his actions suggest he is nu-establishment. You could easily say the banking system flaunted loop-holes, you could say the parliamentary expenses system was a loop-hole and these were both thoroughly exploited by the establishment he somehow rejects. If Brand's next production is funded by crowd-sourcing and his next book only sold via his website, I might just believe his hype, but there is no chance of this whatsoever. Perhaps everytime he appears on the BBC (which criminalised 100,000 women last year through it's punative taxation) he uses the cash to buy licenses for a few - we know that won't happen, he'll trouser the money and waltz away in limousine with a smile on his boat.

Brand can only be saluted for one thing: pulling Katy Perry......

I believe that you could take the above postings and change the two names around (Brand and Hopkins, not pilninggas and captf) and they would be just as valid

So, that makes three of us that just found it funny then? :shakeno:

Make that 4 Katie I too was rather amused!

Mrs Doyle is my favourite.

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