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More years ago than I care to remember when my daughter was 16 I bought her a twist and go so she could get to collage, the price of the bike included a days training and the CBT test but they would only deliver it to the training centre, unfortuantly she failed the test so I had to ride it home. I will never forget riding that thing, just about got to 30 flat out, no chance of accelerating out of trouble, I tell a couple of times it really put the shits up me. anyway after spending hours in the local sainsbury's car park teaching her how to ride and of course riding it back to the training centre she passed her CBT and I vowed never to go near one again.

My xs250, although funnily enough it never started off that way. I was chuffed to f**k the day I bought it and negotiated my way through a city I had only ever visited on a train (no training required then). Anyway my relationship went down hill quite steadily until it got to the point I wanted to burn the feggin thing

One time I had just got it resprayed and was going to pick up my gf, when I stopped the bike to wait for her the thing wouldn't start again.I got so frustrated with it I hit it a kick on the freshly painted tank only to leave a perfect Doc Marten footprint, which then became a talking point and was still there when I sold it

In hindsight if the interweb and this forum was about then I reckon I could have had a better time with the auld bi*ch

Honda 400T, awful frigging thing looked proper eye candy but rode like an oil tanker brakes made of the fluff you find under the bed and bolts made from some sort of Japanese toffee. Guy who bought it was over the moon about it. I really felt bad that I told him it was a great bike but by that time I would have sold my soul to get rid of it. :shakeno:

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XT350. A bugger to start hot if I had left the petcock on. Slow! It would have been quicker to walk. It lasted a couple of weeks and I PX'ed it

Suzuki GS500.
Was given an unmodded one for the DAS course I failed.
I said from the very start that I was not comfy on it and could not reach to operate the controls properly. Ended up stalling several times at a roundabout entrance, the last of which bumped me across the white line and failed me the test.

900 iliminator, [ kwak] heavy- and the carbs were a bitch to remove,and always pissed fuel , fker of a thing, :eusa_snooty:

1976 cb 360 t honda I think they forgot to put brakes on it from the factoy,horibal in the wet. It was my first road bike and I wanted the suzuki gt 250 2t ram air,but dad and the sales man talked me out of it because it was a 2t " you no thoes things blow up" bla bla.was happy to see it go.

2nd place a nsr 400 v3 honda look great and that was the only good part about the bike. FN thing was slow cramped riding position so embarresing to get blown away by my old rz 350 (yes my own bike I sold to buy that POS)

You should have tried the auld trick of calling her by the wifes name, then held on tight

You should have tried the auld trick of calling her by the wifes name, then held on tight


Worst ride? A BSA C11 that belonged to friend of mine. Slow as a funeral, non-existant brakes & it was painted that horrible maroon colour! The only bike I,ve ever ridden that had absolutely no redeeming features what so ever.....

picked up a kwak zrx400 for my brother when he won it on ebay, I'm just not used to low handlebars my wrist were killing me when I got off, I felt like foamy would feel after a hen night! :razz:

KTM 640, great fun on the twisty rd's but that's where it ended, it used to shake like a shiting dog. I had to take a tube of locktite and an adjustable spanner on every outing.

Kwaka Gpz600. The only bike I wasn't sorry to see the back of.

ZZR600 - Most uncomfortable bike I've ever ridden. Thought it was great on local runs then did my first longish trip on it (140 miles) and I was in bits by the time we got home! Knees, back, wrist and even my elbows hurt! Not to mention the fact the 5th gear was missing... That one really didn't last very long

Honda CY50 in my teens in Greece. Horrid little thing with small fat wheels, handled like riding a greased pig, with about as much power as an aneamic snail.

  • 3 weeks later...

Ybr 125

Started it after winter finding a big hole in exhaust prior to advertising for sale, decided to ride to work to sleeve and weld it, got about 1 mile hit the brake and the engine cut out, no power.

step dad was following me in the car and we charged the battery for 5 minutes got going again, got to a roundabout indicated and... engine cut out.

2 more cut outs on the way (13 mile ride on an a road)

Got to work welded her up, cleaned her and did an oil change.

Discovered the alternator plug wasn't plugged in.

Worst ride I've had

Moto gussie 750 Nevada,looked beautifull but was gutless for a750cc bike.agree with earlier posting re,honda 400 superdog,most uncomfortable thing i'v ever slung my leg over and when you get to my age you've slung yer leg over some dogs !

Ride home from Loughborough to Sandiacre. Intermittent electrical fault on the yx600, at the last set of lights before joining the M1at Kegworth, the damned thing cut, no power, stopped on green in the central lane, HGVs flying past both sides, lights change to red, stationery HGVs now both sides so cant get to the side of the road either now. Dismounted, when the first truck on my left had past me, I just legged it to the side and hoped the next HGV would slow a little, made it ok. Then pushed the bike 2 miles on a red hot day to my daughters house, was cold when I left home in the morning so Idput my sheepskin on. Absolutely dripping wet when I got there as you have to keep the helmet on too

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