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Oh well, back to work today. Only 51 weeks to go till next Christmas.

Yer same here mate, it was one of them mornings for me, 0500hr start, took dog for a walk and she found the biggest muddy puddle in somerset and then the battery dies on my car so had to push it to the wifes car and jump start it :madflame:

  • Moderator

I worked two days last week (nice and quiet) and I'm off this week :)

Bladdy part timers! :eusa_whistle:

I'm still off! no work to go to yet, but it give's me quality time at home as mrs xs is back at work today hahaha

might even boil my carb's while she's out.

  • Moderator

I'm still off! no work to go to yet, but it give's me quality time at home as mrs xs is back at work today hahaha

might even boil my carb's while she's out.

ha ha, that's the way to do it.

did some spraying last night. In the kitchen of course as its too cold in the garage

You guys are so lucky! i got bolloked by 'er in doors for re spoking the wheels on the kitchen table!

aah Noise, you have one of those bespoke kitchens!! :biglaugha:

BOM BOM!! :biglaugha::eusa_doh:

Hope you all enjoy your day's at work, I'm retired so don't go anywhere if it's wet or cold, just spend the day taking the FJ apart and generally getting stuff done at my own pace, not gloating or anything but it's nice to get out of bed at 9;30 and then have an hour for my breakfast before going into my heated garage Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Don't shout cos I'm a lucky git you will get your turn as well !!!

Don't shout cos I'm a lucky git you will get your turn as well !!!

Ha...........yer when im 78 :bawling:

I have a small heater in my garage... Electric bill be damned, I just have to avoid getting caught using it!

Hope you all enjoy your day's at work, I'm retired so don't go anywhere if it's wet or cold, just spend the day taking the FJ apart and generally getting stuff done at my own pace, not gloating or anything but it's nice to get out of bed at 9;30 and then have an hour for my breakfast before going into my heated garage Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Don't shout cos I'm a lucky git you will get your turn as well !!!

Can't wait for December 2016, and I can chuck work in for good. I'll have been at work then for 45 years and have just evaded the changes to retirement age so can finish at 65. It looks as if my income will be reduced by some 2/3rds, as Govt and mis-managed insurance companies have robbed me of significant sums, and been allowed to get away scott free, with only a fraction of the losses paid back "to reduce the threat to the public purse". BUT I AM THE PUBLIC AND ITS MY PURSE THAT HAS BEEN ROBBED.

Ah well, not like you youngsters, be working till 70 soon



They work out retirement age by how old people are living on average (among otherthings) - and let's face it that people who work labour intensive jobs will NOT live as long as office workers.

I'm 21 now and am pretty sure they'll have us working till about 80 for scraps of gov pensions. :madflame:

Well got to work at 5:25 to find front gates being cut through, 4 full large propane bottles gone, a damaged roller shutter a the heavy duty trailer gone and the security cameras pointing to the sky, the cheeky beggars had even stripped a large amount of steel work off the trailer as it was converted to carry window frames, the base was a plant trailer. So apart from being the first day back for manufacturing I had to sort this little lot out too, police were on time, they made an appointment to come between 8 and 9 o'clock at arrived at 08:15, appointments pff whats the world coming to.

I worked my normal 4 on 4 off, so was working both Christmas and New Year. Back again tomorrow, ho hum

LOL kids have been off school for 2 weeks and today suposed to be first day back and well........... snow day off ........we got 1.5 feet of snow or more last night and its hasen't stoped yet..vis is about 50 ft right now...storm blew in from the east last night and now its blowing from the west. Saturday it got up to 0c and the deck was clear now 2+ feet of snow,I plowed the lane 4x in the last 24hrs my neighbour just came with his hi ho loader and pushed the snow banks back so I have some place to put more snow.

Just read that its a CND site hosting possibly they are in a power out?1/3 of eastern ontario/canada has been without power since the ice storm weeks ago and myPower has been up and down,, out for 4 hrs middel of the night came on for about 2hrs and its back out again,only thing to do here now is to keep the fire place stoked up and recharge my deep cell batteries....or go fishing? Ya that sounds like a idea might as well pike perch and pickerl are biting on wildwood lake


They work out retirement age by how old people are living on average (among otherthings) - and let's face it that people who work labour intensive jobs will NOT live as long as office workers.

I'm 21 now and am pretty sure they'll have us working till about 80 for scraps of gov pensions. :madflame:

You are absolutely spot on

The wealthy continue to live longer, which bumps up the average. Politicians then use the higher average as justification for raising the working age

Its all about cutting public spending

LOL kids have been off school for 2 weeks and today suposed to be first day back and well........... snow day off ........we got 1.5 feet of snow or more last night and its hasen't stoped yet..vis is about 50 ft right now...storm blew in from the east last night and now its blowing from the west. Saturday it got up to 0c and the deck was clear now 2+ feet of snow,I plowed the lane 4x in the last 24hrs my neighbour just came with his hi ho loader and pushed the snow banks back so I have some place to put more snow.

Just read that its a CND site hosting possibly they are in a power out?1/3 of eastern ontario/canada has been without power since the ice storm weeks ago and myPower has been up and down,, out for 4 hrs middel of the night came on for about 2hrs and its back out again,only thing to do here now is to keep the fire place stoked up and recharge my deep cell batteries....or go fishing? Ya that sounds like a idea might as well pike perch and pickerl are biting on wildwood lake

Just seen a news item on the northern mid west storm, record lows. Take care fishing

Pike and perch - remember catching them up in the Lake District here, ate both types. Pike is a bit earthy, perch was nice.

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