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As it christmas, we thought we'd run a competition. Its similar to last time, this time its guess the key rings in the jug!

Its 1 entry per person and the closing date is the 12th of December. The winner will win £30 of shopping vouchers, if ther is more than 1 correct answer, it will go down to a draw. 3 runners up will get a lovely Flux Babe calender. This is being run over more than 1 forum and if you could PM your guesses please.

Good luck!

(P.S I have Tommy's address still, it may be easier if I just post him the vouchers now)


Never mind guessing, How come I didnt get a keyring when I took out my insurance :eusa_think::eusa_think:

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That is a very clean and tidy desk area. At least I know where my insurance premium is being spent now :wink:

Don't know why I bothered as Tommy will win anyway but his luck has to run out eventually ???????????

I know it says PM but I cant use the vouchers anyway so my guess is 65 just for the fun of it.

I'm in

done mine

I think its 48 now but that's not what I guessed ?

ok, we wait for you to tell us tommy win again :))

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Its winner announcing time............................

I don't understand how this forum is so good at Competitions.............................

There were 2 correct answers, and were both from here, so it went down to a draw out of my coffee mug.

The correct answer was..................84. So it was between Airhead and DTRich.......the winner was...........

Airhead!!!!! Well done!!

DtRich you will get a calendar, as will Noise for his guess of 83. If you could PM address details and I'll get the prizes out ASAP.

Thanks to everyone who entered. Here is a picture of some keyrings.


Congradulations Paul,some extra x mass gift cash, suck it up tommy cant win em all,, just kidding but had you won again I would have said it's fixed

Woohoo!!! In your face Tommy :P ha ha never won a single thing in my life (even if it is for 3rd place ha ha)

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well done boys and nice one Paul :hyper:

I wasn't too far out at 116 :eusa_whistle:

Lee I don't understand the bribe must have got held up in the xmas post

well done Paul, think I said 66

Well done Airhead (even though I was sure I was going to get it this time)! Still, Lee is a very nice man, even if I didn't win... :zwinky:

Hehe what a random guess first thing I have ever won in my life new Calender for the shed lovely will pm my address now

Calendar turned up today thanks looks good in the shed dot worry I haven't put the ladies in a horrible shed its my hide away haha

Dam" i missed this,,,, i was in Newcastle ,,, <_< ..Paul you jammy sod,,,,get a set of new rings for that rattly DT... :yeah:

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