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Hello guys, im new to this form so if you havent seen my post in the newbie section i would just like to say hi :D

I have a bit of a question really:

just got a yamaha xvs 125 and it only goes 60mph. I have looked on the internet and there's people saying they can go about 65-70 how can i get this? is there a way to accelerate and go through the gears that will make it go faster? could it be the fule? if i use the expensive stuff will it go faster? could it be my spedo? you get spedo apps that will tell you the speed should i try this?

If any one has any ideas will be greatly appreciated :D thanks guys ride safe.

Hey there, top speed on a 125 is so subjective. 60 is good.

I got my old 125 up to an indicated 75 once but I had a good breeze pushing me along. Generally my YBR was comfortable at 55, but I could get it up to 65 no problem. Remember:

- your weight and height WILL affect a small CC bike, so take that into consideration.

- some people stretch the truth about their top speeds, don't know why, but they just do.

- others may have removed some unnecessary weight or done some other mods to their bike.

- when you're trying to go as fast as possible, are you tucking down and into the bike like others may be doing? Remember, elbows in will help too!

Regarding fuel, very much open to debate there. I ended up putting Esso premium fuel in my YBR and noticed a difference. However I don't notice any difference in my car or Tiger, so can't really comment.

Some ways you can go faster.

1 Have a shit! even turds have weight

2 take everything out of your pockets, lighter packet of fags and any loose change.

3 cut your hair, top and bottom.

4 strip the bike down to the last nut bolt or washer so that it's barely hanging together.


  • Moderator

Got to agree with the above comments about weight and height. Cruiser style bikes, cc for cc, are normally slower than touring or sports bikes.

A good service may help and you could look at the gearing (sprocket sizes) to make the top end higher. This will affect the acceleration though.

yeah Owen tuck down & get your elbows in, if pos get a mate to take a pic and post it here sound like it would look really funny on a cruiser!

I love this question the replies alway's make me laugh :biglaugha:

Check that you have the standard sized sprockets on the bike first, previous owners may have changed them. Front sprocket should be 16 teeth, rear I think is 38 but you need to double check that as Im not too sure. Check that your chain is correct tension and clean and lubricated, not worn out, check that your sprockets are in good shape, and that brakes are not binding

Mine had no problem touching 70mph on the flat, always used super unleaded, serviced as per the book, no screen, 5ft 6" and 10.5 stone in the birthday suit

Rev it right up in 4th, then drop into 5th

If you get there, dont expect to hold it when you get to an incline

if after doing all this , there isn't any difference . just top yourself.

How old is your xvs? My SR sits at 50 all day long, good acceleration to 55/60 and I have had 65 showing. I've not been on a proper bike long, but 20 years of being in different cars has proved that a 1l Metro will not last long at 80 doing 4k revs all day long, whereas my current 2.2l Primera is very happy doing 90 at only 2.5k revs. In short, rev the shit out of an engine and it will die!

Look at rock stars in the 27 club (and Elvis!) who would probably still be here now if they paced themselves more!

How old is your xvs? My SR sits at 50 all day long, good acceleration to 55/60 and I have had 65 showing. I've not been on a proper bike long, but 20 years of being in different cars has proved that a 1l Metro will not last long at 80 doing 4k revs all day long, whereas my current 2.2l Primera is very happy doing 90 at only 2.5k revs. In short, rev the shit out of an engine and it will die!

Look at rock stars in the 27 club (and Elvis!) who would probably still be here now if they paced themselves more!

!! :crazy:

Ok, poor (and possibly strange) analogy, but I think you know what I'm trying to say!!

Andrew you have a "VERY STRANGE" view of the world !!!

Accelerate normally up from 1st through 2nd & 3rd, up to 4th.

Increase your revs a bit more gradually in 4th and when you hit the top of the powerband, click into 5th.

5th should ease the revving, but not feel quite as responsive as the other 4. Basically, it's your cruising gear.

From here, increase the throttle SLOWLY, taking a good 30 seconds to a minute to reach 3/4 throttle.

By gradually increasing, you'll build more speed. Just be very aware and leave time for your overtakes, etc.

I used to top 74mph on my 125 Drag like this.

I've managed to get mine to just under 70 but as the guys have said the wind was in my favour and I was going down hill.

It's a cruiser, take your time and enjoy the ride. If it's too slow sit the test and move up to a bigger bike.

if after doing all this , there isn't any difference . just top yourself.

Kev!This guys only 17 have you not seen the news lately just hope he has a sense of humour :biglaugha:

Oops .

What I really ment .?

Was !

First thing you fit is a performance exhaust. It improved my top end drastically on my TDM850.

i bet it did on an 850! but on a 125?

if you are old enough to get a bigger bike...do your bloody test and get something with some oommpphh.

If you are stuck with a 125 for a couple of years MAYBE it would be worth considering an after market exhaust, for the tiny bit of extra power....but if that then pushes the bikes power over what you are allowed on L plates you're fucked.

Personally i wouldn't bother unless the original exhaust has rotted and there isn't much difference in the price of an after market verses standard.

How old is your xvs? My SR sits at 50 all day long, good acceleration to 55/60 and I have had 65 showing. I've not been on a proper bike long, but 20 years of being in different cars has proved that a 1l Metro will not last long at 80 doing 4k revs all day long, whereas my current 2.2l Primera is very happy doing 90 at only 2.5k revs. In short, rev the shit out of an engine and it will die!

Look at rock stars in the 27 club (and Elvis!) who would probably still be here now if they paced themselves more!

Life in the fast lane " i understande andre " :yeah:

the secret is to sit very ..............very close to the back of a lorry or bus going faster

seriously if speed means that much

change your bike

Andrew you have a "VERY STRANGE" view of the world !!!


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