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Putting some advice to the test

Belonged to a bike club where one guy was a psychiatric nurse

when his 'patiants' seemed to be ranting that they hadn't got stuff/done well in life

he used to advise them to cherish what they had got as it would make them happier with their lot


Got offerred a Fazer recently by a friend and it has been a great temptation but then nothing wrong with what I have really

The Fazer is a good looking machine and its got the performance though, I had a go, smashing bike and it felt good too!

but I know I can't really afford it, so...

I've been cleaning up one of my bikes, and you know what, i do feel better about turning it down,

it was good advice :spin2:

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Difficult for me.

I have multi personality disorder so none of me can agree anything.

Yes we can!

We do sometimes!

................................................................................................... Told you so!

I'm always described by my wife that im just like Homer Simpson, i do almost every thing on impulse.

Well ive calmed down a lot now but i still get major urges.

If that was me i would have had that Fazer, rode it, got bored of it, sold it for another bike and repeated the process! Ive been through 6 cages in as many years, not from crashes just pure board-dom.

Good advise tho, think i may have to do the same.

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thanks guys

my friend with the Fazer says....

the more powerful the bike the easier it is to ride; powerful bikes make it easier than a less powerful bike and so the rider has an easier time too

but my fear is that I would have come a cropper having little self control

I don't need to make a decision I have a wife for that, if was down to me I'd have 8+ bikes in the garage that I never rode

and probably to skint to ride even one of them. :crazy:

Back in 1991 I joined the Dog Section, and immediately was bombarded with all sorts of advice and information. One older guy took me aside and told me 'never mind all that, heres my advice...Trust no cnut above the rank of Dog'

I have held on to that sage offering ever since.

My auld mates favourite saying was 'spick and span...Dangerous man. Bag of shite...mans' alright' yea you've guessed it, he was a bag of shite.

you obviously love your wife very much tommy - good for you, that's how it should be

cheers Ian, yes I do, but I do still look at other ...........bikes!!

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Back in 1991 I joined the Dog Section, and immediately was bombarded with all sorts of advice and information. One older guy took me aside and told me 'never mind all that, heres my advice...Trust no cnut above the rank of Dog'

I have held on to that sage offering ever since.

My auld mates favourite saying was 'spick and span...Dangerous man. Bag of shite...mans' alright' yea you've guessed it, he was a bag of shite.

wise words

best advise i ever got

"Never trust anything that bleeds for 7 days and does'nt die!!!"

Gizmo that's horrible!!!

Ian, at 21 I knew it all and told the world so, now I'm 60+ and know I don't but trying to make up for lost time, I will be the smartest corpse in the cemetery.

  • Moderator

thanks guys

my friend with the Fazer says....

the more powerful the bike the easier it is to ride; powerful bikes make it easier than a less powerful bike and so the rider has an easier time too

but my fear is that I would have come a cropper having little self control

Not easier to ride just easier to go fast on. Its why i love the tdr.

Its light, handles exquisitely and makes anything bigger seem numb and flat. As well as being able to ride it at 9 10ths of my ability for a massive buzz without actually being that illegal.

I know of nothing i could change it for thats for certain. Cept maybe another ratty one for the winter.

Only thing big bikes do better is miles.

One older guy took me aside and told me 'never mind all that, heres my advice...Trust no cnut above the rank of Dog'

love it, and wise words :D

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Not easier to ride just easier to go fast on. Its why i love the tdr.

Its light, handles exquisitely and makes anything bigger seem numb and flat. As well as being able to ride it at 9 10ths of my ability for a massive buzz without actually being that illegal.

my only big bike was a Suzuki GT750 'kettle' it was top heavy, back brake was poor, heavy to manoeuvre and had an upright riding position so you would tend to get blown off the back as the rider was like a sail in the wind...but it did sit on the road well, felt stable and grounded once bowling along..


this is a picture of my friend riding it (I bought the bike off him late0

on taking advice, does anybody remember the CAT code?

One of those highway ditties, it stands for 'Concentrate, anticipate, Tolerate'

quite a good watchword phrase for life in general as well as the road

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