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Just sitting there waiting for lights to change, feels slightly awkward at times lol. I don't usually go down to neutral so my left hand is always holding the clutch in. My right hand is also usually on the handle bar but it's free to move around and sometimes I pretend to check my pockets - even though I know they are closed :P. Maybe test my glove fitting and majority of the time I'd be looking around, having a sneaky peak into the vehicle(s) next to me. What do you riders do :D?

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  • Ttaskmaster

    Usually: Check mirrors periodically. Stare up at lights and sigh. Click into Neutral and drum on tank (I'm a drummer, so we're always tapping on something). If I feel the need to rev the bike and

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    wild foamy

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    my life plays out before me, i wonder, what if and maybe if i had done that and ponder, that .....................................i could have been somebody... then there's hooting, oh yea

after sailing passed all traffic to front of lights, take a sneaky perv peek at local females vicinity, trying not to think the bloke next to me has a better bike, working out my next route away from lights to avoid all cars and hoping to god i haven't put it in neutral and rev like mad but no go on green :jossun:

I used to leave my YBR in 1st, unless I knew I'd be there for a very long time, but that's only because the gearbox was a little funny and finding neutral was sometimes difficult. But other than that I just used to look around, checking my mirrors occasionally to see if there were any potential hazards emerging behind me. I don't bother with pretending like I'm doing anything else though.

My Tiger is a much nicer gearbox, so I'm getting into the habit of popping it into neutral - the fuel tank is so ridiculously high it makes for a nice place to rest my arms.

But that's it really for me, having a look about, including what's happening behind me. Pretty boring I suppose!

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Nicely put there twincle ;).

I rest my right hand on the tank sometimes but it just looks wrong without both arms and I can't be arsed popping to neutral lol. I just get the feeling that everyone is watching, so I feel compelled to do something to keep everyone entertained, the weirdo that I am.

I put in neutral just if I think I will stay a bit on red light and just after I check my back to see if the female in that land rover finish her sms before are to close by me. after this, i`m looking left-right for nice girls, sometime I open my visor, if is to hot and sometime if I think I need to do this, I rev my engine to warn the drivers near me i`m here and I have a 950 midnight star so don`t f with me. :D

So far in this thread... we are all pervs!

Why thank you for your kind compliment, we've never even met too :facelick:

rev shit out of the bike, check out hot chicks and throw wanker signs at BMW drivers- nod at other bikers.

I'm not sure, just wait there i guess- iv no mirrors so i cant keep spinning my head around to check out the lady in the car behind me lol. Just be British and queue patiently B)

Sit still, watch the lights on the opposing junctions to get an early warning that your lights are going to change, no blipping throttles, no acknowledging the tosser in the Audi who thinks you want to race. Opposing lights change, final check you're in first, lights go Red/Amber start moving clutch out and raise revs so as soon as they're green you're gone ........ watch Audi become small dot in mirrors.

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The "waiting for nod" at the biker on the other side can get a bit awkward. I try not to stare at the rider until the lights go green and I'm just passing.

Similar scenario here KirriePete, except I'm usually the small dot in the mirror while the Audi rockets away. One day...

Check mirrors periodically.
Stare up at lights and sigh.
Click into Neutral and drum on tank (I'm a drummer, so we're always tapping on something).

If I feel the need to rev the bike and let people know I'm there, I blip a couple of times, but then lean down to reach the idle adjuster/fuel tap and pretend to fiddle with that. That lets me give a long rev on the throttle as I pretend to be altering something and gets me heard.
I also blip the throttle a couple of times as I 'gear down' to a stop, even though I'm only doing 5mph and front-braking with the clutch in! Works better on a Cruiser.

Other things include seeing another Dragstar, pointing at his tank logo and giving a wave/air-punch and going 'YAAAAYYYYYYY'!

Best moments are dancing along with the loud music being played from the car next to you - even if it's fucking shite, like that R&B bollocks, it puts everyone around you in a good mood. Dancing biker dances the same (and looks as silly) as bloke in a Mickey Mouse outfit!

If in doubt and there's no music, do the YMCA. Everyone loves seeing that!

Oh, occasionally pose and rev up when next to a Sports bike, suggesting I'm gonna race him... but then laugh and wave hand to say, "Nah, only joking!"

Was stopped at lights on A33 last night, next to five Sporties all lined up at the front across three lanes. All revving up, though not excessively.
Lights turned and they blasted off, engines and exhausts screaming so loud I couldn't hear my own. I was up to about 20 when they hit their crescendo and I almost went fucking DEAF... Only time I heard anything like that screaming was when I slammed a hippo's bollocks in a car door!!

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Lol Ttaskmaster, I also blip a couple of times while I'm gearing down and approaching the lights. Haven't really danced along to music yet but the thought of a motorcyclist doing the YMCA looks hilarious! More importantly, I think I need to hear more about this hippo bollocks story :P.

Edit: I was actually expecting a lot more riders to be casual tank drummers. My tank is plastic so I don't have the privilege of tank drumming :(.

visor down, throttle blip to let people know im here, keep looking straight ahead, stay emotionless, makes you seem all mysterious and stuff, chicks love it...

Pulled up at a set of lights on the Telford roundabout just off the M54 a few weeks ago, two paddies in a van next to me, one of them shouts "wanna race", i give the fireblade a nice long rev and the paddy thinks the lights have changed and fucks off straight through the middle of the traffic... some people just cant be helped!

I'm definitely a tank drummer, use my bars as cymbals haha.

Probably quite entertaining to watch!

Get to the lights FIRST then sit in the middle of the lane so no twonk can try to squeeze me out and wait for the lights to change, I don't look at the girls anymore (not what your thinking) I've been married for 38 years and SWMBO will know!!!!

Normally scratch my nuts or my arse. whilst looking at the lass in the car next to me :D

I just sit there patiently waiting, Drewpy on the other hand like's to sail straight through red lights doesn't even look forward as as he goes apparently its my fault for not giving him the thumbs up :1poke:

I sing at the lights, I sing riding along, I sing all the while on the bike. I'm at my happiest on a bike (although according to the missus that won't mean much as I'm a constant moaning b'stard in her eyes)

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