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As most of you know my bike has been experiencing problems lately, a lot of them minor but still a complete head fuck. I have decided to let the bike garage take it away and fix everything on it. When I get it back it will be 100% spot on. This is the list of repairs.........

New rear brake disc/pads

New rear wheel bearings

New horn

New electric start

Bash plate attaching

Stand tightening

Sidelight bulb replacing/ fixing

And the main problem of the engine cutting out and not starting which is either so far going to be

The CDI unit, blockage, air, or water getting somewhere.

So far I have estimated about £300 as the final cost. I think the garage charge £40 an hour labour. I can hear you all shouting "you f'ing idiot, do it your self' but I don't really have the time and at least I know it is getting done properly. After this though I'm doing all repairs myself.

I think they are ok, but I might phone them up and get them to do the valve clearances. Is this a big time consuming job?

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  • Yea, this was the only thing that I changed prior to bike not starting up. I still believe the 55W was just too high for the battery or the condition it was in, that's not to say the battery was old,

  • You never know Grouch, but the offer of a crate of someone's finest may give you a welcome hand from someone on the forum who lives near you. If they have the tools and the time and you buy the part


Hope I'm wrong, but I would estimate double your thoughts

Me to grouch, if it comes in at ONLY £300 then count yourself lucky, I would check before saying go ahead. :jossun:

Your CDI unit could cost £90+

Set of bearings £30

Starter £80

Then theres fitting and stuff plus brake shoes/pads horn fixing the rear light (electrics God knows what that will cost) Hope you have DEEP pockets mate. :crazy:

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+2 they are not caller Main Stealers for nothing.

+3 mate.. make sure you get a quote before they go ahead with anything, and then add at least 20% for unforeseeable's.

Hate to say it mate but £300 sounds waaaaay too cheap but really hope we're wrong. It is a main dealer or a back street place?

Grouch! what are you doing? Yes you can do majority of the work yourself before getting rip off charlie to do it.


New rear brake disc/pads = 30min job (if bolts co-operate)
New rear wheel bearings = bout 30 - 60Min job (do this when you do the brakes)
New horn = 30 second job (bolt off / bolt on)
New electric start = 2 min job (bolt off / Bolt on)
Bash plate attaching = depending how bad its come off then could take about 2 hours (but i don't know what state its in)
Stand tightening = 30 second job (come on do i REALLY need to explain this one?) lol

You can do all this on a Saturday or a Sunday easy. Granted the brakes and the wheel bearing will be a wee bit of and arse ache but will save your self ££££ if you do it.

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Well that's me well and truly fucked if it does turn out to be double my estimate. The garage I am using are good guys they're not conning rip off merchants. I just hope the engine isn't proper fucked. I have been lazy not doing the other more straight forward jobs, but something would of gone wrong and then I'd have been fucked.

Yer see what you mean mate, Finger crossed for you.

But in future, dont be scared of getting grease under your nails. :biglaugha:

To be totally honest, I can also see your point. I'm no expert and can manage maybe the basics at best, so agree you're are doing the right & safest thing by getting it sorted by the "experts".

Sounds like the bike wasn't too safe and not really worth risking your life on it unless you are confident in your abilities mate.

Although as Noise says, we've got to give it a go at some stage :).

This is a classic case of you let too many thing's go un attened, and now your at their mercy,or take a day or 2 sick leave and fix it all no matter how long it takes

If when the light's/horn went you could have spent some time trying to figuer it out, if you couldn't get it right then you could at least say you tried then send it in. But I am sure with the wealth of knowlage here you could have done it. Same with bash plate and stand.

When you needed the chain and sprockents done if you had done that yourself then you would be familar with the break down and reassembly,and the brake pads are only a matter of pullin a pin out and drop the old pads out,clean pistons push them back and install new quite straight foward.

The $$$$$ your spending on labour could have gone into some good tools that would last a life time,you need a torque wrench to adjust you chain properly or your going to kill your new wheel bearings ( I say this because you have most likely been over loading the bearings by over tighting the axel) wheel bearing can last the life of the bike if properly adjusted and greased..And novices tend to go way over kill on tighting things up.

I am not saying you stupid for getting a shop to do this for you but ,If you break it down to what you can doo yourself and not get the shop to do it ,it will save you a few $$

On the positive your bike is new enough that everything should come appart as it should so no hidden cost there.Hopefully the electric's will be related to the head lamp replacement and just loose /disconected wires.

Good luck with this 1 Grouch but as said time to start getting dirty fingers.A little OCD when owning a bike is a good thing

.And novices tend to go way over kill on tighting things up.

Do you mean the standard torque setting of FT (fucking Tight) :)

Do you mean the standard torque setting of FT (fucking Tight) :)

LMAO yep or as I say when asked.... how tight should this be.....,tighten it up till it breaks then back it off a 1/4 turn

You never know Grouch, but the offer of a crate of someone's finest may give you a welcome hand from someone on the forum who lives near you.

If they have the tools and the time and you buy the parts then its an opportunity for you to learn about your bike while getting all this sorted.

Worth a shot perhaps, and if not - I hope the bill isn't too extreme for you.

bippo is right, and if not someone off here then maybe a local club, and failing that a night school course may be in order.

but i think you need to make a couple hours a week free for you and your bike, just do the basics to start with, and build from there.

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The thing is since getting the bike I have amassed a basic collection of tools, basically everything I need to repair and service the bike. I have been doing bits and bats and I am confident enough to do things like changing the discs pads, but I am really pressed for time and when I do have time I like to have a lie in and relax all day doing f'all or spending time with my girlfriend. I do enjoy repairing my bike and it is a good feeling when I have managed to repair it. I suppose there is an element of laziness and lack of motivation. After this I am going to go full on D.I.Y. with it .

Dt502001 is right, I have let all the little things build up through neglect and laziness.

Lesson Learned, lets hope it's not an expensive one : (

Have you got your bike back yet? or a estimate on how much tis is going to cost?

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No mate, discs out of stock. Will be next week, they're going to sort the bearings, pads, discs and then let me know how much that is, then take it from there.

Did they say anything about the engine cutting out etc?

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No they are going to look at that after the brakes/bearings are done.

Come on Grouch WHAT'S HAPPENING? We are all waiting to find out what this is going to cost, I think we should have a pool and the nearest will get a round of applause as a know it all bastard, so I will go first and say it's going to be £657.24 1/2p PLUS VAT oh and a turnip. I really really hope I am wrong!! and your original estimate of £300 is right, anyone else like to guess what this will cost, I'm sure Grouch will appreciate our caring nature. I should go and have a lie down Grouch this is going to get ugly. :biglaugha::eusa_whistle:

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