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Hey everyone,

Now that the demand for T-shirts has died done somewhat, I remember earlier i put this idea forward sorta jokingly at first, but im actually seeing it as a possibility now and was wondering what your thoughts would be.

Basically i was thinking of putting together a YOC calender, it will have to be for 2014 as we are very nearly into 2013 and it would also give us the entire year of 2013 to gather the nescessary input, idea being that the photos and artwork for each month are posted in from our beloved members, formed into a calender and used to decorate your man cave, house, workplace or shed.

the prices from vistaprint would be £6 for a wall calender and £3 for a desk sized (exc postage) although discounts would be available for bulk buys or when combined with other merchandise such as mugs, pens, shirts e.t.c.

would anyone be interested in participating? the way i was thinking of working it was to invite members to post photos and artwork of their bikes in interesting and seasonally relevant scenes (for example, if you want to submit a design for Januarys page, maybe a DT50 covered in snow) and then cast these designs open to vote, then at the end of that month the votes would close and the photo with the most votes would get entered into the calender, then entries would begin for February, and at the end of February the votes would close, the winning photo gets added to the calender e.t.c.

Possibly even doing a slightly more raunchy/comedy calender for a charity event or to raise funds for the forum.

Let me know what you think peeps :)

- Foamy x

Good idea i think mate, another forum i was on done the same thing with our cars (i think its still going now) bringing in those extra funds for the site and they even bought a big ass gazebo for their rallies and shows out of the money raised..

  • Moderator

good idea, although vista print is damn expensive when you factor in P&P.

surely a local print firm can do the same for less with pre-orders.

  • Author

well that's the thing, i have to get the pre-orders, with the shirts it was a little more complicated because i had to preorder in sizes, colour and any custom text needed. i can probably get a local print firm to sort it although until i know for sure how many people are going to be wanting calenders i cant get a definate price.

also as was the case with t-shirts, 26 people wanted to order one (or two in some cases) but when it actually came to ordering them only 11 people went through with the order, if i had preordered 26 t-shirts i would probably still have half of them or be waiting for payment from the other people

  • Moderator

same with patches, although I managed to sell most of them (30) just lost a few pounds.

Sounds like a great idea. I'd buy one. :)

  • Author

Well that's all the motivation i need, 3 votes for, and from the most active members on the forum, expect a thread to be open at the end of december :P

Looking forward to it! hopefully i will be starting the new build by time you get this started. :) O and i just looked on my old forum and they where selling there calendars for £10. so your £6 + P&P was about spot on.

I have also found out that a (very tasty) lady at my work, prints T-shirts so if you want me to i can find out how much she charges and if she is cheaper than Vista print i can get her to do the Shirts if you like?

Late entry, but I'd be keen to see it develop

  • Author

I have also found out that a (very tasty) lady at my work, prints T-shirts so if you want me to i can find out how much she charges and if she is cheaper than Vista print i can get her to do the Shirts if you like?

That'd be great if you could ask bud, if they are cheaper than the vistaprint ones then it would be great to save a bit of money, all the details should be in the t-shirt thread but if there's anything else you need to know send me a pm :)

  • Moderator

Late entry, but I'd be keen to see it develop

that's what happened with the wife. someone got there first :babyha:

something like this would be good starting with our very own sacha. (this is just a prototype)

Caaaaawwwwwwrrrr" very nice kev" What about our " bull buggering bastard of Bolton " Any input,,, :whip:

  • Author

honestly kev... women are not objects to be drooled over.

although tbf, Sach is amazingly beautifull, i wonder if Goff is still around on the boards?, maybe she could put together a skimpy latex number for us...

something like this would be good starting with our very own sacha. (this is just a prototype)


Thanks for the vote up.yours... but you may have to become a subscriber to see my jugs! ha!

...although tbf, Sach is amazingly beautifull...

Thanks foamy! You're far too kind. :closedeyes:

Caaaaawwwwwwrrrr" very nice kev" What about our " bull buggering bastard of Bolton " Any input,,, :whip:

where do i sign up :shakeno:

honestly kev... women are not objects to be drooled over.

although tbf, Sach is amazingly beautifull, i wonder if Goff is still around on the boards?, maybe she could put together a skimpy latex number for us...

oh yes they are :spin2:


Thanks for the vote up.yours... but you may have to become a subscriber to see my jugs! ha!

Thanks foamy! You're far too kind. :closedeyes:

where do i sign up :hyper:

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