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What contemporary motorcycles do you think will be sought after classics in a few decades time?

Motorbike...Investment...You're on the wrong forum mate

Bikes are for riding, enjoying, fixing, not for investing in

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Motorbike...Investment...You're on the wrong forum mate

Bikes are for riding, enjoying, fixing, not for investing in

Worded it wrong, I'm not planning on buying a bike to invest in, what I really meant was.....

What modern bikes do you think will become classics? If I did have a rare, classic, sought after bike, I wouldn't sell it. My curiosity was not motivated by financial gain.

I think that's an interesting question. Looking back at bikes that are now considered classics, one of the main things that stands out is performance. For example, the Brough Superior SS100 (incidentally, that's one bike that would be in my garage, if money was no object!!) was the fact that each bike was guaranteed to exceed 100mph, (not bad for 1924!) and in fact, set a world record of 130.6mph. These bikes now fetch £200k plus! With that in mind, I would guess maybe a mint Blackbird or Busa would be good to keep in a velvet lined box for the next 50+ years! Either that or a Harley, as in 50 years' time there won't be many left - they will all have rattled themselves to pieces or rusted away!!

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There is no real formula for that. Some of the bikes I have abused over the years are now worth good money in good condition. Most limited additions will still be expensive to buy now and will always have a few coveted owners so only immaculate ones will fetch great money. Best to buy what you fancy and keep it longer than anyone else. Back that up with a shed load of spares and you should be OK.

short answer , anything.

I think that's an interesting question. Looking back at bikes that are now considered classics, one of the main things that stands out is performance. For example, the Brough Superior SS100 (incidentally, that's one bike that would be in my garage, if money was no object!!) was the fact that each bike was guaranteed to exceed 100mph, (not bad for 1924!) and in fact, set a world record of 130.6mph. These bikes now fetch £200k plus! With that in mind, I would guess maybe a mint Blackbird or Busa would be good to keep in a velvet lined box for the next 50+ years! Either that or a Harley, as in 50 years' time there won't be many left - they will all have rattled themselves to pieces or rusted away!!

A Bugly? Are you serious? Its not even the current fastest production bike in the world! Now a zzr1400 thats on another planet lol Only messing mate, Im with the school of thought that anything could be considered the next classic I mean when I was a nipper I would never in a month of Sundays believed that the FS1E or laterly thr RD250 that I rag dolled about the streets would ever fetch the money that they do now or else I wouldnt have abused them like I did....................... thats a lie I still wouldnt have given a shit and just had a good time riding them after all thats what they are for. Right?

Great ? I think any bike that set the bar higher like the rz500 gama500 the 85 gsxr 750,any of the factory turbo bikes.Any bike that came in limited #'s or rare paint schemes.The walter wolf rg 500 will be worth way more than the run of the mill gammas. Bikes with a cult folowing like the vmax. A tommahawk or y2k because they are so rediculs(neither I realy consider a bike).

The new honda 250 might turn out to be one of the most rembered bikes as it's the first entry level bike to offer abs ,the red rocket 50,or a ybr 125 because so may will have learned how to ride on one and hold fond memories of them.

What new bike made today is anyones guess most of the new bikes look like space ships compared to bikes of only 10-15 years ago.

I have no intention of selling my Bandit so in 20yrs I'll let you know how that worked out LOL

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What contemporary motorcycles do you think will be sought after classics in a few decades time?

Cock all. They have a lot of complex electrics and wiring,(like your spedo). Unless my username is wrong i bet them electrics have a fail by date too.

Bloke in a shed can do nothing with them. Nothing is remotely interchangeable, 900cc gsxr anybody (750 top on a 6).

Im sure something will survive but i dont want it. The TDR is as modern as i will get.

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Cock all. They have a lot of complex electrics and wiring,(like your spedo). Unless my username is wrong i bet them electrics have a fail by date too.

Bloke in a shed can do nothing with them. Nothing is remotely interchangeable, 900cc gsxr anybody (750 top on a 6).

Im sure something will survive but i dont want it. The TDR is as modern as i will get.

My speedo seems to have developed quite a reputation on here lol.

So you don't like any modern bikes?

Aye grouch"o , it will be the bike that has icon status, [ now] as it was when we were young, And its the first model of the range that is the most desirable, Honda CB750-4 its the 1968 sandcast model thats N0 1, The 1972 Z900 . the 1969 H1 500 Triple,

1981 LC350 yam,

I can see The YZF R1 1998 model , Vmax, hiyabusa, early Fireblade, ZZR1400, All were ground breaking,, and will be remembered.

Cheap enuff just now ,,, but will escalate when the riders reach an age to wear rose tinted glasses,, :yeah:

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My speedo seems to have developed quite a reputation on here lol.

So you don't like any modern bikes?

Wouldn't give tuppence for any of em. Just mass market focused stuff.

A 350b would be nice. If its original. Reverse or an sp v twin tzr could be tempramental fun.

But an R6! Or anything else a current. Nah.

I reckon street triple, if they didnt make so many of the bastard things.

I agree with the 98 model r1, white and red ones are already starting to see silly money.

Iv spoken to loads of people who say they wished they kept a certain bike from their past as theyre worth a fortune now. It all depends how long you are willing to hold on to something for as it will depreciate massively before it starts going back up and this is generally the reason why people cash in for a later model when they do.

I know that in 20 years time my old ccm would be worth a few quid if it was still in one piece by then!

The DT50 i practically gave away for £350 3 years ago can now be found on eBay going for £500-£600, i suppose anything that has an iconic status or following will be a future classic (look at the hailwood ducatis, for example) so on that note i can see the rossi reps and the like fetching good money.

otherwise, its got to be the unusual bikes, the Suzuki radial engined bike (the name escapes me), the factory turbo bikes of the '80s, my XJ Turbo for example had a production era of 1980-1985 before being discontinued, i was bidding on a Suzuki XN85 a few months ago, it was an absolute dog with a fair few parts missing, went for almost £1000 which was ludicrous

Just like cars, all tend to look the same these days, cant fix em when they fuck up electrically, designed down to a cost, too aggressive looking, elbows out hunched forward, not many today are things of great beauty.

I've a hunch that most people who buy "classic" bikes do so because it pleases them, not for investment.

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I don't think anyone buys a bike with the intention of storing it for 30 years to make a profit.

although tbh thats probably what i will do with the DT50 ive just bought to restore...

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the orginal vmax will rise in value, sv650 coz everyone will trash them and are so popular ATM.

R1 R6, bimotor, dukes, MV, trumpet daytona, etc etc

Foams you thinking RE5 rotary?

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the orginal vmax will rise in value, sv650 coz everyone will trash them and are so popular ATM.

R1 R6, bimotor, dukes, MV, trumpet daytona, etc etc

Foams you thinking RE5 rotary?

and bandits that escape the streetfighter treatment!

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