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~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~

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This means I can now legally display the 1988 tax disc on my DT50 :)

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Must be the ACME building company!

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Do you mind if I steal that for the good ladys' fb....full of cat pics


My mate saw that happening for real in Ballyshannon, Ireland. A guy standing on a brach whilst sawing away at it, down he went as well



Do you mind if I steal that for the good ladys' fb....full of cat pics


My mate saw that happening for real in Ballyshannon, Ireland. A guy standing on a brach whilst sawing away at it, down he went as well

Go for it. Loads more on boredpanda :)


Classic. I've always liked Jethro.

F**k me I must be 310 !!! :shakeno:


That shit's for real?! Cannabilism is legal? And digging up dead people is okay there too? Wow.


A flying insect just flew into my kitchen and exploded.
I think it was a Jihaddi long legs :shakeno:

My mate just got back from Africa and he can't stop buying raffle tickets.

I think he's got Tombola.

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