Posted May 13, 201212 yr Bus driver's, taxi driver's, and Asians are the worst driver's. They honestly are, every time I see someone acting like a retard on the road it is always one of the above mentioned. When I did my CBT my instructor told me that only 3 in 10 Asian's have a proper licence because they get them from Pakistan or wherever it is they come from, and we can imagine how inept, corrupt, and backward they are in conducting their tests. Before all the PC brigade start, this post is not racist, it is FACT from my experiences and observations in my home city of Bradford. Who are the worst road users in your towns?
May 13, 201212 yr Before all the PC brigade start, this post is not racist, Who are the worst road users in your towns? The worst drivers I have come across are the "White van man" One of them went straight in front of me when I had my daughter on the back. He crossed my path in front of me on a dual carriageway, and stopped right in front of me before joining the other carriageway. When I swore at him he replied "That's was brakes are for aren't they" Twat.
May 13, 201212 yr Moderator white van man, mums with kids in back seat, women doing makeup in the rear view mirror, asian women, men with white hair and glasses doing 15 MPH middle of the road........
May 13, 201212 yr mainly BMW/Audi/Merc drivers, the ones with the "i have a brand new really expensive car which means everyone else around me is inferior, you will bow down to me", other than that its mums on the school run, i found that most lorry drivers and to an extent bus drivers are amongst the most curtious
May 13, 201212 yr Author A bus driver nearly flattened me yesterday so when I rode pat him I gave him a wanker sign, and he did it back the prick. The fucking cheek! I thought about reporting him because they have camera's in their cabs and he'd get fucked for it lol.
May 14, 201212 yr Black cabs, Addison Lee minicabs, suits on scooters and white van drivers .... (London) Also find truck drivers and some bus drivers to be the most aware of surroundings too..
May 14, 201212 yr Bus Drivers - Good for the most part, bullying cunts in central London. White Vans - Mostly good. Women - Most sit WAY too close behind me. Many don't check mirrors before moving. Asians - 50/50. None are memorably good, but some are horribly bad. BMW types = Mostly tossers. Scooters - Expect them to be pricks. Be pleasantly surprised if they're not. Sports Bikes - Winter = Nice enough, Summer = cunts.
May 14, 201212 yr waggon drivers are you worst? arn't they jason ... ignorant fat smelly arogant inconsiderant? i better stop there
May 14, 201212 yr Moderator waggon drivers are you worst? arn't they jason ... ignorant fat smelly arogant inconsiderant? i better stop there UP YOURS TOO :spin2: :hah:
May 15, 201212 yr Author Taxi Drivers, Bus Drivers, Asians are all the same people in my town, and believe me they can't drive for shit.
May 16, 201212 yr Id say its any one who wares a hat whilst driving (OAP or hoo ray henries in their Halfords Saxo) Woman Drivers........Point blank........if you can reverse park a car then buy a push bike. Chavs...........shouldnt even be a loud to reproduce let alone be given a motorized vehicle Asian / comon wealth folk...............learn to speak English THEN learn to drive a car on British roads with BRITISH LAWS! And finally pissing cunting TRACTOR DRIVERS!!!..............pull the fuck over! your the only twats with a vehicle that can drive across country so why are you driving on a road parallel with a tossing field????????
May 16, 201212 yr Chavs - Agreed. >>learn to speak English THEN learn to drive a car on British roads with BRITISH LAWS! Man who no sperry Engrish properry in no position to cliticise* :-) Velly solly. >>so why are you driving on a road parallel with a tossing field???????? Because it's someone *else's* field... and if you ever want to eat chips again, you'll let them drive their wares to the market ;-) I love tractors - Farmer Giles bouncing and bimbling along in his tra'ter, combine 'arvester followin' on be'ind... Never had a problem with them myself. Just wait a few seconds for the road to open and zooom! *Cliticise - The new sexual workout for women, heh heh!
May 16, 201212 yr Chavs - Agreed. >>learn to speak English THEN learn to drive a car on British roads with BRITISH LAWS! Man who no sperry Engrish properry in no position to cliticise* :-) Velly solly. >>so why are you driving on a road parallel with a tossing field???????? Because it's someone *else's* field... and if you ever want to eat chips again, you'll let them drive their wares to the market ;-) I love tractors - Farmer Giles bouncing and bimbling along in his tra'ter, combine 'arvester followin' on be'ind... Never had a problem with them myself. Just wait a few seconds for the road to open and zooom! *Cliticise - The new sexual workout for women, heh heh! Take de piss out me spelling..................Gloves are off Ok i will give the tractor drivers some slack................but i still hate it when your banked over in a corner having some fun then you are head on with the mud left in the road....................really un cool
May 16, 201212 yr white van( well blue and white with some writing on it) through the daybmw 3 series looks like im in the lower half of the bad drivers at least i got the virago for my weekends
May 16, 201212 yr Surprised no-one's mentioned horses, yet... "bloody stupid, dangerous things, shouldn't be allowed on the road" is the usual argument, despite the fact that horses have belonged on the road for centuries before motor vehicles came along. I actually think the number of 'problem road users' one rants about is inversely proportional to the skil level of the road user themselves. I'm not perfect, but there's really no one specific group of people I tend to find issue with. There's pricks, tossers, morons and dickheads in every walk of life. They're just all crammed onto the same roads.
May 16, 201212 yr You get very political don't ya TT lol But i have to agree.............................horses are a pain in the arse
May 16, 201212 yr the owners should abide by the same rules as dog owners, and pick the bloody shit up that they always leave behind.
May 16, 201212 yr Pah - Just one more challenge for you. Learn to read the road and be prepared for anything. They were here first and they have right of way. You choose to ride a vulnerable machine and you know the dangers involved - Choose to ride it well. I might take issue with horse shit on, say, the A33, but out on the fast, unlit country roads where I live it's all just par for the course. Conversely, when someone drives like a cock and tries to cut you up, do fucking well have their wing mirror off, by all means!!
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