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Did think after the pull maybe i shoud have anchored up but then again i dont want the subaru written off which one claim n its written of as its 13 years old now

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I have no problem with the Police at all, personally i think they should be given back the right to smack you clean in the mouth if your being a complete prick, I mean you look out your window and see Mr and Mrs chav and their 17 kids standing out side your house hoods up and acting all hard and like their a fucking man and all that, even tho they have no job, sucking benefits out of every crack in society, thinking the world is against them so gives them the right to go out and rob, bully and be a grade A cunt to every one they walk past. And then you come on here and slag off the police saying they are bad mannered and are going the wrong way about getting respect? Bollocks, If i was a cop and some Bur-bury little crusty wank stain was doing what he does best then too fucking right im gunna be tough with him and make his / her life a complete misery and that.

What i think every ones problem is that they don't like being caught speeding as their mind switches off or they deliberately speed for some reason or another so don't like being clocked by the cops. So they decide to "hate" the pigs. I was clocked doing 94 in a 70 i took it on the chin, paid my £60 and took the three points. I WAS THE TWAT, not the cop that clocked me.

Noise - the police should be setting an example. They are not. There is more bullying by the state than you realise.

So you would rather they took a softy approach to every one then? i mean im not saying your wrong and im right or nothing, im just saying that yes the police are not above the law and are just there to enforce it, but since they have lost the right to give kids etc a clip round the ears for say throwing a rock or what not look at the state of the place now, as i said you have yobs in parks, corners, out side shops etc causing shit half the time yet all the police these days can do is give these fucks a medal (ASBO!) what fucking good is that.

For example, i took my 14 month old daughter to the park after work yesterday to have a go on the swings, i walked in and there was 7 teenagers smoking and drinking beer, (nothing wrong with that) bar the fact they where next to the swings i wanted to put my daughter in so i politly asked if they could move to another part of the park or out side of the park, the response i got was "fuck off, or loose my teeth" so i left as i wanted no trouble with my daughter about. Now i know for a fact that if they done that back in the day, !) there would have been a plod on the beat, 2)they wouldn't be in the park as plod would have thrown them out 3) me and my daughter would have had a nice time in the park.

I support the Police in all they do and i think they should have more rights to Enforce the law. If (god for bid) some thing happened to you or your family and the Police didn't give you the right justice that they could have given or they could have prevented the thing that happened in the first place if they had more rights then im sure you'd be pissed???

I think they have a lot of shit i a single week and maybe there tolerance to anything ends up being zero,

get some on a good day and there OK. I wouldnt want there job as i havent the patience and would just

loose it putting up with some of the the tossers in society today.

Why is it though that they dont get respect but when we all go on holiday and see some menacing

4 foot 5 French copper, we wouldnt want to get involved. I had 2 French police follow me for 10 miles

a few years ago whilst riding in France and it was one of the most nervous time in my life.


to be honest iv had mixed views about the police,

last year i got burgled, all that was taken was the kids christmas money pot that we got the day before, (id put about £200 in there as my bank was in a sorry state at the time and the money would of been lost had i put it in) the misses calls the police then i come home from work as they turn up, i told them the situation and they filled in the paper on the clipboard and said they would look into it, the day later a lady officer came round to talk to us and get a formal statement of events, we told her what happened and she was shocked that no forensics (fingerprints ect) had been carried out and said that we did not get the right service and that she would be taking it up with her supervisor...

so a couple of days pass and we get a phone call .....its a police survey to see how we felt about the service we received so we gave a bad report saying that no forensics were done and that we felt let down ...............next thing you know we get a phone call the day after asking why we felt we were let down by the police .....and what reasons we had.

to cut a long story short it felt that they were more concerned that we gave them a bad report then finding out who stole my kids christmas money! then a week later 2 officers arrive at my work and question me in the police car, asking me if i took the money and asking if i owed any money, and if i owed any drug dealers money!

also when they do 45mph on a dual carriageway just to see if you will overtake them winds the hell out of me.

but on the flipside iv done something i shouldnt have, got caught by a bobby on the beat testing my "sorn" project bike with no helmet on, going up my street.(he was just round the corner ....bollocks!) he gave me some words of warning then let me on my way walking the bike back home.

Someone hit my car when it was parked in front of my house. I called for an officer at 7am and it took nearly an hour for one to arrive. Didn't figure they would be that busy at 7 in the morning in podunk Idaho. I'm certain it was one of the paving trucks that hit my car because they scraped across the top of the hood without touching the bumper and broke one of the high branches in our tree... plus the crew was still down the street. Anyway the officer had the balls to look at his watch and tell me "I'm off in ten minutes so there's really nothing I can do." then he proceeded to tell me that if I basically did his job (investigate) MAYBE he could do something. Wow. I was stunned. He couldn't be bothered to walk one block and talk to the paving crew. Good thing no one was killed or anything, him being at the end of his shift and all... god forbid he talk to the next officer coming on shift and have him look into it. It just goes to show that even if they're not all bad there will always be at least one rotten apple in a bunch.

When I was a apprentice mechanic I was told that a garage was only as good as its worst mechanic and My aim should always be to be the best in the workshop and be dammed sure that I was not the worst,

So as far as I am concerned the Police/Feds/Scuffers/Coppers or what ever you want to call them are only as good as the worst of them purely because you don’t know how bad the apple will be.

I'm with you Noise, about bloody time they got the right to give someone a clip round the ear back and some common sense out in the real world instead of some smart arse ACTIVIST/DOGOODER telling them they need to be more aware of the peoples rights, what about the right of a copper to NOT have his working day spent being sworn at or spit on, how many of you would like to go to work knowing that people (there is another word for them) can spit on you and call you anything they like and you can't do anything about it cos it's not PC and you might UPSET them, I have 2 sons and both would see the back of my hand if they behaved like some of these oiks. People have rights to be left in peace but coppers have the right to be treated with common descency to. :jossun:

PS if you wear a camera on your lid like I do that seems to stop a lot of the daft things that road rozzers come up with.

i'm also with noise............ when i was a learner,back in the early 80's, i got a ticking off,and a clip around the ear from many a copper. better that then a fine and points. when the police lost there power,they also lost any respect that they deserved.................thats when things started to get bad.

i also agree with mike.

living in the same town as he does, i can honestly say the police here are a great bunch, and do not abuse their power, (what little they sadly have)

Paraphrased from a cop who'd just graduated Hendon about a year previously:

"We don't get taught what the law is, how to interpret it or enforce it. We just nick someone if we think they're doing something wrong and it's up to the Desk Sergeant to figure out what they can be charged for, if anything".

He then went on to explain how large and complicated all the BS paperwork was for even the smallest thing, how there's very little they can do and how it's no surprise that what we all grew up thinking who/what a copper was/is/could do has now been turned completely on it's head.

He left the Force shortly after we had this discussion.

Well here we go

My name is Jimmy and I am a Cop.

I have been for the last 23 years. I'm a Sergt on the Marine Unit so spend all my time on the water but before that I spent 14 years as a dog handler. A few of the posts here are beyond the pale, but I wont get into a personal slanging match. Yes there are a few bad apples in every barrel and hopefully when discovered they get flung out.

For what its worth I got stopped for speeding a good few years ago and when my details were being given I had to state my occupation. "Cop" says I "You should know better then" was the reply and I received a £40 fine and 3 points fixed penalty notice.

So as far as I am concerned the Police/Feds/Scuffers/Coppers or what ever you want to call them are only as good as the worst of them purely because you don’t know how bad the apple will be.

What a load of bollocks!

So if a police station has 100 coppers, 99 of them are law abiding to the fact that they uphold the law to protect all of us so we can sleep at night.

Because of one bad copper (the bad apple) were going to suffer the riots like they did at Tottenham last year?

Well here we go

My name is Jimmy and I am a Cop.

I have been for the last 23 years. I'm a Sergt on the Marine Unit so spend all my time on the water but before that I spent 14 years as a dog handler. A few of the posts here are beyond the pale, but I wont get into a personal slanging match. Yes there are a few bad apples in every barrel and hopefully when discovered they get flung out.

For what its worth I got stopped for speeding a good few years ago and when my details were being given I had to state my occupation. "Cop" says I "You should know better then" was the reply and I received a £40 fine and 3 points fixed penalty notice.

Jimmy, I totally agree with you.

Actually, I'm not quite sure what I'm agreeing about, but.

I do think that without a police force this country would be like parts of Africa where it would be lawless.

What a load of bollocks!

So if a police station has 100 coppers, 99 of them are law abiding to the fact that they uphold the law to protect all of us so we can sleep at night.

Because of one bad copper (the bad apple) were going to suffer the riots like they did at Tottenham last year?

There speaks a law abiding copper or is speeding not breaking the law?

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They dfo exist, the one that sat behind me all the time i was filling the truck up[in the service area one night, stayed there for 15 mins while i had a break , then when i was 1/2 a mile on the motorway pulled me in and told me i had a lens missing on a trailer side marker light,

Why you may ask did this numpty police offficer risk life and limb pulling me on a motorway hard shoulder to tel me this when he had been sitting behind me for 20 minutes previously, because he wanted to get me to a weighbridge, and it was more than 3 miles from the services . If they take yopu more than 3 miles to a weighbridge and you are not overweight you can claim from them, as turned out we where not over weight, but he went through everything including taking our national insurance numbers to try and find somethoing wrong , but he could not , and he was prepard to risk his and his partners lives and ours on the truck to do this , i have since been told i should have made a formal complaint as he would be on camera in the service area , but I think he just pulled a few to many and did get some complaints because a couple of years later i was told he was removed from Traffic and put bak on the beat

I don't know where you come from, inner city? But in my neck of the woods as I implied earlier the police are ok.

Would you rather have anarchy? or even military rule. I'm not saying there aren't any bad coppers but 99.99% are doing a fantastic job.

I agree with you there, there is good and bad in all professions, some are kind and helpful others wont give you the time of days, on the other side of the coin there are some rude and downright dangerous motorcyclists, all I say is judge each and every person as you find them and dont tar them all with the same brush because of the clothes they wear

Now go speak to a Bike Cop!

The ones down at Box Hill, usually doing the Bikesafe courses are fantastic chaps!

You know what, i'm hardly an active poster but i feel compelled to say that everybody bastardises the police until they need em.

I appreciate that there are some police that are power mad, this in my opinion seems to be the newer generation that were probably bullied at high school and wanna get back at society with the power they have but there are a lot of good'uns.

As for the term 'Pig' - i fucking hate it. When you have a dad who is a decent policeman and you grow up though high school with other teenagers going 'all fucking pigs should be killed' etc it is disgusting to hear, used to upset me now just accept it.

One thing that a lot of you are saying thats bob on is your attitude is everything when you're pulled, if you know you've done something wrong and you act a twat and start answering back, you're 100% more likely to get done.

Good manners and attitude go a long way.

rant over.

Assess each one as you find 'em, that's what I think - as you should do with any other human being. I have found over the years that bikers are a really decent bunch on the whole with a much higher than average camaraderie towards one another than many others. I'd hate someone to detest me based on the most superficial knowledge of me just as I'd have to take it on the chin if they formed a -ve opinion after I behave like a complete git. While it's totally right to get angry at unfair or nasty police officers I do think that a controlled anger on our part is a sign of true strength - any idiot can lose control.

.... at least that's the theory !

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