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Believe it or not, there is some really nice people about.

Me and my lad rode down to Poole today (about 65 miles)

Fantastic ride down there, fantastic game of football, Poole 1 Chippenham 1.

Fantastic ride back to just before Warminster (about 40 miles)

Bombing along at 60MPH then entered a 40MPH zone.

Then disaster, my son feints on the back of the bike.

He's slumped over me with his head resting on my right shoulder, I slowly pull into the side of the road.

I'm trying to hold him up and at the same time flag a car down for help.

About three cars just go past without stopping, I'm sure they could see whats going on. The only person to stop was a lady on her own in a 4x4 who had to hold my son up while I got off the bike so we could both get him off the bike and sit him down on the grass verge, she also went back to her car and gave him her bottle of drinking water.

If that isn't kind enough, luckily a car with our supporters in stopped and put him into their car and took him right to the door.

What worries me is just five minutes earlier we were doing 60 along country roads. I thought the last time he fell asleep on the back of the bike on the motorway was bad enough.

This happened about two hours ago and I'm still shaking.

that sounds bad dude, hope you're both okay though, its nice to know that some car drivers arent complete wankers.

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that sounds bad dude, hope you're both okay though, its nice to know that some car drivers arent complete wankers.

Cheers Foamy, we're both ok, poor lads in bed.

It's nice to know that some people do care, luckily it was still daylight, I dread to think what would have happened if it was pitch black.

Crikey Mike, not only have I never heard of that sort of thing happening before, I've never even thought about it happening before now, hope the lads alright, you get yersen a nice single malt mate or two, sounds like you need it.

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Crikey Mike, not only have I never heard of that sort of thing happening before, I've never even thought about it happening before now, hope the lads alright, you get yersen a nice single malt mate or two, sounds like you need it.

Cheers Nev, as I'm typing this I have a can of Carling on the go. I think what made me nearly cry was when I pulled up outside my house after the nice man dropped him off, my wife and daughter asked what was going on.

I nearly lost it and burst into tears, but managed to compose myself. I think for days now I'm going to wonder what could have happened in different circumstances.

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aye, close thing, hopefully he's ok and won't know what happened.

My friends lad fell asleep on his bike as pillion, he had to whack him to stay awake!

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Mike good to hear everything is ok mate, as everyone says could have been a lot worse outcome, There are loads of good people out there, most of em are too scared of something to stop and help,

I blame the age we live in, you hear only on the news of the good samaritan that was robbed etc when they stopped to help some one, the one person that stopped to help you is your hero, but not newsworthy,

The other day i was riding along a single track country road , I saw some black women about 15 of em walking down the road (very unusual sight too see on black face leave alone 15 around here) at the back a 50 yards behind them one was sitting on the road and another bent over her, I naturally stopped and asked if everything was ok, they said yes thank you very much , she was getting a stone out of her walking boot, as i passed the rest they all waved and smiled, had it been white women they very likely would have cocked their noses in the air and looked the other way as i passed

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Very scary for you. I hope you son fully recovers from what made him faint Mike.

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you only have to look at that chinese video to see the contempt of some people

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Its not your riding style is it? :eusa_doh:

It could be Paul, I don't know why, but he won't hold on to anything, either me or the grab handles. He seems to mold himself onto the back seat and stay there.

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Although it worked out great in the the end. The annoying part is when the car with my son in pulled into Sainsbury's in Chippenham, to drop off his passengers and let my lad go into the toilets to refresh himself, some bastard stole my leather gloves that my wife bought me for our 25th aniversary (2002) which I left on the bike while seeing he was alright.

jesus mike you have had a lucky escape,your son needs to hold on to something at least the grab rail if he is to embarrassed to hold on to an old man. :madflame:

i would try and find out why he fainted blood sugar to low ? i lost a girlfriend off the back of my bike years ago for not holding on shits you up and 30 years on dont like pillion passengers.

do you think you should still be riding at your age. :babyha:

Glad you both made it home ok

Shame about the gloves. Indicative of the age we're in, anything and everything is considered fair game by those who have no respect for anything or anybody, the scum sucking pond life type that consider it fun to piss up war memorials or steal the plaques.

Good to hear about nice people for a change!!

Glad you're both home safe and, as mentioned, see what can be learned from this.

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I was discussing the situation with him last night, I don't think the severity of what could have happened had sunk in yet. Maybe he hadn't realised exactly what did happen because the only thing hew knew about it was when he came too sitting on the grass verge. he's now talking about the next away trip.

After going through it in detail he was surprised to say the least.

Thanks for all your replies, I think it does wonders to talk to people who understand.

And as for you Oldtimer your most likely older than me you cheeky bugger. I bet you was in Bagdad before I was in my Dadsbag.

hows your lad now mike, have you had him to the doc's.

im 47 and i fainted for the first time in my life for no apparent reason.

i was walking through the town centre and woke up with legs going back and forth in front of me,

no one helped me. they probley thought i was an old drunk.and no i don't look like one b4 anyone ask's.

anyway i hope it's just a one off and nothing to sinister..

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hows your lad now mike, have you had him to the doc's.


He's ok now thanks, that's the biggest problem now getting him to the docs.

He's 26 and very stubborn, I've more or less told him until he gets himself checked over I wont take him on the back anymore.

He doesn't drive himself so i'm hoping that will do the trick.

What a bloody fright!! jesus I couldn't imagine that happening.

How the hell did you hold him up and stop the bike at the same time. Ye were both very lucky.

Glad it worked out ok in the end.

As for those bastards those stole the gloves "may they die roaring"

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How the hell did you hold him up and stop the bike at the same time. Ye were both very lucky.

Glad it worked out ok in the end.

I think where my luck was I had just slowed down from 60mph to 40mph, He slumped forward onto my back so I rember indicating, pulling in and applying the rear break, he started slipping to the offside so I litterally put my right arm around him in a headlock to stop him falling off and at the same time trying to flag down one of the cars behind us. I don't think I even changed down the gears because when I stopped the engine stalled.

My nightmare is if would I still have been able to do it if I was still doing 60 as I was about 30 seconds before?

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