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Well what the f**<<,K is going on down south " gotta start beating the shit out these scumbags,,,, When i saw police , running away , it made me boil,

i mean thev"e got helmets & all the gear, i would be into these bastards,, big time :angry:


it's regulation down here that you don't put yourself at risk.

it could effect your compensaition claim.

hence , run like a mother fucker. or run like a nibber on a rape charge ,,:huh: speaking of which ,:angry: have you noticed the amount of dark people involved in the looting,

as iff they don't get enough out of this country already,:angry: oh dont get me started ,

We'll gladly lend you the PSNI, wouldn't take long to sort out the nonsense! Get the water cannons & baton rounds on the go.

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Drop a few SAS and snipers in on the roofs of the shops,complete anonymity to the forces and no comeback on them, announce anyone on the street in thae area in 15 mins will be in danger of being shot dead, i bet they would run squealing like stuck pigs as soon a someone showed a superior force, trouble is to many softly softly do gooders , all the hooligans should have all benfits cut evicted from social housing etc and made to live in the places they have burned and looted while repairing the damage for no pay just feed them a balanced diet of good food to keep em going, (no bloody mc donalds etc full of shite ) then when they have finished they may just respect other peoples property,


Pathetic scum-of-the-earth.

In the Uk we've created this monster of people who do absolutely sod-all and contribute nothing to society. Yet we feed and house them.

They then do drugs and carry guns. Others are second generation rioters, and are just upholding tradition or want a new set of conformist trainers.

The 'cause', the shooting of mark duggan by the met, is no big deal, he was carrying a gun, what did he expect?

The whole lot should be rounded-up and strung-up. They want respect? they need to go and earn it.

Stop subsidising lazy shite to breed, so that this all comes to an end.

All the do-gooders are out playing the 'blame the government' card, but tottenham has had massive investment in public services (an award winning library for one example), has had massive uptake of jobs by foreign nationals (sure there are no jobs you lazy trash?) and has many small businesses (well it did have any way).

We had riots in Bristol (second lot in 4 months), the European Convention on /Human Rights should be withdrawn so we can get tough on these bastards.

£100 million cost to the tax-payer, plus a potential further hike in insurance costs, lost tourism revenue. Stop benefits for every toe-rag caught in this for ever, if they starve tough shit. Any non-nationals caught in this, extradite them without any chance of appeal.

totally fed-up, this country is shot.

Pathetic scum-of-the-earth.

That sentence summed it up perfectly, can't really add any more to it

and what colour are the majority...:angry:

  • Moderator

Give me a snipers rifle and a load of ammo and I would be happy to shoot the rioters and arsonists in the face! Hypothetically speaking that is ;) as I don't condone violence.

A "rogues gallery" starting on sky news website of some of the scum. I did recognise one person................


Mind you I don't know why "The Colonel" was out rioting!!

Pilningas, you aint far wrong

As for colour, the majority of the original protesters to the shooting of the guntoting waster sure werent white

However, the current crop of looters in towns and cities are a mixed bag of the scum sucking pond life of which there are far too many for a healthy society. These represent the current crop of the Jeremy Kyle generation, "you cant touch me ive got rights, I want it and I want it now, the world owes me a living etc"

These useless non contributors will continue to out breed us until we arrive at a point where they represent such a significant section of society that it collapses

As always, nothing rarely happens by chance, so how have we got to this point?

Lack of responsibility by those in governance, decades of evading taking the nessacery actions to maintain order, bowing down to the short term interests of the financial world and corporate empires, failure to take short/medium term unpopular actions at the appropriate time thereby making the problems much more deep seated and difficult to correct.

Possible remedies involve more authoritarian government for perhaps a decade and a half as personal responsibility and discipline are re-introduced back into society, curfew on the streets after 9.pm if youve no good reason to be there youre in trouble, disable the mobile phone network in the troubled areas after 9.00pm

Whos gonna do this?

None of the current crop of lily livered do gooders thats for sure, theyll only act when it begins to impact upon them. cameron might be talking tough about the several hundred that have been arrested being punished, but what will they be charged with? Where are you gonna put them david, youve filled the prisons with people who cant pay their council tax/single fathers who cant pay the maintenance bill/people who have fiddled company expenses etc while keeping the flotsam and jetsom on the streets. Dont be surprised if only a few are ever brought before the courts, theyll all be on legal aid, there be little chance of conviction, and the public purse is empty, which will cause the CPS to abandon the vast majority of cases. Good behaviour contracts by the boxfull.

Im sick of hearing about the rights of those whose violate ours, who never have and never will make any contribution to the nation and will always be an ever increasing drain on our ever dwindling resources

but they sure as hell aint gonna beat me

you don't mention in your rant ,,,peranting,,,, this is where it stems from.

my youngest lad said he was going into bolton town center tonight, i said, your not, he's now at home with his mummy,

when i say he's my youngest ,he's ninteen .but somehow we brought him up to respect our word.

i bet the perants of the dark folk don't stop there kin from looting going into the town.

The attitude is a big problem as you all say.

Heard a 16 year old interviewed on radio today, admitted they were going looting. Their attitude was that if they're caught, it'd be their first offense & the law/courts wouldn't touch them! Lovely.

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I think I recognise of few of these miscreants, gits the lot of them


Just saw the Minister for Security on the TV, talking about the riots;

His name James Brokenshire, i nearly pissed myself - never was a name more apt.

btw, loved your CSI-enhance CCTV above, Colonel Sanders looks more like a very, very, very old Santa!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You may wish to sign the e-petition calling for rioters to lose benefit payments (if the website works...)

theirs a new benifit just been passed by our goverment for GAYS.

it's called the nob seekers allowence..:lol:

  • Author

Im sick of hearing about the rights of those whose violate ours,

Yeh fkn rights" give them a bat Right up their Ass, Ther was two wasters up here tried to raise a riot on face book, there both locked up and NO bail .

i mean , did you see them fkers walking free tnt, ,,, yah and they say its lack of jobs eh" a fkn teacher looting,, hes on £40k a fkn year , the greedy bastard,,:angry:

Thank fuck Hadrians Wall is still standing , were civilized up here,,:D

Yeh fkn rights" give them a bat Right up their Ass, Ther was two wasters up here tried to raise a riot on face book, there both locked up and NO bail .

i mean , did you see them fkers walking free tnt, ,,, yah and they say its lack of jobs eh" a fkn teacher looting,, hes on £40k a fkn year , the greedy bastard,,:angry:

Thank fuck Hadrians Wall is still standing , were civilized up here,,:D

To be fair to us teachers, he is/was? an learning mentor, so on about £25k (in london), they are the social workers of schools.

I'd like to think he'd get the sack, as he clearly does not appreciated his job. He will probably appeal and play a certain 'card'.

Just watched that Diane Abbots on Newsnight; she is completely barmy, seems to want to find a get-out clause for the rioters in her constituency. Apologists like her, need to wake-up and stop trying to blame the rest of society.

Also saw some old fish-dog in manchester, saying the kids had nothing to do, all kids get bored, it doesn't mean they turn to criminals. She's probably on the rock'n'roll anyway.

Reality check: Yes, Englands still pretty f%cked. :pissed-off:

  • Moderator

......Thank fuck Hadrians Wall is still standing , were civilized up here,,:D

Yeah John...Manchester hasnt seen so much trouble since the last Glasgow Rangers visit :rolleyes:

Obviously Hadrians wall isnt doing its job very well ...so see you at squires then :P

anybody on here wanna buy a 50in plasma, it won't fit in my flat :blink:

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Yeh auld een ,,, hers the biggest riot Yet ,,,,,, http://youtu.be/EW0356brnrE

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