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i thought i was suppoting our troops when i bought my band,

but on closer inspection ,:o now correct me iff you see something different, but it say's ,,

that the AFGHANS are HERO's :( now don't take my word for it have a look at these bands like the one i have....:angry:


  • Moderator

It is a UK charity that supports UK soldiers reg number 1132340.

I have to say I do not like any charities.

  • Moderator

i thought i was suppoting our troops when i bought my band,

but on closer inspection ,:o now correct me iff you see something different, but it say's ,,

that the AFGHANS are HERO's :( now don't take my word for it have a look at these bands like the one i have....:angry:


You ARE supporting our troops. I wonder if someone is trying to score both sides of the coin with the 'ambiguous' band.

At least if it were Khaki it would help but orange??

  • Moderator

It is a UK charity that supports UK soldiers reg number 1132340.

I have to say I do not like any charities.

Me either they can be very negative. Take children in need, the wife worked in the call centre for nowt, both kids had done 'fund raising projects' at school. Sponsor'd 3 different runners in the marathon, one was for marie curie but i digress.

Then i tell some jerk with a rattle can i'm skint and i get a high and mighty lecture about 'tightwads like me mean people are dieing' said in front of the kids, if i had not had said wife and kids with me at the time i would have burried his teeth in the back of his head.

I give what i can afford to charieties and right about now i'm skint so every last one of em can f off.

Appologies..... Sore subject.....

Charities,,,,, are not for me much either.

The money does not get to the people that need it !!!!!!!!!!!

I would not mind giving to charities if i could collect the money and then PERSONALLY give it to the people that would do the right thing with it,,,,,,,not for greedy people to line there pockets with.

Mid week tantrum is now over ;)

since this subject has croped up.....there is a new film called four lions......looks like a laff

It is doubtless that the Afgan Heroes charity does a good job, but as far as I understand they confine their assistance to those involved in the Afgan war.

I stand behind our armed forces, regardless of the service to which they belong or which conflict they served in (if any). To this end I fully support the RBLR http://www.rblr.co.uk/content/ who, as a branch of the Royal British Legion raise money to support all service (and Ex service) personel who have come across hard times. Membership is open to all (you don't have to have served in the forces) and they hold some great motorcycling events all around the country.

I am VERY picky as to which charities I support.

Can rattlers and most collectors get told to fuck off, regardless of who they are.

If they DARE to get high and mighty with me, I demand to see their accounts which is my right under [insert made-up act here] and they go all quiet. I believe there *is* an act that entitles me to see where their money is spent, but I can't recall the exact legislation and they never know anyway.

Truth is, many of them do lose a lot of the cash before it reaches the people they're supposed to be supporting.

I go for a lot of animal and forces charities, personally.

In particular, the Gurkhas and Rifles Regiment get my vote, as do the RBL and HFH. I also love Otters, so they always win.

Oxfam can fuck off - They've gone from "Just £2 a month" to now "Just £5 a month" and others are following suit. I *do* know where their money goes...

I am VERY picky as to which charities I support.

Can rattlers and most collectors get told to fuck off, regardless of who they are.

If they DARE to get high and mighty with me, I demand to see their accounts which is my right under [insert made-up act here] and they go all quiet. I believe there *is* an act that entitles me to see where their money is spent, but I can't recall the exact legislation and they never know anyway.

Truth is, many of them do lose a lot of the cash before it reaches the people they're supposed to be supporting.

I go for a lot of animal and forces charities, personally.

In particular, the Gurkhas and Rifles Regiment get my vote, as do the RBL and HFH. I also love Otters, so they always win.

Oxfam can fuck off - They've gone from "Just £2 a month" to now "Just £5 a month" and others are following suit. I *do* know where their money goes...

Oxfam Head Office



'Nuff said :angry:

  • Moderator

Glad I am not on my own re the charities. I have done work for a few and they squander money like they were in the banking profession ;) . Sick of the Chuggers (Charrity Muggers). These are the people who stop you in the street when you are trying to get home from work and try and sign you up for £20 a month. In Victoria, London you can get accosted 4 time in 300 yards, I kid you not. As for the West African ones, if the money raised over the last 30 years has not got them a clean supply of water yet, what happened to the money?

  • Author

since this subject has croped up.....there is a new film called four lions......looks like a laff

http://www.youtube.c...h?v=Ew-SrlQ9tlI it's quite an old film now, but funny beyond belief, at the same time it's scary what they get up to,it makes you think...

  • Author

Oxfam Head Office ,,,they still give a lot more of your funds to the charity though...



'Nuff said :angry:

Don't get me wrong, its just that I can see the potential for giving even more to it's charity, I used to make the steelwork and build those big building, so I know roughly the cost of them, I dare say the head office, for the RSPB, is bigger still, it's just a shame that I see the head office of the NSPCC, is a damn site smaller in comparison, now theres a charity closer to home. ;)

I am an Ex tank driver from the British army and i suported two charities while serving which where the army berneverlent fund and the royal british leagion (still a member) after becoming injured and being discharged i could no longer support both so now i only support the RBL and when i can i give to the Help for hero's. What every this new one thats come out is doing maybe in good spirits but has definatly picked the wrong words to promote their charity.....if they are trying to help our troops it needs to be some thing with out the words afgan, or terrorist, or what not in the wrist band.

But we should all rememeber the money dose get to the place it should! i was in rehab for 9 months and if it wasn't for charities such as SAFA the RBL and Spaces i would most definatly be one of the very many homeless people on the streets! they all bent over backwards to get me into a flat with the bar minimum to live on. for 2 weeks i lived on baked beans on toaste as thats all i could afford i couldn't even afford to have my heating on so in the mornings i had to scrape the ice off my windows lol I agree that SOME charities are over the top and that Oxfam HQ takes the p*ss but please do be blinded by the few that take it too far.

As for the West African ones, if the money raised over the last 30 years has not got them a clean supply of water yet, what happened to the money?

Some of them have clean water, but it comes from WaterAid - A charity run by several water utility companies, including the one I work for. I get to see exactly how much of that money goes where and I can verify that the vast majority goes exactly where it ought to.

I did the WaterAid Ball a couple of years back.

They rented out and smartened up a knackered old warehouse that backed directly onto the Thames, with a lovely view of London.

They had Michael McIntyre as the MC and very cool he was. They had several current name entertainers like Justin Timberlake and Gareth Gates, fantastic 3-course dinner and a load of winable stuff.

You could go into the casino and get 20 chips for £200. £20 bought you a 1-in-5 chance of winning a lucky dip prize. £50 bought you one raffle ticket to win either a £21,000 diamond necklace or a Caterham Seven car!!

They also auctioned off loads of experience days, like lunch with famous sports people, sailing trips and so on. The biddings all started at £1,000. Someone paid almost 10 GRAND for a trip down the Thames Water Victorian sewer network!!

They got everything either free or at rock-bottom prices, with all the prizes being donated and I believe the entertainment was pro bono, too. The amount of money in corporate expense accounts that night was astounding and they raked in a fortune, ALL of which went directly to supplying and installing clean water and waste networks in the places that need them.

THAT is how a charity should be run!!

  • 2 months later...

I find that the "Legion Riders" are a great group of guys that raise money for worthy causes. The American Legion is where this great group of motorcyclists come from and they are a national organization. I have a few good friends in the "Legion Riders" gang and i always donate to them since i know my money will be put to good use.

  • Moderator

Wuz you there last night Leatherat Delbert from the Rd club was there and a load of guys from the Taunton and Bridgewater VJMC

I am VERY picky as to which charities I support.

Yep. Me too.

Personally, I never support any charity that goes outside of the UK, ever.

A charity needs to clear three criteria;

1) Must be exclusive to UK/Uk citizens

2) Must be transparent, and not spend on crap (like monthly 'letters' from Tibby the dead Dodo)

3) It has to have some effect, or be of potential use to me or my family.

So, (putting his heart on his sleve as it were..)

Great North Air Ambulance, I'm a biker, when I merge with the tarmac I want this still flying so I can get to hospital quick.

Childline, worked with them for years, but my daughter is now 17 so I think thier days are numbered.....

PDSA, They opened a local hospital, so I'll support them as long as it's there. If it closes, the donations stop.

I did once support the RSPCA, but then decided that if they could spend on adverts and pay collectors that they had enough money. I have supported the RSPB, only because they gave me some books which we were going to buy, after I'd paid enough into the charity to cover the costs of the books (and a bit more for the setup costs) I stopped.

I don't mind charities, some do a great job but some have far too much waste. I absolutaly object to the God botherers collecting envelopes at the door.

Recently I have taken to sending charity bags (that come through the door) back in stampless envelopes with a note reminding them I have to pay to dispose of their crap - it doesn't stop them putting them through though.

Help For Heroes - I support this where I can, it's the only charity I will give to on the street. Like the Air Ambulance, these are charities we shouldn't have, in that, these services should be provided by the country/government as a basic right to those that need it.

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