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A half decent forecast for the next 3 days spurred me to try and start the Bandit up, having flattened the battery once I just managed to get it ticking over (roughly), the next 10 minutes spent trying to open the throttle which has the quirky characteristic of killing it until finally I could give it some revs. Then I noticed one header pipe didnt burn me quite as much as the other three, so then..its new plugs all round when I get some, and I have no idea what sort of job it is to change them, on first glance it looks like tank off. (not looked in the manual yet though)

so its the DTR out of hibernation I guess :D

like you paul i decided to see what condition my fz600 was in,bearing in mind it has been sat outside uncovered for 4 months i wasnt expecting much but to my amazment it started let it run for 10 minutes plenty of white smoke which cleared after a couple of minutes.

well pleased i thought i would risk running it up and down the road as its SORN but no way the front brake was siezed. :blink: so i think maybe its time to make it a project and bring it back to its former glory.

good luck with yours.

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is yours a water cooled Paul, I would have been worried with the extreme weather over the Xmas period and the run up to Xmas!

And 'Uncovered' under all that snow...shame on you :rolleyes:

no its aircooled in more ways than one :lol: yes i should have had more respect for it but have just been lazy and spending more time on the triumph, will make it up and start looking after it, having seen a 86 fz600 described as almost a classic in MCN and going for £1150 :o

I have not ventured into the garage for 2 months now the bikes have not been started for 3 months, I always take my batterys of for the winter and put them in the cellar , it is heated but not much but it does not go below zero, there is power down there as well so I put them all on the optimate one at a time until fully charged last week .

this weekend I thought right lets have a go and see which one we can get running, I put the battery on the old FZR turned the key and all the lights lit up and I could hear the fuel pump whirr away, oil light out now and pressed the button, starter motor cranking no pop or bang , then again same thing , then again and a pop and bang, then again and bang she's off on all four , hooray ! four hits of the button and shes running , down with the choke and its purring like a kitten and nice throttle response to go with it, its 3 month old fuel with no additives in (fuel preserver), when its up to running temperature i snick into gear only for it to die , hit the button and it fires up but same thing again i adjust the clutch cable a smidge and i can pull it out of the garage , I know its not the side stand as i have had it in bits and cleaned up .

now the kwak two stroke triple , key in iggy light on ,kick ,kick ,kick ,kick not a peep , 10 mins later and totally knackerd with trying to kick it up it eventually fires up on 2 cylinders, left and middle but no right , i cant be arsed , and go for a quick spin on the Fizzer brill its nice to be back on two wheels

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Good ole yamaha beats the suzuki again,

Paul if the bandit is anything like mikes 400 was it is a real pain to do the plugs, tank off etc, he always fitted iridium plugs as they are supposed to last longer, gimme the old bikes RD,s/DT,s etc plugs are a 10 mnute job eh, even the TDr you have to remove a ton of tupperware, then struggle in over the exhausts


I'm struggling with this word..... what does it mean ? :rolleyes:

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When someone keeps a significant other throughout the winter only to dump them once spring arrives to be single for the summer months, they are said to be in hibernation.

Usually occurs when a guy dislikes the weather conditions in winter and refuses to go to the bar to look for girls.

I'm struggling with this word..... what does it mean ? :rolleyes:

my fz was only in hibernation as i have spent the winter riding the triumph, i can understand the guys on here not riding there classics but i prefer to ride all year the amount of kit on the market compared with when i first started riding is excellent and there are plenty of protectives to put on your bike to protect from road salt,but at the end of the day its personal choice if you ride in winter, i would be climbing the walls if i did not ride for 3 months. :D

Good ole yamaha beats the suzuki again,

Paul if the bandit is anything like mikes 400 was it is a real pain to do the plugs, tank off etc, he always fitted iridium plugs as they are supposed to last longer, gimme the old bikes RD,s/DT,s etc plugs are a 10 mnute job eh, even the TDr you have to remove a ton of tupperware, then struggle in over the exhausts


On my old N600 (96) I had some iridium plugs and I didn't really notice a difference to be fair which was a shame as they aren't exactly cheap for a bigger bike. Through cold times I always made sure that the bum loving beast was started every day :) never had a single issue with it (apart from the lack of top end).

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Good ole yamaha beats the suzuki again.......................

The SV has been ridden all through winter. I did have to buy a new battery at -12.5 degrees which seemed to kill it. Apart from ice I rode it most days. Sometimes I wish I hadn't as it has been bloody cold and I am getting too old for winter riding.

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Yeah the DTMX is dead easy like the RD's.

Is that the long term memory stuff again.....

Ha " paul, you"v only the old DT, left , Its fuel most likely. , Black Tiger has a CB750- 4. 3 weeks ago . we unscewed the drain plugs on carbs , let them run clear. Afew turns " And hey-presto. :rolleyes:

I built The H2 at the weekend, [ honed- new rings- new 3rd gear,] so its been split & clean as a whistle. 4th kick " and running great, on pre-mix till pump bled, The smoke is horendeous" :D

  • 3 months later...
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Removed the carb bank and the bowls off the two offending cylinders, although the bowls were spotlessly clean the two pilots from these carbs were gunked with something. Now all is well and MOT is next job :D

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Good luck with the MOT OG. :)

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you should piss the MOT OG, especially with your mechanical ineptitude prowess

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