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me and my frend wer over ther doing brass rubing last week and its still ther
is that what you call it?, sounds a bit brokeback mountain to me :lol:

okay then i will. Hahaha, lol, rofl, pmsl, lmfao

and mine will call the army, wooooooo!

fekin 'el, your spelling is worse than barkwindjammers :lol:

my mum and ant Maude no ded people in ther and ther not happy

What, the dead people are not happy?

Is your "Aunt Maude" Jennifer Love Hewitt then, or something? How does she know they're not happy? Are they speaking to her?

i dont think so you ar a idiot

He is..... He should call me instead.

I am far better placed than the Army - For starters, I don't have to fill out any forms before I go do anything and if there's any kit I need, I can just go buy it. I don't get shafted by some bean-counting bureaucrat.

Seriously though - I am very close to Newbury. If you have a problem, PM me and I'll see what I can do, Starfish.

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Seriously though - I am very close to Newbury. If you have a problem, PM me and I'll see what I can do, Starfish.

I think his problem might be that his starfish is chocolate...... :mellow:

"chocolatestarfish" who is this retard ??? i think he needs shooting any one going to lend me a gun ???

sorry but you sound so so imature are you even old enough to have a ped???

fekin 'el, your spelling is worse than barkwindjammers :lol:

an whits rang wi ma spellin laddie ? :unsure:

i think he needs shooting any one going to lend me a gun ???

No, but you may rent me and my impressive arsenal. Ammo and expenses are included in my rates ;)

No, but you may rent me and my impressive arsenal. Ammo and expenses are included in my rates ;)

I would agree taskmaster, after you've shot your load you could finish the wierdo with a good fisting m8, teach him not to go around firing accusations at people :angry:

I would agree taskmaster, after you've shot your load you could finish the wierdo with a good fisting m8, teach him not to go around firing accusations at people :angry:

ooh, i dont think barwell will like that!, you better edit it quickly, he's 'arder than a coffin nail so its wise to stay on his good side :lol:

I would agree taskmaster, after you've shot your load you could finish the wierdo with a good fisting m8, teach him not to go around firing accusations at people :angry:

I don't make a big thing of these jobs.... One round through the head, confirm dead and that's it.

If you want torture, seek Torquemada.

If you want the job done quickly with minimal fuss so you can just get on with life - I'm yer man.

ooh, i dont think barwell will like that!, you better edit it quickly, he's 'arder than a coffin nail so its wise to stay on his good side :lol:

I must have misread that - I thought Barwell was the one who wanted the shooting done?

oh my bad, i meant Ttaskmaster, i wouldnt think you would appreciate BWJ turning what you said into one big inuendo ;)

though he's scottish, so he is allowed a certain degree of lunacy :D

oh my bad, i meant Ttaskmaster, i wouldnt think you would appreciate BWJ turning what you said into one big inuendo ;)

I do have a sense of humour, ya know!! :lol:


  • 4 weeks later...
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i think ther may be some explaning to do if ther on hear


and hes a idiot its been rubed of but you can stil see it, and 1 week jale for this

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