Posted June 25, 200915 yr Died tonight was in a deep coma taken to hospital and he died .... on sky news now
June 25, 200915 yr somebody had to beat me to it!! anyhow, its been confirmed now, was in a coma, but now he has defo moved on music as an entity has been scarred forever.. and may he live on in our hearts and thru our speakers.. he will forever be a legend in many of our minds, and no matter who says what, he was innocent, he had a soft heart, and didnt mean harm.. maybe a bit twisted, but that was mentally, but thats not there for people and the media to try to take his money.. he was talented, and forever will his music inspire people!! rest in peace michael we'll miss u forever
June 25, 200915 yr He was a sicko. Dont get me wrong am not glad hes dead or anything like that. What he did to kids was total obscene and being a music legend don't get him a pass. Dont say cause he never got convicted he never done it......... He was a creep.
June 26, 200915 yr pfft in my opinion he was a good singer other than that he can rott as i think his attitude was all wrong and the kid's thing was sick and i do think he did stuf so ether way i dont care in slightest hes dead
June 26, 200915 yr R.I.P MJ. talented artist, freak, and ledgend. qiuck everybody upload and copy all the beatles albums you can, while the copyrights are in probate.
June 26, 200915 yr You know how sometimes people should think more before they speak? Radio 1 were reading out reactions from celebs to his death. Cher apparently said 'He touched people in a way that few others ever could' Yeah, thats why he ended up in court!!!
June 26, 200915 yr Moderator I heard it was not a heart attack but he drowned he was found bobbing up and down on a buoy whats the difference between Alex Ferguson and M J Fergie will still be playing Giggs in august
June 26, 200915 yr Moderator You know how sometimes people should think more before they speak? Radio 1 were reading out reactions from celebs to his death. Cher apparently said 'He touched people in a way that few others ever could' Yeah, thats why he ended up in court!!! Class Very strange bloke. let down by people around him who should have mentioned, quietly, that it was not a good idea to sleep in the same bed as little boys!! He could have possibly decided to be Latoya full time now. I prefered his music when he was a black guy, but lot a big fan then. For the football fans - He must have been a West Ham fan like me as I remember hearing that he liked the song "I'm forever blowing bubbles" Shame he had a monkey named bubbles
June 26, 200915 yr Moderator Farrah fawcett died earlier the same day, and when she got to the pearly gates st peter said she could have one wish.....she said she wanted the children of the world to be safe..............
June 26, 200915 yr Moderator No matter what anyone thinks about MJ he was a musical genius and we have lost a legend and an icon - none of us were there during these "accusations" so we cannot ever know what happened - he was hounded by the press and money-grabbing arseholes - that much we do know - but the fact remains that we have lost one of the worlds greatest artists. His music will forever live on - RIP MJ
June 26, 200915 yr Dont say cause he never got convicted he never done it......... He was a creep. I though I was the only heartless realist, fed up with the radio and TV already. I'm sick to death of these tearspouting morons on the TV & Radio, WTF are these people on? get a life, the sun will still come up tomorrow. I know there are those that think he was a god, king of pop, a musical genius - but to be honest I don't have a single recording of his, I never found any of his music entertaining, or in fact ground breaking. With the exception of Thriller which I remember as being the first album with true stereo (the footsteps walking across the room - that was quite cool), but that is more down to the production than any musical talent. He was accused of child abuse (Ok this is a genericl term, but it covers most bases), pleaded his innocence then paid up. out-of-court with a gagging order! Yes, if I had nothing to hide that's what I'd do........ Oh no sorry, I'd stand up there and prove these people wrong. He was then charged, and went to court, but where in the UAS could you find a person who doesn't think the sun shines out of his ass ?? and he even got to choose his jury members WTF is that all about?? OJ got off with murder - enough said about that then. Circus trials just aren't worth the paper they are written on. I for one couldn't care less about his passing, what really gets on my goat is now I have to retire into my own little world or be subjetc to the "he was great" "we all miss him" crap and the perpetual looping of his output on the Radio....... At this time in my life I am actually thankfull to Apple and the growth of large capacity MP3 palyers........
June 26, 200915 yr Author Well said Gas up- lets go i didnt like him when he was alive and i still dont like him now he is dead, i dont have and never have had any of his records. Some people tend to forget their is never any smoke without fire just because he was found not guilty doesnt mean he wasnt . Talented yes an icon not in this house he isnt
June 26, 200915 yr they are going to melt down his body so that kids can play with him for a change A recycle deal with Lego ???
June 26, 200915 yr Moderator He's being melted down and recycled into a playstation -- so kids can still play with him His Ghost has been found wandering the children's ward. He was trying to put the Willies up them ! Apparently his heart attack was brought on by him tripping over a pram, Doctors say its too early to "Blame it on the buggy" ! Some say it was food poisoning as he's been eating 12 year old nuts... Apparently it wasn't a heart attack...He was found in the children's ward having a stroke ! What's the difference between him and Alex Ferguson. Ferguson will be playing Giggs in August.. He hasn't been this stiff since McCauley Culkin stayed over ! He managed to whisper on his way to hospital to the paramedics...Could you put me in the children's ward. Doctors believe his heart attack was hereditary problem, the think he had a defective Billy Gene. Jockeys at tomorrows race meeting will wear black armbands out of respect for Jacko who successfully rode more 3 year olds than anyone in living history.. What a coincidence, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson dying on the same day. One played with Majors, the other played with Minors..
June 26, 200915 yr Haha, pedobear ownage As per MJs wishes, his ashes will be put into a curry so that kids can have him go through their ass one more time
June 26, 200915 yr As a tribute to the late Michael Jackson, MacDonalds are intoducing, for a limited time only, the MJ burger. 50 yr old meat between 10 yr old buns! What's the difference between Michael Jackson & Farrah Fawcett-Major? About 3 hours. In the ultimate recycling effort, Michael Jacksons' ashes will be sold to Lego. What have Newcastle Utd & MJ got in common? "It doesn't matter whether your black or white" they both went down in 2009. What's the difference between MJ & Alex Ferguson? Fergie will still be playing Giggs in August. Michael Jackson hasn't been this stiff since his son's friends came to stay for the weekend. Paramedics said when they arrived at michael jacksons house he wasn't breathing but he was blowing Bubbles. I heard some reports that he was rushed to hospital with food poisoning, not surprising given he'd recently been eating 12 year old nuts! What did Michael Jackson and a plastic bag have in common. They were both white, made of plastic and dangerous to small children Michael Jackson is being recycled into dummies & coke bottles so lots of kids can suck on him. Reports of Michael Jackson having a heart attack are INCORRECT! He has been found in the childrens ward having a STROKE! according to paramedics micheal jackson went stiff as he passed the childrens ward.
June 26, 200915 yr Some of the high and mighty, morally up-standing 'accusers' have some un-nervingly depictive and vivid imaginations I did and still do think Michael Jackson (rip) was a modern Icon, and undoubtedly a magnet for litigation, however, never having known the man (except what the media wanted me to know, or thought I'd believe) couldnt make any judgement on him, his music and aura aside. I would like to say though, that if I had cause, I would personaly feed a live paedophile into a bacon slicer, very slowly
June 26, 200915 yr not going to give my opinion, else id get slaughtered here (DIDNT JUST SAY THAT!!) but i find it strange how the media were all PEDO and WACKO JACKO, now he's dead, media decide to claim that he is a legend, and he had severe mental and physical problems, and had such a soft and kind gentle heart!! strange, dont u think??
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