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As I use an Acer One

oh no, those horrible little blue things?

it will only take the pre-installed OS, had atewws workin at currys andc ouldnt get to grips with it, get a real computer, much better ;)

I used to program my apple 2 in basic.

before that i had a ti994a that saved data on a audio cassette tape in a shoebox tape recorder via an RS-232 cable

my buddy had a modem that was top of the line for his apple. (you took your phone off the receiver and placed it on this cradle thing)

today's youth take too much for granted.

oh, yeah and using a calculator in math class was CHEATING, not required.

nowadays algebra is just an instruction on how to use a graphing calculator. back in the day we used paper and rulers and lots of pencils.

oh no, those horrible little blue things?

it will only take the pre-installed OS, had atewws workin at currys andc ouldnt get to grips with it, get a real computer, much better ;)

So if I install MS windows on the intel atom processed 160gb machine that will make it real ? rather than Linpus Linux so you say Linux is better than MS give me a distribution of Linux that will work .... To date I have used Linpus and Win XP on the machine (it was shiped with Linpus) when I Fdisked the drive & installed MS XP on NTFS partion the machine lost it's 15 second boot time (MS overhead I guess) and had a few driver problems. So I reinstalled Linpus and tried to upgrade the O/S to a more 'hard core' version of Linux (perhaps a full install of Ubuntu) but with very little knowledge of Linux when I try to install Ubuntu by running the correct SH it fails through dependancy errors. I do have some knowledge of JCL and have read thro the SH but to no avail .. I thought as you are a Linux user of some time you would be able to shed some light on this problem or at least point me in the direction of a Linux distribution that will install rather than Currys

Regards Jim

P.S Mines White ! :lol:

f*ck knows mate, i dont get involved with netbooks.

like i said, get a real PC ;), im dualbooting Linux Ubuntu and a cracked version of Windows XP.

only real problem with Linux is you can't run games reliably on it, sure you can download emulators such as wine but even then you get some problems trying to run high-end games on a system not designed to work with it.

Ubuntu is really just my plaything. :)

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today's youth take too much for granted.

oh, yeah and using a calculator in math class was CHEATING, not required.

nowadays algebra is just an instruction on how to use a graphing calculator. back in the day we used paper and rulers and lots of pencils.

Calculator never had on when i went to school the things were not invented as pocket soize. we had a slide rule and 10 fingers


f*ck knows mate, i dont get involved with netbooks.

like i said, get a real PC ;), im dualbooting Linux Ubuntu and a cracked version of Windows XP.

only real problem with Linux is you can't run games reliably on it, sure you can download emulators such as wine but even then you get some problems trying to run high-end games on a system not designed to work with it.

Ubuntu is really just my plaything. :)

It's the same platform as a pc ... in fact the spec of the Acer One is well above the requirements to run either MS Windows Vista or Ubuntu you must forget it has a 10 inch screen and is well portable the Bios gives me some indication of the other hardware attched to the mother board (along with the Atom processor) but I guess you do not know how to install Ubuntu from another GNU product ? If you you have a mate who does I would be interested to talk to them !

Linpus (Fedora based) is ok but even using wine tends to run GNU compiled programs below the performance of Ubuntu. Using wine will give you problems as each instruction from the game needs to be 'translated' (via wine) before its put to the stack to be processed so therefore you may get a few stack overflows (to much info added to the stack to quickly due to slow translation by wine). why would i want a 'real' pc the Dell latitude laptop & the Acer One do everything the old 3 peice pc I had (and threw away) could do.

Regards Jim

can you not burn the Ubuntu image onto a removable device and boot from that?

can you not burn the Ubuntu image onto a removable device and boot from that?

That is a fair question I guess I could if Linpus allowed the Ubuntu tar files to be unziped and added to a bootable disk or do you think I should use the MS windows machine to download and burn the o/s then with a bit of hope booting from the MS bootable I could perhaps run the correct SH file .... I dont know as I would guess the MS system would ignore the SH files .... unless you can explain how to produce a bootable disk under linux ?

Regards Jim

i've never tried making a bootable disk with Linux, i only started using it when my original XP machine decided to f*k itself over and not boot up, so i downloaded Ubuntu from the linux website using my sisters Vista laptop and burnt the .iso image onto a CD using Nero SmartSuite (any CD burning tool will do though, just make sure to BURN the image and not just copy it)

you may be able to access the linux site and download the entire OS in .tar format, have a look on google there are probably some walkthroughs up


Sorry the topic I guess just matured into another !!!


Regards Jim

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