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Posts posted by Goff

  1. women are like wine and cheese... the good ones only get better with a bit of age... and you, Goff, are no exception... :)

    kinda of worrying considering you're probably about 10 years older than myself... O.o (its safe to assumed your about 26, yes?... cant be much older :S)

    Now you see, there you go with the charm - and if im about 10 years older than you that would make me 46 - which im not, and if you thought i was i would kill you with one fell swoop - even though you said im about 26 - which im clearly not.....so which is it? :lol:

    Would you like a bigger spade honey? :lol:;)

  2. I'd have had his wing mirror off, myself.

    I think me parkingthe bike in front of him so he couldnt move anywhere, giving him a real gobful, then him being surrounded by 4 other bikers all doing the same was enough to make him whimper like a girly :lol:

  3. Just for you Goff meet your Thai counterpart. rides a 400 dragstar just like me all 90 Lbs of her counting leathers and helmet. :lol:


    My god that helmet looks heeeyooooooge on her tiny head! :lol:

    You have a very lovely wife indeed, and the baby is exceptionally cute!

  4. goff, never met you, but i love your turn of phrase!! :icon_lol:

    Weeeeeel.......stupid bugger could have caused an accident and didnt even notice - or even care! And i do tend to swear a lot for a girly - specially when im peeved :lol:

    Good on ya Goff, i get the same things happening over here in oz very bad drivers, and they dont give a shit for any one else on the road damn ass wipes. One pulled out infront of me the other week at a set of traffic lights i had the right of way as i was going straight ahead and he was turning right talking to his m8 beside him, as i got to the intersection the dick head turned right i braked but had no room to stop so i went right in to him :angry: did some damage but i was pissed off with him, the thing is that he said it was my fault :blink: unbelievable....

    Unbelieveable isnt it.

    And it makes me soooooo mad that these myopic arseholes are loose on our (and your!) roads. :angry:

    A dont think the queue of traffic behind him was too chuffed that i parked me bike where i stood to give him a gobful though lol

  5. These photos are of a Charity ride to a school way out in the country, organized by a couple of Thai clubs here in the area. the photo are of a main highway, we ended up one of those roads you will never find on a map. So many Pot holes we gave up taking photos and tried to survive instead. But, when we got to that school and starting sharing time with the kids every bump was worht it. They trying to practise english, me trying to practise Thai. They have so little yet they came up with a great lunch for us. The entire village chipped in Thats my Thailand.

    Looks like you had a great time with the kids - and some great roads there too! Whereabouts is that then?

    By the way the farrang lady in that photo, if she is 40 I may have to concur ;)

    Thats me - and im almost 40 :lol:

  6. Its beautiful. I have tried to stay away fromt he touristy areas but since the Tsunami Samui and phe phe have gone that way and i guess its kinda spoiled it for me.

    I am not jealous, no not at all......

    well maybe just a little lol ;)

    Keep posting piccies - brings back fond memories. :D

  7. You Sir, are an absolute fuckwit.

    Sitting in VERY slow traffic through Matclock Bath centre heading towards the top car park you were behind me.

    We were moving extremly slowly as it was very busy yesterday, then you - in your infinite wisdom decided you wanted to pass me on my INSIDE.

    You could not have gone anywhere because the traffic was so slow.

    You had already undertaken 2 of my friends that were behind me and whilst trying to undertake me you decided to have a chat on your fuckin mobile phone.

    I saw you when you pushed the front of your car level with my knee. I was sitting in the command position in the road ie the fucking middle so what made you think you could get up my inside is beyond me - had i not seen you, i have no doubt you would have taken me off.

    Upon stopping my bike in the middle of the road and getting off, you got off your fuckin phone and looked as me as blankly as your 3 stupid mates in the car as i gave you a mouthful. It was only when my OH and my 4 other friends gave you the same did you apologise - you weren't even aware of what you had done.

    So Mr Clio-driving-chavtastic-asshole-fuckwit-mobile phone-using car driver

    I hope i never come across you again, because believe me , i soooooooo regret not dragging you out of that car and pasting your sorry ass.


    Rant over.

    (and breathe)

  8. Well I assure you if you come to Thailand and establish yuorself just for a woman, or in this counry whatever your preferenc you are going to one unhappy persoan before it's over. It either fits or it doesn't.

    It's far from perfect, but I gain more then I lose, so it's home to me.

    If the plan is to come and play for a few weeks, don't really have to worry about themn truning 40 do you :offtopic:

    Ok ok calm down i was only having a laugh. starwars.gif

    Riding is truly unique here doubt that I would enjoy anywhere anymore then I do here. Safety for get it doesn't happen. But you learn to adapt and take care of you and yours. We have abiout 40 foreigners who are on a ride list here, not a club, just guys who share riding together. They wear proper safety eqiupment. Some guys ride on the edge some don't I don't even try to stay up with them. I enjoy the riding adn want to be around tomorrow to so some more.

    But for the most part Thai's don't you will see the cops all day long six days a week, giving out tickets for helmets, I've seen that for six years. For the most part tee shirts shorts and rubber sandles. You also from time to time see them dead along side the road, next to bike with barely a scartch on it and helemts in the front basket. TT ( Tis Thailand)

    Now you would think that at some point they would at least by a cheap helmet les then the fine nd wear it to avoid the 200 baht fine, but no.

    Rules of the road are simple here who ever has the biggest vehicle has the rigth of way. Drivres will look yuo right in the eye and pull into you on a bike. Yuo will move or end up crashed simple as that. But believe or not you get use to it learn what to watch. Riding in the city here is not a great deal. But when you get out in the coutry side you will see a beautiful country with roads that are seldom traveled. People that are for the most part just friendly. Want to talk with you even when they don't know how.

    Run across beautiful temples in the middle of no where, mudane large highways, road that for no apparent reason just stop. Section of roads that are well maintained, go into the next province adn they are full of Pot Holes. Roads that you will never find a on a map or GPS. Only place in my life that I almost ran into a elephant. So a challeging riding experience but a rewarding one as well.

    The women they are just women like everwhere else.

    Been loads of times to Thailand and have many friends out there. Never been to mainland Thailand - always Samui and surrounding islands. And what you say is exactly right about the riding - its mental - you have to keep up wth the flow or end up on your ass. I love it out there though, and yo ucan get to see so many places on a 'ped!

    And this is me in Samui a couple of years back at my mates bar:


    And my friend Son who owns the bar:


  9. hi, goff just wondered if they sound ok with decibel killer fitted- does it affect performance not being re jetted-thanks in anticipation-- seen & heard Elvira on utube

    They sound like stock pipes with the baffles in - like a wet fart in a pair of damp undies.

    I dont have baffles in and i never will. My pipes dont have "not for road use" on them therefore they are legal.

    OK i might one day get an advisory but its unlikely.

    I havent noticed any difference in performance whatsoever.

    I personally believe rejetting a cruiser is a load of old money making bollox. My cruiser has a big, thumping V Twin engine, its not a performance bike its a cruiser - steady away and all that - and is not finely tuned like the sports bikes, so rejetting IMHO isnt necessary - but its up to you what you do. ;)

  10. I agree Goff, all sorts of things have been dug up and answered recently, But three years!

    And todays top poster is...?

    Must be the late summer eh OGAB?

    Long dead threads being resurrected....... forum trolls suddenly appearing.............Bulletproof Monks popping up alongside Rambo's relatives......... and a myriad of other weird and wonderful things going on of late - makes me come over all sarcastic so it does......... :lol:

    I can guess, more importantly are the mods into Hemmingway or Metalica.........hmmmmm

    Metallicaaaaaaaaaa all the damned way..... ROCK ON! headbang2.gif

  11. yes i do want to know what was he like


    This thread is over 3 years old and this all happned WAAAAAYYY before you (or i) became a member so do enlighten us as to why you - a member of all of 3 days - want to know what he was like?

    Even members who have been here for years couldnt give a shit...........

  12. i wouldn,t like to get on the wrong side of her! and lisa thought the other picture was better this one reminds of a traffic warden i met recently lol

    Oooooooh......good job i like you innit.....else i be doling out my "spethul" punishment mistressgoffspank.gif

    Traffic warden indeed - methinx you have uniforms on the brain m'dear :lol:

    What about this one then:


    And no coronaries in the forum please - i dont do resuscitation............ :P

  13. I only mentioned it to explain WHY I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ANYMORE! Yes, that is my issue... and I do believe if you read back, THAT is what I was trying to say ;)

    Really? If the reason you're dog being killed by a speeding driver is the reason why you seem so bitter and angry, then i suggest you get yourself some counselling. Obviously this has affected you quite deeply - and before you start and rip me to pieces im not having a pop, i am making a genuine suggestion - but you seem unable to cope with this and maybe some professional help would be good for you. I am genuinely sorry your dog died in this way, but take a step back for a moment eh.

    If some retard with a knife, who is pissed off about his team loosing a football match ffs and I did NOTHING to provoke him, then holds a knife to my throat, you think I'm going to say: Oh, Mr retard with a knife I'm sorry your team lost? No, I'm gonna tell him what I think... You're a f'ing looser, go forth and multiply!

    Yep ok if you say so. But this is both idiotic and very very worrying. If you REALLY were in this situation and you REALLY do behave as you have led us to believe you do, then again, please seek out some help, because clearly there is a major problem.

    Btw that was not far from you Goff when I went to Salford University. It's really nice and friendly around there isn't it! Can't remember WHY I left :unsure:

    Salford is a shit hole as you will no doubt know.

  14. She was trained at Dr Roger Mugford's Animal Behaviour Centre.

    We did EVERY course available.

    She was used as an example in training sessions, to show the other owners of THIS is how your dog should behave.

    He would have happily written a statement for me regarding her temperament and behaviour, except i did not wish to pursue the matter further, as it was too painful to deal with.

    I have made my point and will say no more on the matter, as it is too upsetting for me.

    And our Akitas were show dogs! Trained to the highest standards as required by Crufts and the Kennel Club. Whether a dog is trained by Dr Roger Mugford, Mic Martin or Cesar Millan - in the eyes of the law this means jack shit. And at 15 months old the dog would still be classed as a pup - therefore unpredictable.

    As i keep saying - your dog was not on a lead and that is what counts as far as the law is concerned.

    No he shouldnt have been speeding

    Yes he should have stopped

    But because your dog wasn't restrained - THATS what makes a difference. You could have been in serious shit for that if the driver had stopped and pursued it himself - wrong as it may seem.

    What point is it you are trying to make? I cant see one apart from in your eyes the driver had committed an offence and the police did bugger all - there was bugger all they could do anyway!

    No i am not trying to piss you off but for fucks sake - you're the one going on about how you dont ride anymore because your mates were knocked off their bikes and your dog was killed by a speeding driver, and that you would rather go out for walks with your dog than risk your life on the road, and how you're so tough you can tell someone with a knife to your throat to fuck off - I think you have a few SERIOUS issues you need to deal with before having a pop at me for giving you some facts that you didn't like. If its too upsetting for you then stop bloody mentioning it in every other post you make!!!!!!

    Anyway - this is a bike site not a damned dog site so back to bikes now if you please.

    mason - i agree with you 100%, but there are folk who DON'T think like that and wont ever think like that. It just means the rest of us have to be extra cautious.

    Ride/drive like you're driving/riding for everyone else on the road and dont take any risks. ;)

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