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Posts posted by Goff

  1. I have seen this on anotehr forum. I actually feel sorry for him. He trusted his friend to do a job for him (as most of us have done before) and he cocked it up - then everyone on that forum has jumped on him calling him all sorts of names. It wasnt his fault and he obviously didnt know enough to do it himself. I think all those members forget that they knew fuck all once.

    now if you REALLY wanna laugh - heres one that is sooooo funny.


  2. Really sorry to hear this Goff, Blakey wasnt the one in the dog competition a while back was he?

    No that wasn't him - also known as Oz.

    We spent many hours putting the world to rights at various rallies - we even all went to Faro together in 2005. He was one of the good guys, and Lee and I are really shocked by this. It was a routine op.

    The accident he had was about 5 years or so ago and he and his pillion were hurt quite badly, would have been even more so had they not been suited and booted. A van swerved into them on a slip road as they were getting onto a motorway and hit them side on. He smashed his femur and had had problems with it ever since - it was that he was having fixed.

    Just goes to show - that even years later you can still die from the after effects of an accident. Be careful out there folks.

    Thats why shit like this REALLY annoys me. Should have sent the stupid bitches right back to their own country and let their hospitals deal with it. :angry:

  3. Read and quaked in fear!!! :lol:

    No apology required Goff. I understand what you are saying and it is a credit that you obviously care very much about the site.

    I just didn't want to be a troll!! :crying:

    An orc maybe, or an elf.... ;)

    I LOVE this site - and the people on it - well most of em :lol: It annoys the shit out of me when we get folk on who just wanna cause a fight or post loads of shitty spam. I have met some great folk off here and like to think i've made some good friends.

    I feel like its mum sometimes :lol: - and i just want to look after it. ;)

    Orc's and Elfs are SOOOOOO last year - you can be my bitch instead...... :lol:

    there you go all gone just a vast expanse of bugger all i'll miss that sig it was like a son to me.

    and as for the size thing ;) lol

    You could of made it smaller you knows ;)

    The size thing - useless.gif

  4. How the fuck these weren't killed is beyond me.

    They showed absolute disregard for themselves and other people. And i feel so sorry for the lorry driver - words cannot express how i feel about this stupid pair of bitches. We have just lost a very good mate and someone most of us knew and loved and people like this cause so much havoc, cause major accidents and they live. One gets SEVEN WEEKS in one of OUR NHS hospitals at OUR expense and the other gets ONE DAY in prison.

    Makes my fuckin blood boil. :angry:

    Please excuse my little rant but one of our very good friends died last night.He had a bad bike accident a couple of years back and had trouble with his leg ever since. He went into theatre for an op on it and never came out - then you see shit like this. :angry:

    We are a bit stunned at the mo as Blakey was a good mate.

    RIP Blakey mate, we will miss you loads xx

  5. Sorry Goff..

    An apology

    (sorry, Goff :blush: ). Hopefully my post windows won't be so long now.

    And another.......

    you see where im going with this? laff.gif

    Anyone would think you were all scared of me....cant think why though laff.gif

    I don't think Goff meant guys like you, but rather people who join the forum for there own gains, without contributing to the forum.

    I do my best to help others where I can. :)

    PM = Private Message

    HTH = Hope this Helps :)


    Thats exactly what i meant - thanks Olli. I know theres a lot of members who dont post regularly but after maybe 5/10 genuine posts it can be established that they are indeed intersted in the site and not ere to cause bother or post spam.

    Sorry - i didn't mean to offend anyone. :blush:

    Oh that's alright then! :D

    Alas my contribution at this moment is rather small - just questions.

    But from small acorns mighty oaks grow (alledgedly!):icon_biggrin:

    Which is another way of saying as a novice I can only improve via gaining the knowledge of those who have been riding for years.



    Questions are fine and most welcome - i learn a lot myself from reading the answers too! As i said above i did not mean any offence.

    All hail the mighty Goff !! :yay:

    Now your learning ;):lol:

  6. There goes my main reason for logging in recently :blink:

    (Is my signature too big/long/etc - not sure on the netiquette on this one...)

    Awwww - well if folk are gonna help make the site more enjoyable and easier onthe eyes i gotta lead by example. ;)

    Yours seems fine though - its not a huge piccie or animation that smacks you in the teeth as soon as you read the post its under :lol: To be honest i wouldnt worry about it too much yet, i am sure adminwallah will give us some guidance once the new forum gets going.

    Shoks -theres a load of space under your sig honey - thats whats making it looks so heeyooooge!

    Also - yest another idea - restrict "guests" from viewing the forum unless they join - or at least restrict them to parts of it only - we seem to have more bloody guests than members online most of the time!

  7. :D

    Sorry Goff..

    i use 2 dual 24inch monitors, so the sig is tiny to me, but i will change it just for you!

    and little dans isnt big.... :S

    lol aww bless ya honey ;)

    But its still heeeyyyoooooooge - the problems of having a powsh monitor eh lol ;)

    Littledans IS big you know - really....ermmm...i am talking about the sig you knows *snigger* :D

    Oh and another idea for the site adminwallah - restrict new members from viewing profiles, sending PM's or contacting other members until they have established themselves as a genuine member - say 10 decent posts - that way we can weed out the trolls

  8. This thread has become a bit tedious but briefly mention I think we are very safety conscious in UK. Just back from france and italy playing spot the Brits. Easy they are the ones in the protective gear sweating their nads off. Everyone else is in shorts and short sleeved shirts or similar and that includes on the motorways. The biker police do not wear protective gear either just helmets. Seriously, the risk of heatstroke has to be considered and the ability to ride must be impaired by being so hot with all that gear so whats the answer. They are all wrong- no i dont think so! Certianly blown away my conviction on wearing all the gear- at least in that heat.

    Thats why you plan your journey carefully with plenty of stops. Wearing a t shirt under leathers in a hot country often keeps you cool - something i can vouch for whilst riding in Portugal a couple of years back! It was boiling hot, but none of us suffered heat stroke or any other adverse effects caused by over heating. Theres plenty of gear made for wearing in hot weather you can buy - draggin jeans, vented boots and gloves, jackets and trousers with flow-thru mesh that allows for rapid cooling, heck you can even buy a helmet liner - which although it wont stop your head from sweating, it will keep it dry by wicking away moisture. So all that "i dont wear them cos its too hot" is just a shit excuse IMO.

    As for the thread being tedious - it might have gone off topic a little (guilty as charged) but its back on track and theres been some good posts - as the old saying goes - if you dont like it......... :rolleyes:

  9. I did make the suggestion of a sponsors only section via the annoying feedback button. I think you could ask folk to sponsor a set amount annually (say £20 ish) and set up a sponsors only forum - one only people who have sponsored the site can access. Also restricting for sale/wanted adverts to sponsors might be an idea - not hiding them, just allowing only sponsors to post such things. Limiting other things such as PM's and personal avatars and sigs to sponsors only might be an idea too. I help moderate on another, very very large biker site and we have this kind of thing -works really well and encourages folk to support the site. People often want something for free and i can see this post might get torn up, but theres a lot of work goes into running a board like this and i for one would be happy to pay my money - admin - where do i donate?

    As for sigs - Shokz and littledan - yours are PRIME examples of massive sigs that take over the board - no offence intended, but they are absolutely fuckin huge, and for what purpose?

    alexasigno's is about the ideal size i reckon.

    My sig wont be coming back - it was a tad distracting and i bet it was annoying for some of you too - lead by example and all that ;)

  10. Fork Locks?

    Must be what we call a Steering Lock.

    That still only takes a few seconds.....

    Leaving bike in gear is common, especially if you have to park uphill.

    As for getting left, guess you'd better make sure you're ready, then....

    Us, we leave together, we arrive together. It's about the company, rather than anything else.

    Then again, we're a bit older than you :D

    I have an oxford disc lock with a key the same as the one you posted. key stays roudn my neck when im out and the lock takes seconds to put on and take off.

    As for getting left behind - i'd be pretty pissed if a group i was with left me - but then again i cant imagine it would ever happen - its an unwritten rule amongst bikers and i thought it was wordlwide.....seems i was wrong.

  11. Oh, forgot that one - I'm a member too.....

    Heh heh, I said 'member'!!!!


    There's a politics-free, female only 'Frontpatch' club in Kent, that my other half is part of.

    They've been going 18 years!!

    These clubs are about and becoming more accepted.

    Keep an eye out......

    yeah but i live in Manchester. I know of a few ladies only clubs but they are too bluddy far away!

  12. I am a member of NAB'd

    Im also a member of the Virago Star Owners Club (VSOC)

    I dont actually ride with any club though.

    Who I'd like to be a member of?

    Shrug........ No aspirations to join any particular Back, Side, front or any other Patch club.

    Agree entirely although there arent many of those kind of clubs for us ladies lol - but i do have several friends who are members of certain MCC's, and i do mix in those circles - but to me they are just my friends and always will be :D

  13. Hi Goff, thank you for your feedback.

    To answer some questions the feedback box isn't removable it is there to provide feedback on how members feel the site can be removed.

    I do hope you mean improved..... :P

    It will be removed at a later date, but is staying for the moment to improve the site for the users.

    Understood. Suggestion sent

    As for the adverts, the site uses considerable bandwidth and needs to be paid for some how. I've run the site and paid for the last 7 years personally to keep it running. Now the site has over 12,000 members on the forums, and about 45,000 visits a day to the news releases it is costing a lot of money in bandwidth. If you would like to contribute/sponsor to the cost of running this site for the removal of the adverts please let me know..

    I will happily sponsor annually towards the upkeep of the site if it helps. I didn't know we could do this. I have sent you an email/comment via the annoying feedback box :lol:

    As for distracting signatures maybe you should set an example and remove your animated gif ;-)


    Now sort the rest out please. ;)

    How about setting a height and width limit right across the board? Oh and while you're at it, limit the number of bluddy bikes you can add under your avatar too - some peoples posts are only a few lines but end up being a mile long cos they have had 200 bikes in their time! :lol:

  14. Yesterday an annoying "feedback" tab appeared at the side of my browser when i logged onto the site and won't go away - it might go away if i leave "feeback" but i dont want to and am a tad pissed off i cant get rid of this annoying addition to the forum. :angry:

    And today - as if by magic - we have adverts at the top!

    Along with the MASSIVE signatures some members feel the need to have its all very distracting.

    Whats going on then?

  15. in the second picture looks like the scumbag is carrying a set of bolt cutters. :huh:

    probably incase they needed to cut through padlocks or chains, i would think they may have been after your bike(s) as i cant see how they would use bolt cutters to break into a car or house...

    best send those pics to the police and see what they say, the second to last photo may be of some use if he is known to the police, and no doubt he is. <_<

    stay safe mate :)

    Exactly that. A neighbour of ours got a scumbag convicted of attempted theft using his CCTV footage. Also looks like one of them clocked your camera too.

    Get it to the police ASAP.

  16. hi, on nightshift & got a spare minute (lol) GOFF jus wondered how long you've had pipes on ( not bluing)

    think am gonna get some they look good ( keep buying bits & pieces, er indoors reckons i'm in my 2nd chilhood/ midlife crisis an all that

    can't even ride it yet till passed test, riding 125 shadow at moment)

    But hey lifes too short,, an it ain't a rehersal!!


    I've had the Caligulas on about 4 months or so now. And the buying bits and pieces gets no better - you just buy more as you get older :lol:

  17. ooh... er, blimey... you've got a kid and you still look 26? :o

    I have THREE kids :lol:

    ... and you still wear tight fitting uniforms? (see the parking thread)... :blink:

    Never too old for a tight fitting uniform you know :lol:

    i feel so dirty all of a sudden... :)

    Did your mam never teach you to wash behind your ears? :P

    OGOAB - What DID happen to MikeyDTR? B)

  18. ... who says you dont look 26?, looking at your avitar i would say its very possible, mainly the hair, eyes and the lack of wrinkles that make you looks so youthful, if you are older than 26 and looking like that i'm very impressed and you obviously take very good care of yourself! :)

    im not 36 and i bitterly resent the accusations... take 20 years off and that'll be right (why else you think im riding a 50cc?) :rolleyes:

    and i dont need a bigger shovel, i'm fine with my teaspoon thankyou very much! :(


    Im guessing then that theres a compliment in there - and i thank you very muchly for it ;)

    As for the wrinkles - riding me bike roudn the block a few times at a great rate of knots in an open face lid just irons them right out doncha know :P

    So you are 16? I have a son 2 years younger than you - so therefore am old enough to be yer mam :lol:

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