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Posts posted by Goff

  1. I don't have a camera - So you'll have to imagine my large weaponry!!

    Ain't no Mills & Boon nonsense, though!!

    Google Image up English Broadsword, English Bill, Quarterstaff and so on.

    Big, hitty painful stuff.

    Not QUITE the weapons i had in mind *childish snigger* :lol:

  2. Auntie Goff :o:) where is this information from? thats what i had in my head the whole time so i didnt just make it up then :P:rolleyes:

    you can find that info on any good motorcycle training school site, just google "A2 motorcucle category" and see what it throws out at you. :D

    its like my own little new bike family :P

    Im feelin a whole lotta love in this forum right now........... :lol:

  3. What Ttaskmaster said (fuckin hell im agreeing with him AGAIN! :lol: )

    Personally i think rake kits look the dogs bollox, but i havent ridden a bike with one on. I have a piccie of a dragstar with a 5 degree rake kit on:.....


    And i got that from this site:

    VStar 1100 dot com

    It was on page 6 of the gallery, number 17 down on the far left. you could email its owner and ask for their advice ;)

    Seeee....even i can be helpful when i want. ;)

  4. Lets see if yer Auntie Goff can help:

    A1 Light Motorcycle

    Complete CBT and motorcycle theory test. Take training and motorcycle test on a machine greater than 75cc but not exceeding 120cc (unless it is a 125cc machine and does not have adequate power to qualify for the A2 licence). On passing your test you can ride up to a 125cc without L-Plates and carry a passenger.

    A2 Restricted Licence

    You must be aged 17 or over. First pass the CBT and motorcycle theory test. Taking your training on a 121cc – 125cc bike with at least 12 bhp. When you pass your test, you will be able to ride a bike of any cc, as long as it is restricted to a 33bhp. Motorcycles that are normally over 33bhp can be restricted, but you will be required to have a certificate of restriction. You can ride this without L-plates and carry passengers. This restriction is for 2 years, after this time you are automatically able to ride anything you want! This is the only bike licence option available to those aged 17-20.

    Accelerated Access

    This is available to anyone who has taken either an Automatic licence, an A1 Light motorcycle licence or an A2 Restricted licence. You must be over 21. There is no need to retake either the CBT or the motorcycle theory test. The motorcycle test must be taken on a machine in excess of 47 bhp. The outcome will be that you then hold a full motorcycle licence.

    Full Unrestricted Category A Licence (Direct Access Scheme)

    You must be aged 21 or over to be eligible for this. Complete a CBT & motorcycle theory test. Then take a motorcycle test on a bike with a power output of 47bhp or more. On passing your test, you will have a full unrestricted licence. Your road training will be taken on a large bike with L-Plates. You can only ride a large bike when accompanied by an authorised Direct Access Scheme Instructor.

    Please note that this information is only a guide. The laws are remarkably complicated even for those that actually made them. ;)

  5. It is YOU who needs to learn some manners pal.

    If you had had enough intelligence to browse the forum and maybe even say HELLO before steaming in with such a curt attitude then you would know that Ttaskmaster offered you some sound advice, and in no way was there anything rude about his post.

    As for the forum getting panned elsewhere - i doubt that very much.

    You didnt even have the decency to introduce yourself or tell us anything about yourself or your bike - THAT is rude.

    what a rude Tw*T its people like you that arnt needed on forums

    Nor in the biking world....you wont last 5 minutes with an attitude like that.

    Talk to another biker like that to his or her face and you'll need a good dentist....but having said that i doubt you have the balls..........

  6. afternoon all, i'm really wanted to stretch out the front end on my dragstar 1100 classic but am really worried about the everyday rideability of the bike and how hard the kit might be to fit

    does anyone have an opinion or experience one of these? I'm REALLY tempted to just buy it as they can deliver tomorrow but then worried 5 degrees won't make much change or other extreme is it could be too strange a ride

    any advice / comments / experiences greatly appreciated

    thanks dan


    The link doesnt show anything other than other links lol

    I havent any experience of riding a bike with a rake kit (im assuming thats what you're talking about), but i do know it will affect the turning moment of the bike - you will need to turn sooner to get round the corner. 5 degrees dont seem a lot but once it is on the bike it will make a difference, but one im sure you will get used to.

    Why not have a look on ebay for a bike with a rake kit on it - not necessarily a dragstar, and ask the seller?

    Be better to ask someone who has ridden one i reckon. ;)

  7. As has already been said. Its common sense.

    If you dont wear the right gear, whether it be boiling hot, freezing cold, whether you're going 200 miles or 2 miles - you are a fool - end of.

    Dress for the fall - not the ride.

  8. Bloody hell, hope he doesn`t ride past me while im pootling along at 40 mph. He would scare the shite out of me!

    Glad to see you are on top form Goffy , just when I thought it had become quiet on here

    I do miss mcj :(

    You know me Sarah - always speak me mind and not one to keep me gob shut :lol:

    Nah, you're all right. If we can't vent our spleens once in a while, we're all fecked.....

    There's a lot of love in this room.....

    I had my rant when I first started the thread. I can't deny being really pleased to have seen the footage, irrespective of what people may think of the police pursuer. I do believe I've got it out of my system now ^_^ .

    Agree entirely - glad you're feeling a whole lot better about it now and im sure that gixxer rider will get his just desserts........

  9. Im looking for accomodation for myself and 4 of my university lecturers (all a right laugh!) on the 9th October (a week on Thursday) in Surrey.

    We will be arriving about 10pm and leaving first thing Friday morning to go to the Animal Orthopaedic and Neurosurgery centre in Eashing.

    There will be a financial contribution to anyone who can put us up too!

    If you can help please PM me.

    Cheers !

  10. Doesn't quite add up because according to the Cheshire article the M6 incident was on May 17th.

    They didnt link her immediately with his death though, so they let her go. It was only when she chucked herself off the bridge they dug deeper as to why she jumped, did they link her to the dead man, so the time span is about right after all the paperwork has been filed - even more of it because she is a foreigner who has allegedly committed murder in the UK, and the fact she had to revoer from her injuries.

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