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Posts posted by Goff

  1. Ok, so its 8am on a Saturday morning, and im up and about.

    Why? i hear you ask, seeing as its a Saturday morning and you deserve a lie in Goff dahling, cos you worked so hard this week.

    Well my fellow bikers, its because of the prick who lives 4 doors down on my street.

    He has a VERY OLD silver Peugeot car and the exhaust is fucked. So as you can imagine its very loud. Not only that but he also has an EVEN OLDER Fiesta type car thats just as fucked and just as loud.

    This prick insists on revving the balls of both cars EVERY FUCKIN MORNING and driving like a madman down the cul-de-sac in front of my house to turn round!

    I wouldn't mind but this arsehole is fat, bald, knocking 40 and lives with his mother - and to top ot all the cars arent even nice!!

    Any ideas on how to stop this twat from waking us up every morning would be very welcome.

    A very large knife coupled with slashing motions towards the tyres has already been thought over.........

    FUCKIN WANKER!!!!! ARRRGGGHHHHHH!!! :banghead:

  2. Oxford heated grips are the only way to go.

    They do not drain your battery even if you accidentally leave them on. They have a cut off switch so will go off on their own.

    You can get them on Evilbay for about 35 quid. I had them on my CBR and they were fookin excellent, especially on the freezing winter mornings.

    As for the headlight - cant help you there but i am sure soemone with a bit more knowledge about your make of bike will be along shortly to answer your question.

  3. Sorry! We couldn't find the page you requested.

    The page you requested is no longer available on Yahoo! News.

    edit: wait wtf, McBiker, your posting in ~4-5 month old threads... WTF?

    He posted on one that was FOUR YEARS old last week!

  4. nope

    Im sorry - i have to ask....are you for real?

    You haven't introduced yourself or you bike(s) and you resurrect loads of threads that are months, even YEARS old by posting absolutely nothing of interest or that could be helpful and is nowt but shite. Your profile doesnt even say that you have a bike - in fact it says fuck all! Be nice to know what - if any bike you do actually ride - or are you resurrecting old threads and bumping up your post count for some other reason?

    So come on - are you for real, are you a troll or you just got fuck all else better to do?

  5. Now if you had called me and asked me direct i could have pointed you in the right direction as this is an issue i have.

    Hence why i had these for sale:


    Theres fuck all i dont know about pullback and risers for the dragstar because ive been researching this for months to make sure i get the right ones, as i too am a member of the Little People Club...... ;)

  6. :offtopic:

    Really? If you READ the thread you will see his question was answered.

    If you got nothing better to do than troll old threads may i suggest you go do it somewhere else.

    Although seeing as you are resurrecting threads as old as this 2004 one HERE it seems all you are here to do is promote your own site - now that is VERY fuckin impolite....... :madflame:

  7. JEEEEEESUS so the brute can get louder!! LOL, my ears were throbbing so badly after our ride up to Middlesboro` a week or so ago.

    Do they go back in just as easily as they come out? I might have to have a listen. Do yours have the baffles in still? Or do you put em in for a long journey and take em out for small trips? Or... do you just wear ear muffs and plugs under your lid :)

    Apparently the V & H baffles are a ballache to refit - but dont take my word for it as its only what i heard.

    I dont put the baffles in mine at all. If you think yours are loud now then i would leave the baffles alone - but compared to mine in their current state yours are whisper quiet! Depends on whether you want them loud.

    I dont use ear plugs because there is no need - i kinda got used to it now, and to be honest its the vibration that does me head in more than the noise :lol: Long journeys dont bother me one bit as once you hit 70 the noise becomes a lot quieter so its not really noticeable.

    But seriously - if you think yours are too loud at the mo - leave them alone.

  8. 5' 1"???!!

    OMG, you're a cute little short-ar..... I mean, "vertically challenged person"!!! :D

    Guys, there is definitely something sexy about a small woman on a big bike!!

    Trust me :)

    lol, why thankya kind sir :blush:

    Although my large gob makes up for my lack of height :lol:

    Did you find much of a difference between Sport and Cruise?

    I've been Cruising since I started, but apparently the Sporties all find it hard going from body-leaning the whole bike to simply using the arms and conscious counter-steering....

    Just curious.

    Most definately. Its a compeltely different style of riding altogether. The cruiser is far more laid back and relaxed, the sports much more aggressive. I used to ache like fuck all across my shoulders and back when i came back from a long ride on my CBR. The grin factor is completely different too. I now have a "fuck did you see all those lovely roads" as opposed to "fuck did you see me take on those twisties" conclusion :lol: (hence why i have the Bandit cos i sometimes miss the adrenalin rush of the twisties)

    I find that i dont feel as "pushed" by other riders on sports bikes too. I used to feel like i HAD to race, or i HAD to keep up just cos i was on a sports bike - im sure some of you know what i mean.

    I LOVE my cruiser and the stye of riding it offers, and i love the laid back, no rush, enjoyable feling i get from it too, and i cant see me ever going back again on a permanent basis. ;)

  9. In my oh-so-pretentious opinion...

    Yes, a 535 is a small but reasonable bike. Too small if you're a big'un, but fine for the more petite riders, like Gary Numan and the girl round the corner from me. It's getting to be an older model, so make friends with a mechanic who can help you maintain it.

    650 Drag has 40 BHP as standard and, having tried one out, a restricted one isn't all that different.

    It weighs 230 kg anyway, so it's a touch heavy to manoeuvre at slow speeds, but you'll get used to it soon enough.

    Handling is fine and the weight helps your stability in corners. Even restricted, it can keep up with the big 1100s and it will still do licence-losing speeds on the motorways.

    The 250 would be a bit of a waste in my opinion. You'd want a bigger one fairly soon.

    Go straight to a big bike, get used to it and enjoy it.

    Incidentally, AR Motorcycles in Farringdon (fairly near you) have a Honda Shadow for sale.

    I got my 650 Drag from them at a rather cool price!!

    Yep - what he said. You would soon get bored with the 250 and want soemthing with a bit more gunt. I have the 650 too and it does everything i want it to do and more.

    Im 5ft 1 and find it one of the easiest bikes to manoevre on my own. The bhp on them is low anywhoo so a restriction kit will make little or no difference whatsoever.

    The Dragstar 650 is my first cruiser after riding crotch rockets for longer than i care to remember, and its a fabby bike!

  10. With age comes experience. With experience comes knowledge so to all you youngsters out there without this essential piece of information, read and learn what a woman says and what she actually means - i reckon this should be on the boys school curriculum from the age of 11 :lol:

    FINE:- This is the word women use to end an argument when they feel they are right and you need to shut up. Never, ever use 'FINE' to describe how a woman looks - this will cause you to have one of these arguments!

    FIVE MINUTES:- This means at least half an hour and theres nothing you can do to hurry it up so dont even try.

    NOTHING:- This means 'Something', and you should be on your toes. 'Nothing' is usually used to describe the feeling a woman has of wanting to turn you inside out, outside down and back to front! 'Nothing' usually signifies an argument that will last 'Five minutes' and end with 'Fine'!

    GO AHEAD:- (With raised eyebrows). This is a dare. One that will result in a woman getting upset over 'Nothing' and ending with the word 'Fine'!

    GO AHEAD:- (Normal eyebrows) This means 'I give up' or Do what you want because I dont care'. You will then get a 'Go ahead (raised eyebrows)' after a few minutes, followed by 'Nothing' and 'Fine' and she will talk to you in about 'Five minutes' when she cools off!

    LOUD SIGH:- This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A 'Loud Sign' means she thinks you are an idiot at that moment and wonders why she is wasting her time standing there and arguing with you over 'Nothing'!

    SOFT SIGH:- Again, not a word, but another non-verbal statement. 'Soft Sighs' mean that she is content. The wise man does not move or even breathe at this stage and she will stay content!

    THATS OKAY:- This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man, 'Thats Okay' means she wants to think long and hard before paying you back for whatever it is that you have done. 'Thats Okay' is often used with the word 'Fine' and in conjunction with a 'Raised Eyebrow'!

    PLEASE DO:- This is not a statement, it is an offer. A woman is giving you the chance to come up with whatever excuse or reason you have for doing whatever it is that you have done. You do have a fair chance if you tell the truth, so be careful and you shouldn't get a 'Thats Okay'!

    THANKS:- A woman is thanking you! Do not faint. Just say 'You're welcome'!

    THANKS A LOT:- This is very different from ' Thanks'. A woman will say 'Thanks A Lot' when she is really angry at you. It signifies that you have offended her in some callous, uncaring way and will be followed by the 'Loud Sigh'. Be careful not to ask what is wrong after the 'Loud Sigh' as she will only tell you 'Nothing'.

  11. OMG!! Thats shitty! Glad yo are both ok though.

    Will the Espace driver vouch for the wagon being on your side of the road? Did you get his number? If so pursue this!!

    I hope you get your bike fixed soon.

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