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Posts posted by Goff

  1. Hey - go for it!

    Its no more stupid than me riding 1500 miles round India next year on an Enfield Bullet that i cant even touch the ground on, and where the controls are all on the opposite side - but its all for charidee so.........

    I reckon you should do it honey - itll be a laugh (and an experience!) if nothing else ;)

  2. IThe Caberg V2 is indeed a great helmet, but i found it a bit too noisy - however for the price i cant knock it.

    I now have a Limited Edition Shoei VRX1000 - its the dogs bollox and cost me a fuckin fortune, but its comfy, very light and proper quiet.

    You have to remember though that just cos it was extortionately expensive doesnt mean its one of the best on the market (and yeeeaaaas i have done a research study on this so i do know what im on about), BUT, its comfortable, light and i fookin love it!

    Go with whatever feels right for YOU - you dont have to spend a fortune. ;)

    You could always check out the SHARP results too - see what each lid has scored in testing


  3. POSERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! :P:lol:B)

    Well lets be honest - who wants a cruiser that looks just like a CG125 at the front? Cos thats just what the Custom looks like :P

    Two possible answers here, mate...

    1/. Get a set that zip off the yoke. Plenty about.

    2/. Get inner bags of some sort. My other half just uses bin bags (coz she's a dirty lil' biker bitch), but others use rucksacks, satchels and all sorts.

    I use bin liners - they keep everything dry.....does that make me doirty too? *snigger*

    I hate it.

    But then, I'm very tall with long limbs. I'm also a back-seat rider!!! :lol:

    It's better with a padded backrest. The Classic also has a bit more room.

    However, regardless of how short Her Ladyship is, she will eventually need you to stop for a leg-stretch.

    You should ride with me sometime - you'll be lost for words once you been round a few twisties with me in the driving seat - ill show you how its REALLY done :lol:

  4. He's 17, and I assume his bike will be above the 33bhp limit

    lol, i thought there was some obscue restriction law i hadnt heard of when i saw you posted that :lol:

    The 650 only just touches 40bhp so i cant see the 125 being above restriction. I think its probably only about 13?

  5. Just 1 thing about the exhaust, check how you are going to comply with restriction requirements.

    If you are unfortunate enough to get pulled or have a spill and you dont have certified restriction then you are not going to be insured. Pain 1 is you wont get paid out in the case of any damage, even bigger pain is you could get your license revoked (riding without insurance 6 points straight away and bike impounded) :(

    Don't want to be a dark cloud, but my other half's son just had to re-apply for his car license for a similar stupid mistake, he said 'it'll be OK' .... until he got spot checked.

    What restriction requirement is that then?

  6. Good idea,

    One more questions :P what's the realisticness of hving two sest of wheels? whitewalls for summer and plain rubber for witner? I don't know how easy it is to change them :S

    Realisticness? lol

    If you can be arsed, why not, but me - i prefer the easy life and have just one set.

  7. You can get a tyre place to fit them for you. I would call a couple of places though and ask them for a price for the tyres plus fitting, and a price just for the fitting - might be roughly the same or even cheaper, so you could save yourself the hassle of an ebay sale.

  8. I can find a Pair of avon Venom wide whitewalls fitting that spec for £95 and £50 but how should I go about fitting them to the wheel? or should I got to t tyre-person and get them to order and fit for me?

    Get them fitted by someone who knows what they are doing. I never mess with me tyres, i let someone else do it properly for me.

  9. Thanks for the Hint at Avon, could you tell me what the measurements are for the Classic's wheels so I can check it out please?

    Front is 130/90-16

    Rear is170/80-15

    Looks like nobody else is interested in my shopping list :P

    nahhhh - thats not it - its prolly cos no one else who has one has been online yet. ;)

  10. Avon do white walled tyres. I think they start at about £160. Im not 100% sure on that price though.

    Im sure there will be something about them on their site.

    And thanks for the comments about my Elvira - she's a babe lol

  11. The most expensive is not necessarily the best.

    Understanding bike oils is essential for getting the best oil for your bike.

    The thickness of the fluid is measure in SAE rating. The lower the number the lighter it is (the easier it flows). When oil gets hot it also flows easier so to compensate for a too light hot oil viscosity mix are available called 20W-50. Which means a cold oil flows like a 20 grade but at high temperature it flows like a thicker 50 grade.

    I would suggest a synthetic oil for your bike cos synthetic holds its properties much better than a natural oil

    Valvoline, Castrol and Silkolene are probably the bestones to look at. Ive always used Silkolene, but its whatever you prefer. ;)

  12. Hey everyone, if you've seen any of my posts you might know that I'm pretty young and have never had chance to customise a bike before. I'm looking at getting a dragstar 650 when I turn 17 next January and I wanted to ask a few questions about the bits that I want to add/customise. I've read through all the posts on customs up to page 6 so I'm really sorry if I missed an answer and in some cases I am just looking for confirmation.

    Here goes

    Awww bless ya - lets see what i can come up with - i know there be a lot more and other folk will add their bit too, but heres my input

    1. Seats - I get the impression that the stock seat isn't so great and have noticed this "mustang" seat coming recommended from some people, are they hard/expensive to acquire?

    Depends what kind of look you're going for. There are a couple of good custom seats out there - me, i prefer the look of the Granucci seats - those babies rock!

    2. Pipes - I've heard stock pipes on the bike and I'm not particularly impressed :P A friend of mine (my "biker-dad" as my dad calls him :P) Has a Harley but used to ride a Dragstar 650. He's getting it chopperized soon and has said I can have the old Harley pipes for the noise :D My only worry is about pipe-noise legality, how serious an issue is it? cos I always read about how you got pulled over by the fuzz, but never any punishments

    If the pipes dont have "not for road use" on them - then you'll be fine. I have uber-loud ones on my bike and have never had a tug yet.

    3. Footboards - Are these useful for more comfortable riding? I seem to get that impression but wanted confirmation

    I wouldnt be without mine. I find the bike more comfy to ride when i can just ride "lazy" and rest me feet lol

    4. Custom Paint - I was hoping to get my bike painted White with Red Scalloping like on an old hot rod, had considered chrome and red but decided that'd be too much effort for a lazy boy like me to keep clean

    Sounds very nice indeedy that does

    5. Tyres - Does anyone know where I could get whitewalls for my bike / how much they might cost?

    They arent cheap - but it depends if you wanna spend hours with the Jif cream scubbing the buggers. They look nice - but can you be arsed with cleaning them?

    6. Wheels - The spokes on the stock wheels seem to be a problem and after reading about 5 questions with not necessarily definitive answers I was wondering if someone could brief me on the availability of more solid/"cast" wheels

    Never had a problem with mine. But remember - if you go for a solid wheel - if you prang it even slightly - you will have to replace the whole wheel. With the spokes you can just replace those one at a time. I do howver beleive you can buy covers for spoked wheels which you put over them and they make the spoked wheel look like a solid one - i have yet to find out where you get them from though cos this is summat i wanted for mine.

    7. Panniers - I'd like to replace my jeep rucksack which might somewhat spoil the image (Cruisers are a bit posy after all :D) and get my hands on some panniers but I've never actually seen some in real life. Are they lockable and therefore safe to leave on your bike? or is it more sensible to get some "throw-over" panniers which I can take off and carry when I arrive somewhere.

    I have throw overs for mine. I cannot stand tassles and would never have anything leather hanging off my bike. I know, i know, some folk love it, but its just nor for me. If i go away on the bike i take my textile throw overs and thats enough for me.

    8. Classic "fenders" - If I were to get the regular drag star rather than the classic, would there be any chance of me still using the rear wheel part from the classic bought separately? because I very much like this style but have noticed that classics seem to be nearly a grand more in a lot of cases which is valuable customising money!!

    Spend the extra on a Classic - but then i am biased. To me the Classic looks more "cruiserish" lol, the custom has the smaller front wheel and to me it looks pants. Many parts for the Classic will not fit the Custom and vice versa - so if you want the classic look (and who wouldnt!) then get yourself a classic.

    I THINK that's it :D Thanks so much in advance to any answers you might be able to give me I muchly appreciate it

    EDIT: I've decided I use FAR too many smiley faces whilst typing :(

    You mean all those i have had to remove from quoting you in order to post my response lol

  13. When i was at school our headmaster had a fookin big slipper and we used to get that right across our arses if we misbehaved. Then i'd get it all over again when i got home from my folks because i got in bother at school!

    My dad was in the army for 40 years (incidentally he was the longest serving member of the British Army EVER, up until this year), and we were brought up in a very disciplined environment - did we toe the line? You bet we fuckin did.

    We were scared shitless of getting in bother at school, and if we got in trouble with the police - we were dead meat.

    Thats whats lacking - kids aint scared of nowt today.

    Mine get a good hiding if they misbehave - i dont mean i knock 10 bags of shit out of them every time they do soemthing wrong, but they know right from wrong, and they too toe the line. A good hiding never did me any harm and it wont do my kids any harm either. These do-gooders with thei anti-smacking campaigns can fuck right off - its because of fuckwits like this that the country is in such a sorry state.

    If mine misbehave at school i expect them to be punished properly.

    Same with the little shits (and im talkin PRIMARY school kids here) who disrupt classes - they should be punished properly.

    I was waiting at the breakfast club today to drop my 2 youngest off before i went to uni - there was a mum there with a kid no older than 6 - she was yakking to her mate and the kid was continuously kicking the metal shutter - most annoying at 7.30am. All she said was "Kieron stop iiiiiit" - several times, and he took no notice whatsoever.

    If he was mine i would have pasted his arse till it was raw after telling him the second time. :pissed-off:

  14. What a load of shite.

    A spokeswoman for Lambeth Council said: "It's incredibly important that we address young people's behavioural problems and we make no apologies for using different and innovative methods, but this obviously won't replace more traditional ways of dealing with anti-social behaviour.

    I say - Its incredibly important that you address young peoples behavioural problems by punishing the little fuckers properly NOT GIVING THEM FUCKIN FOOT MASSAGES and coming down hard on the parents who dont give a flying fuck where their 10 year old is at 1am.

    "We have just pumped an extra £2 million into youth services overall and we provide a whole raft of both traditional and innovative measures to tackle anti-social behaviour across the borough."

    Which really means "we are a bunch of tree-hugging soft arses who think being "nice" to the little bastards will stop them from commiting crimes and wreaking havoc - get fuckin real.

    She added: "We need to deal with the root causes of young people's behavioural problems and nip them in the bud - prevention is better than cure.

    You need to get hold of the fuckin parents and deal with them too. If any of my kids set foot out of line they know for a fact they are in big trouble. I would be the first to march mine to the cop shop if they committed a crime.

    Give them a fuckin good hiding and dole out punishemtns that will serve as a deterrent.

    "In fact there has been a 50 per cent increase in attendance and 60 per cent decrease in exclusions among young people involved in the programme."

    No fuckin wonder!! I think even I would commit a crime for free massage therapy! It costs a fuckin fortune for reflexology round here!

    Please do excuse my little rant, but I live across the road from a scumbag mother and her equally scummy kids who get away with murder so it makes my blood boil when i read shite like this.

    If i thought i could get away with takeing her fuckin teeth out then i would :pissed-off:

  15. The justice system is crap.

    Why is it crap?

    Because the laws and punishements are decided, and handed out by Magistrates and Judges who have NO FUCKIN IDEA what its like to live in the real world.

    Surrounded by their expensive cars, in their expensive house, probably miles from nowhere therefore practically crime-free - they have no understanding of how ordinary people are affected by crime and the people who carry out such things.

    These Judges and Magistrates are all nearing pension age (and above) so were brought up in a much more law-abiding society - its time to pension these blinkered wrinklies off and employ people who actually KNOW what really goes on in todays shitty society thats full of scumbags and people who really should have been put down at birth. :madflame:

  16. hi Goff go to a builders supplies and get a tin of expanding foam stick it up his pipe that will stop him. back pressure might blow the fu--er up.

    You know what - i already have some of that as im having major renovations on my house so there is some lying about in the kitchen - im REALLY liking that idea ;)

  17. Never once have I NOT had to produce my licence for ANY insurance, every firm I have used have insisted on seeing my documents before offering insurance. I know of people who have been in similar situations to yourself and have used their insurance company's copies of their own driving licence to convince the DVLA of their entitlement.

    Well thats news to me. I have NEVER had to show my licence to any insurance company, whtehr it be insurance for my bikes or my car, and neither has anyone else that i know.

    I also have a PSV licence and ive never even been asked to show that to any insurance company when i have worked for a bus company, so i dunno whats going on with your insurance company Beez, but summat is definitely wrong - i would be asking questions to be honest, as its NOT a requriement of the law to do so.

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