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Posts posted by Goff

  1. It should fit onto your handlebars with the mounting kit supplied.

    If not you can buy these for your bike to fit to your fuel cap,


    However i would suggest talking to these guys about it. I called them when i wanted advice on mounting kits (i too have a TomTom rider) and they were brilliant - theres nowt they dont knowabout fitting sat navs to any bike:

    Clicky Here

    Give them a call - they are great blokes ;)

  2. You know what - I would write a VERY strong letter to the Chief Constable, and cc it to the managing director of ASDA. I would also call your local press and give NAB'd a call and get them involved too becuase they wont stand for this (i have details if you dont).

    DO NOT let this drop. This was blatant discrimination against a disabled person, and i really hope you take it all the way.

    I will help you wrote the letter if you like - im very good at snottograms, but dont let it drop hun.

  3. oh my don't get me started with my neighbour....4 simple words


    sorry to all the lovely ladies on here about using the C word, but that's what he is.

    Dont need to apologise to me - i use far worse sometimes :lol:

  4. Fuckin hell calm down folks.

    Its got fuck all to do with politics or anything else like that and everything to do with having people online who can not only deal with the assholes and fuckwits that sometimes appear, but who can offer help and advice on all things forum related too.

    Having several mods who are online regulary helps the site chug along happily both to nip any trouble in the bud and also to be available to help folk who might not wanna ask stuff in the forum, and they can turn to each other if theres an issue they arent sure about.

    People are assuming that moderators are only there to sort out any forum fighting, but thats not the case. Theres been times when ive wanted to ask something about the site and i wasnt able to get hold of a moderator - ok it was early on in my membership and i THINK it was Beezkneez who helped me out, but he cant be expected to do it all now can he.

  5. CopyofCasper_1.jpg

    Why have you kept him a secret!

    All i ever wanted was a lil pug dog, but the OH wanted a huuuuuge thing so we ended up with Marv - but i luv him to pieces all the same.

    My next doggy will be a pug without a doubt.

    Oh and to get back on topic, why not just get a couple of disc locks, a hoofin big chain or two and an alarm - itll be a deterrent at least. :D

  6. Oh, haven't we been here before ??

    We have indeed - but whatbetter way to get you to post piccies of that damned cute dog of yours ;)

    Mines, bigger than yours etc.

    And he is - but yours is sooooo much cuter. And i cant have mine sit on my lap and be pampered either


    If you move, he'll go for the nuts (or thereabouts), never trust a cute dog.........

    Good job i dont have nuts then.......damn that dog is cute!

  7. Have you been given any form of brace/back support of any kind?

    Might be worth asking if not.

    And maybe think about changing your bike to one that has a riding position thats not gonna nack your back every time you go out?

    Shitty option i know, but if it means you can enjoy biking pain-free then its gotta be worth it. ;)

  8. I have 2 Boxers. I live out in the country, so it's quiet enough that if anybody comes on the property my dogs will warn me. Then since I live in the USA, to go with the f****n big dogs, I have several f****n big guns lol.

    I meant PROPER big dogs :lol:

    al la.....


    As for the guns - i have THE most amazing pump action weapon you will ever see. It never misses....even 30ft away!


  9. Hi all,

    Just need a bit of advice. I have injured myself - not through riding - but have damaged my neck and shoulder and it is highly unlikely that I'll ride again before the new year. :nurse:

    My bike is new ( this years model ) and is being kept in a shed with a cover on. My concern is that of it not being run for perhaps 2 months or more dependant on my recovery...what should I be doing? Should it be centre standed, rather than side standed? What about the oil in the engine? Still new to all this and need to ensure that I get into the new year with an operational machine... :crying:

    Any advice that you can offer would me much appreciated.



    First of all make sure you look after that injury PROPERLY.

    Ive just completed a neck and spinal module and you wouldnt believe the amount of folk who aggravate their injuries by not doing as they are told by the doctors etc.

    My bike has been on the side stand fro morer than 2 months now as i havent had a chance to ride her, and she is normally ok. If you are worried put her on the centre stand, but every couple of days fire her up and let her tick over for a few minutes.

    When you are fit enough to ride do a service, change the oil, plugs etc and you should be ok. ;)

  10. Goff, I think you have mis-understood what i said (or at least what i meant), i didnt mean invite someone who does not visit the site to come in and start moderating here, what i said was ask a mod who has moved on to hand over the reigns. that way we will not have mods who havent been here for a long time and dont know the membership. I also think the poll of members would be a good idea, sort of a vote.

    For that i apologise :blush:

    Hob nobs anyone? :D

  11. Sorry Goff - you need to get out more, this was rationed a long time ago..........

    oh believe me i get out enough thanks - what i meant was common sense where posts are reported - its all to easy to hit that delete button. If they can sit back and think about whats actually been posted then they wont go far wrong.

    And i agree with you on the newbie front - but i do feel strongly that unless admin knows of folk who are perfect for the job (and i do believe there should be several new mods not just one) outside of the site, who actually know how we all tick, then a poll should be set up and let the people decide lol

  12. Just a thought, mods circumstances do change like everybodys do, why not invite a mod who is not visiting the site and is not likely to, to hand over the reigns after some pre defined time period, that way situations like this will be avoided in future.

    In my experience this is a VERY bad idea.

    Bringing in someone who doesnt know the forum or the regular members who post here can have catastrophic consequences.

    This happened on another forum i moderate on last year and it caused no end of problems - granted it is much larger than this one but my god what a headache it caused.

    The mods were banning folk and moderating folk because they had no idea of what they were really like, and in actual fact, they meant absolutely nothing bad by the posts they had made.

    Bringing someone with no experience of this site is not going to work - they would need to be online a lot and can you imagine moderating a site you know jack shit about? I wouldnt want to be a mod on a site i hadnt been on before.

    I think it would be better to firstly PM the folk who admin think might be suitable, then put up a poll so the members of the forum can decide who they want as moderators.

    These would have to be people who know the site well, and know many of the members posting styles, and ho are online a lot. They would also need a bit of common sense so they dont start hitting the "delete" button every time someone reports something, and preferably someone with a lot of experience of forums.

    Give them a couple of months trial and if its not working then think again.

    I know i wouldn't want someone who didnt know us and who we didnt know comie in and start moderating us.

  13. Thats a lovely example you got there G-Man.

    I see you also got overrun by fookin leaves in your garden too - mine is full of them and they are now blocking my drains - I HATE THE FOOKIN WINTER! :angry:

  14. Some sweet paintwork on your scoot there Goff ;)

    Tell me.....What's it like riding with FloorBoards under your feet instead of proper Pegs? :unsure:

    Well you see, being vertically challenged its actually easier for me to ride - not only that but i dont fancy ending up with foot problems that can be associated with the riding position of pegs only - the greater surface area for the foot the better it is for your feet, and the less likely you are to have problems ;)

  15. Ive stuck some more piccies of Elviras paint job on me profile for those of you that PM'd me and asked me to email you some - was less hassle stickin 'em in there rather than sending individual emails.

    And thankya for the kind comments (and the saucy ones :lol: )

    Oh and the El Bandito has now been sold. ;)

    *kiss kiss*

  16. that's not really fair, choppers don't look like cg's, they copied choppers, trying to be something they're not, i think all cg's should fuckin blow up, sorry

    Yes they should - but i didnt say choppers looked like CG's - i said the XVS650 Custom did..........

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