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Posts posted by Goff

  1. You HAVE to report this now.

    Not reporting an accident can land you in a LOT of bother.

    If you are driving a vehicle and you are involved in an accident in which:

    1 - someone is hurt - he will be classed as being hurt because you said he was hobbling, even though thats fuck all compared to waht you have gone through.

    2 - another vehicle is damaged

    3 - an animal is injured, or

    4 - property near or on the road is damaged

    then you must stop and, if you are required by another person to provide your name and address and the name and address of the owner of the vehicle (if different) then you must do so.

    If there is no one else involved and therefore you are not required to provide that information to another person then you must report the accident at a police station or to a police constable as soon as possible and in any case within 24 hours of the event or accident occurring.

    Failing to do so can mean two offences are being committed: failing to stop and failing to report.

    Should you fail to do so, then you will be liable to a fine, endorsement with between 5 and 10 penalty points and you may even run the risk of being disqualified or being sent top prison for up to 6 months.

    The court also has the power to disqualify you from driving for either offence and is likely to do so when both offences are committed on the same occasion.

    Even if there was no personal injury involved, if someone holds you responsible for the accident they have the right to request your insurance details. This request can be made later and not necessarily at the time of the accident. A failure to provide that information without a reasonable excuse is also an offence.

    You may have a defence to the charge if you can show that you were unaware that the accident had occurred - in this case that is not the case.....

    You REALLY need to bear in mind that if you do not report and the court takes the view that you did not do so because you wanted to avoid a breath test or if serious injury was caused, then you will stand a much greater likelihood of being imprisoned for the offence.

    It will also be a condition of your insurance policy that you report the accident to your insurance company within a reasonable time, even if you do not want to claim yourself. A failure to do so can give your insurance company the right to refuse to cover you in the future.


  2. Children of Bodom - my god i saw these about 8 years ago at Bloodstock..........now i feel old :lol:

    Although i did see Slayer and Slipknot when they did the Unholy Alliance around a year or so later - they were pretty good........although if you wanna come out alive i suggest you steer clear of the Circle of Death - they are notorious at Slipknot gigs. ;)

  3. Fucking knobheads.:tantrum:

    makes me soooo mad when idiots do this for no reason other than they can

    Sad bastards with small cocks should be kept well away from computers...... :pissed-off:

    Well done alex for getting us back up and running so quickly ;)

  4. My gawd - some people obviously live up there in them thar clods luvvy.

    I have a set of brand spankin new risers for a cruiser that were over £100, and i couldnt even get 50 for them, so he's really not on the same planet!

  5. What do you mean it looks different? Do you meant the but that goes into the actual device?

    Yes it is different - you will have to modify it yourself.

    Im bot 100% sure on how to do this but would hazard a guess at cutting both cables and and attaching them to each other - although i would get someone who knows about electrics to do it for you to make sure you dont fry yourself or your bike mid wheelie ;)


    how do u do it then mr know it all?lol..

    Now dont start being a cock, cos this time i DO have the power......and i am waiting for such an opportunity to use it.... :lol:

    OK multiple quotes...

    Click the "+" button at the bottom of every quote you want to use - they will turn RED

    Then click the "Add reply" button at the bottom of the page

    And as if by magic all the quotes appear.....

    Like so:

    thnx mark..

    Well done mate but you still aint learned how to put all the qoutes in 1 reply


    Yes i did it!!!!Passed the test i can drive any bike now!!!weeeheeeeyyyy!!! first time round en all....weeeheeey!!!

    God help us.......... :unsure:

    Seriously - very well done, take it easy and be careful out there.

  6. Now now..... I admit I'm usually the first one here to resort to violence (if only because I look damn sexy with a sword in hand :) ), but do not jump to conclusions, here.

    It could quite easily be a woman who did this.

    There are plenty of women out there who seriously object to the audacity of bikers, who dare park these filthy thrill-machines on the road that said madams have paid their taxes for their right to park on.

    I know - One lives up my road.

    Or it could be some scummy Chavette bitch. There are enough 'females' out there that closely resemble Karen Matthews and will behave exactly like their c**t male counterparts.

    Either way, if you catch them try kicking their crotch-parts up into their chest cavity. It hurts both genders just as much.

    Oh indeed - i agree with you wholeheartedly - in fact there is one such po-faced bitch on my street, who is STILL giving me shit - and what can i do about it?


    Cos if i get meself arrested i'll be kicked out of Uni. - and with less than 18 months to go of a 4 year degree - im not gonna risk it for that piece of shit, as much as it kills me to see her smug face every day. :banghead:

    But i WILL have the scumbag one day - when she's least expecting it..............

  7. News flash mate!

    The flu jab gives you the flu! What kind of you suffer with may not be covered by the flu you have been "protected against"! I say this coz i know people that were 60/65 before getting this jab & never had a problem with flu in their lifetime, all had flu afterwards & God rest their souls a few died coz of it. I also now a few people that refuse point blank to have it & they're fitter than me (much to my shame being 45) at the tender age of 82.

    But hey, what do I know.

    Thats not true

    The influenza vaccine contains no live virus and cannot therefore cause flu.

    Some people may experience mild flu-like symptoms for up to 48 hours after immunisation as their immune system responds to the vaccine, but this is not flu.

    In the elderly, protection against infection may be less, due to fraility and a weakened immune system due to aging or other medical conditions, but immunisation has been shown to reduce the incidence of bronchopneumonia, hospital admissions and death in the elderly. Even if an elderly person is fit and healthy they are still vulnerable, purely because of their age.

    Sometimes a vaccine does not completely prevent the disease, but it will make the disease much less serious if you do get it. :D

    Hope you're feeling better soon Mark ;)

  8. er, its facebook, Goff m'dear :)

    Yes.....yes i know it is, but its up there with my other names for it - bookface, faceache, facefook etceteraaa etceteraaa etceteraaa.........

    And Geoff - BOOKFACE ME NOW! :lol:

  9. Perhaps if he had a uniform, from which his rippling hulk (mainly six-pack stomach) was bursting out of....

    yes, yes i can go for that too - although bikers are MUCH better :lol:




    MY GOD!!! tongue4.gif

    Are you deliberately trying to reduce me to a drooling perv? :lol:

    Very nice indeedy Geoff ;)

    Keep the bike porn comin! WOOOHOOOO!!!

  10. At least you're ok honey, thats the main thing - welcome to our world ;)

    Right the mirror - can you put it on then glue /tape it up? If you can make do till after winter you might get away with it as it looks like a pretty straightforward crack from the piccies and looks like it might glue together, but i'd get some help to hold it in the right position!

    I would suggest using JB Weld - that stuff is brilliant and the crack will stay together forever lol

  11. Hmmmmm

    Well i guess mine owuld be

    My Elvira

    Triumph Rocket lll

    Harley Nightrod

    Aston Martin DBS complete with Daniel Craig a la Bond as standard *sigh*


    Y'see - im easily pleased :D

  12. That's because you haven't met me in real life yet :D

    I know I'm sexy - I pay someone to tell me so ;):P

    .....she doesn't accept personal cheque or credit card though. Only shoes and handbags..........

    Put yer money where yer mouth is and lets have a look at you then........ :P

  13. What the hell who was that bag of ear wax that said about GOFF being sad ...haha ...and not talking about bikes??!! GOFF knows more about bikes than I will probably ever know ...she has helped me in so many ways with my 125....and the same goes for taskmaster!! this guys knows his shit!!! and i dont just mean about bikes...the guy is a fountain of knowledge!!!

    Indeed he does, although couldnt you just slap him every now and then for being such a well-informed kinda guy :lol:

    And to the guy that was making fun of GOFF she is a warrior woman!!! and believe me boyo this girl/lady/goth/fantasy woman could kick ur ass then steal ur bike and run over ur head...stay off the forum if all u got is slabbering and un-tasteful comments!!!

    Now i do believe you may just have been narcotically influenced when you wrote this - although the "kicking your ass" bit isn't far wrong ;)

    Xena - eat your fuckin heart out luvvey :D

    respect to GOFF and Ttaskmaster!!! two legends in their own lil way!!! oh nd old git which i havent had the pleasure of talking to yet!!!

    D'you know - im called a legend on another forum - they even made me a lovely avatar to say as much lol - my reputation preceeds me..... :lol:

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