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Posts posted by Goff

  1. It looks shite.

    I had it on my bike befre i got new pipes and it was bloody awful.

    And it never made any difference to the performance whatsoever.

    Best kept to rat bikes IMHO - its only ever gonna look the dogs bollox on one of those

  2. Welcome to the forum Kev - and good choice of bike!

    A few of us on here ride Dragstars so you will find lots of help and advice.

    Post us some piccies when you get chance too so we can have a look at her ;)

  3. Bikes in Bus Lanes victory for common sense

    From today (5th January) motorcycles have been granted access to main route bus lanes in London. The adoption of this policy allows riders to see and be seen by other road users, as well as helping motorcycles to improve on their already excellent congestion-busting advantages. The initiative was an election promise by London Mayor Boris Johnson and comes more than ten years after bikes were first allowed to use bus lanes in the city of Bristol following a successful campaign by local MAG members. MAG General Secretary, Nich Brown said today “the adoption of this policy in the capital city has been a long time coming but its benefits should soon become apparent. The experience of other UK cities as well as previous experiments in London shows that where motorcycles are allowed to use clear road space in congested traffic there are fewer crashes.” Motorcycle riders are being urged to follow a simple code of practice designed to protect everyone in and around bus lanes.

    We share bus lanes with other vulnerable road users, take extra care around them.

    Be aware of pedestrians walking through traffic queues and at bus stops.

    Look out for pedal cycles and give them a wide berth, they may suddenly change direction or position.

    Pass cyclists on the offside only – never undertake.

    Always assume cyclists cannot hear or see you behind them.

    Do not use excessive speed when using bus lanes or overtaking cyclists.

    Do not overtake each other.

    Watch out for other vehicles at junctions and side roads.

    Take extra care when riding alongside congested pavement areas.

    We are ambassadors for motorcycling, riding in a bus lane is a privilege that needs to be respected.

    But MAG has highlighted the need for other road users to play their part in road safety. “Urban collisions involving motorcycles are generally not caused by the rider” said Nich Brown “typically a rider will be travelling with right of way when another driver crosses their path at a junction, or a cyclist rides off the pavement into the road or a pedestrian steps out in to the road”. In these circumstances, riders in bus lanes will be more likely to be seen and MAG believes this means collisions will decrease. The new rules allow access to those bus lanes on the main routes controlled by Transport for London. Some London Boroughs have also moved to open up bus lanes on local roads so that the benefits can be more widely enjoyed, other Boroughs’ failure to open access to their bus lanes may well cause unnecessary confusion as road users will have to check which bus lanes are still closed to bikes after today.

  4. i opened her up n got to a massive 110mph lol i have some black things sitting on top of the sliding things that open when you pull the throttle back?

    Can you ask your mate where he took the washers from - i have a funny feeling he MAY have removed the wrong ones.......

    And any chance you can post a piccie of what you are looking at so i can see what you mean - your bike is still restricted from what you have said.

  5. What black things?? Im not sure what you mean here might possibly be the sliders you're looking at?

    Best thing to do is take the bike out and crack it wide open - that way you'll know for sure if its been derestricted properly - not that im suggesting you break the law or anything, but you really need to get it over a ton........

  6. OK, they tend to cruise at about 85, but that's probably because they don't have screens as standard.

    Mine does 107 flat out, maybe more with a screen and bits.

    However, although the 1100s do beat me off the lights, I easily keep pace once we're all up to speed.

    I even outperform the older riders. Never tried it against a 1300+, but they're too heavy for my rather practical tastes.

    I probably could smoke, but I need both hands to roll :D

    Yep mine tops out about that too. Cant beat the good ol 650's :D

    I do like the look of the 950 though

  7. What do you mean is slow as fuck?

    A restricting kit only consists of washer type rings and up to 100mph there is no difference really.

    A mate of mine owns a garage and restricts these all the time - its only when you reach appx 100mph do the restrictors kick in.

    Most of the power is high up in the revs so unless you're riding it high up you aint really gonna feel much difference.

  8. Its not that expensive - we found a great holiday ina 3 star hotel, bed and breakfast, flights etc for 10 nights for £1500.

    Get to the travel agents now!

    We are also gonna get some ink done at LoveHate Tattoo, the infamous Miami Ink studio - just waiting to hear back now :D

  9. If you want Cruzers etc at the cheapest price go here:

    Offshore Motorcycles

    They are REALLY helpful and didnt mind talking to me for almost an hour about what kind of sound i was after etc.

    I ordered some but ended up sending them back cos i didnt have the header pipe to fit them and there was no fuss at all - they are both great blokes and i can recommend them highly for all your bike gear.

    They take a little longer to arrive as they are from Guernsey, but well worth the wait.

    I have an 04 Classic too.........

  10. shit!!!!

    just seen the news that our local gestapo here in donegal have just been issued with no less than 118 ANPR cars.

    i will need to get some paperwork for the car,van and the bike. the bike has northern plates still registered to the last owner for the past 2 years and is insured in scotland. may have to pay the VRT and the sky-high insurance in the south.

    so are you saying that if you got caught speeding on a camera then the previous owner would be sent the fine and that none of your vehicles are legal anyway?

  11. They were probably checking to make sure your bike was road-worthy. ie: had tyres with a decent tread, the can was legal, etc etc etc.

    When they ask for a PNC check it gives them details of the vehicle, and they can do one on you too - and its not always immediate.

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