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Posts posted by Goff

  1. Cool.

    What's that on the arm? Sanskit, malayasian, or something?

    Its Thai

    Says "Live to Ride, Ride to Live"

    I used to visit the islands of Thailand a lot and i adore them, and i love my motorcyles hence my tattoo

    Oh - and if i'd had it done in English it woulda been REALLY naff :lol:

  2. HPI checks are shite.

    When they HPI'd my Elvira to trade in against this new one last week she came back as being scrapped on 18th May 2007 - i bought her on 17th Mat 2007.

    I had to contact the DVLA and dealer i bought her off to convince the HPI company that she WASN'T written off.

    Check what details the DVLA have and no one else - they are usually correct.

  3. Hello to everyone ,

    I have just purchased a yam wr250f.

    On the log book it says manufactured 1/01/2008

    First registered 16/01/2008

    I have had an rac hpi check carried out and everything came up OK ( no highlighted problems).

    But i have just noticed this sentence "Previously used or registered abroad before first registration with the DVLA"

    I now doubt that the bike was actually manufactured in 2008 and i suspect it’s a 2006 model.

    Does anyone know how i can find out for sure what year it was made?



    That means that it was manufactured on 1/01/2008 then shipped over here and registered 2 weeks later with the DVLA.

    What makes you think its a 2006 model?

  4. hi try bridgstones bt-016's on the r6 i used to run them on mine when i had it and even in the wet they were fantastic gave loads ov grip used bridgstones since then even stuck em on my rd500 ( i miss that bike so much ) running my thou exup on them as well and in the rain can almost get my knee down......Fantastic tyres

    Yep Bridgestones all the way for me both on the XVS and the VFR ;)

  5. How?

    Sorry, I'm in a funny mood today......

    This has always worried me with belt drives though, pretty much with a chain you get the warning signs that it's about to fail, but do you get similar with belt ? or do you just set off one day streeeeeeaaaaatching the belt, until it reached it's limit then catapults you off into the distance in a kinda Wylie Coyote style........

    Seriously, these things have to take alot of power going through them, obviously they're up to the job, it's just me that doesn't understand them.

    Once i find out honey, ill letcha know ;)

  6. TWO girlie bikers!

    Wish there was more, girls look so much better in leather than blokes ever do......

    and we need them to ride point more, that way we get to admire those lovely leathers......

    Heres one of me in mine jus for you........should sort you out for all of 5 minutes :lol:


  7. I'm a little curious, having never owned a bike with a belt drive.

    Does it require any maintenance? and what about tension? does it need to be more taught thjan a chain? is the suspension firmer then?


    I have absolutely NO idea - but im trying to find out - prolly best that i do asap eh :lol:

  8. I be a girly biker Goff :blush: but cheers for the welcome x

    Ooops! im sorry honey lol

    I have a friend called Kelly who's a bloke so i just (quite wrongly!) assumed. :blush:

    And seeing as your a girly too - you can have another big fat WELCOME from me :thumb:

  9. I've been around a long time on this 'er interweb thing (I can remember the first www sites coming live) and I've probably seen it all, growing up with IT, and 20 years on networks alone gives you a very broad minded and tollerant viewpoint to the abilities of others.

    This site has always been fairly 'loose' in it's moderation, there are times when people get a bit 'miffed' and heated exchanges follow, but it always comes full circle and the love returns. I can see why it's time to start intorducing some guidlines and rules, and that isn't a bad thing - as long as the rules and regulations are well displayed.

    Can I suggest, in line with the new approach that something be put up on the Forum homepage screen ? maybe a nice visible link to the forum rules and regulations? It' very common for people to use forums to find things, and putting asking for help, guidence, or just if anyone knows of shouldn't be seen as a spammer. Not everyone is as au courant with forum or even web etiquette and everyone starts somewhere. Taking a strict line may well give people the wrong impression if they are new. Motorcycling needs all the support it can get.

    I'm all for this new approach, but it needs to be the first thing that any new member sees so also something in the joining mails, and it wouldn't hurt to propt the older members either.

    Now, maybe if someone could find me a ladder, I'll descend this :soapbox:

    Yep - good idea - although in my experience people very rarely read forum rules and regs lol

    The only reason the rules have been brought in for posts in the for sale and wanted section is just to protect folk. Internet scams are becoming more commonplace now, and more and more on bike forums, so to protect older members and newer ones so this is the reason.

    The new regs only affect the for sale and wanted sections so the rest of the forum is as it always was.

    The guidelines have been pinned in both sections and also in the general section so really theres no excuse for newbies not to read them. ;)

  10. am not getting my head round on how to use this site and need some help please

    PM me or one of the other mods with what it is you need help with and we will see what we can do.

  11. New bike looks great Goff - hope you have many happy miles together.

    But i'm sure you had a tear in your eye when saying farewell to Elvira.

    If you ever wanna part company with your VFR, please gimme a shout as I'd be really interested. Thanks!

    You got first refusal ;)

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