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Posts posted by Goff

  1. I'm sure the airbags are a good idea, but there's no substitute for driving skill.

    Secondly, I can't afford a jacket like this.

    Heck, I only just have an armoured jacket because it was reduced from £180 to £30 as End Of Line stock.

    As Gas said, if these become law then I'm hanging up the bike leathers (except for special nights with the other half) and getting a nice, safe, protected APC. I won't be able to afford to ride.

    The we need to do something

    Like this:

    Click HERE

    Enter your postcode.

    Copy and past the letter below, putting in the correct names.

    Dear Mr XXXX,

    This morning there was an article on the radio about new airbag jackets that are available for motorcyclists.

    I have put the details of the article and jackets at the end of this letter for your information.

    As someone who regularly commutes by motorcycle, I was very interested in this article, but when I investigated the jackets I was shocked to discover that they cost around £600!

    At this price, it is obvious that there will be few people who will actually buy and use them, and many people will simply be unable to afford one. My current jacket, which will protect me from abrasion, and contains a back protector, elbow and shoulder armour, cost a mere £75.

    Based on the information contained within the article, if every motorcyclist was to wear such a jacket, then there would be a dramatic reduction in serious injuries and associated deaths. This reduction would be noticed by the NHS as a major cost saving.

    Therefore, simply based on the cost saving to the NHS, never mind the saving in human suffering and deaths, I feel that it would make sense for the government to subsidise the cost of these jackets in order to encourage motorcyclists to make use of this wonderful safety device.

    As the jackets are a valuable safety item, at the very least, they should be made exempt from VAT.

    I would be very grateful if you would raise these points with the relevant people and departments, and push for a government subsidy, along with a VAT exemption.

    Yours sincerely,


    Details of the article and jackets:

    The jackets are the equivalent of car air bags and inflate if the rider is thrown off during a crash.

    The Department of Transport said it had no plans to make them compulsory but said it welcomed anything to improve safety.

    Although motorcyclists make up just 1% of road users, they account for 20% of fatalities. Figures for 2007 show that 561 bikers died on the roads, according to the BBC.

    Andy Parfitt, an A&E doctor at St Thomas' Hospital in London, said: "There is a shocking number of deaths of motorcyclists on the roads. I think dozens of lives could be saved if these jackets were made compulsory."

    Dr Parfitt, a keen biker, said: "There's no question that what the jackets do afford is, they protect a motorcyclists' vital organs, neck and spine over and above the level that a normal jacket would do.

    "A majority of deaths in motorcycle accidents are due to injuries to these vital organs that should be protected by these jackets."

    The BBC article is available here:


    Details of jackets are here:




  2. These jackets aren't going to work when the truck runs over you, when you go head first into the side of the car that's pulled out, when you go through a hedge etc etc

    They significantly REDUCE the risk of serious injury and/or death - take the story of a rider in Pensylvannia being saved by his air bag jacket. Joseph McPhatter was wearing an "Impact Jacket" while riding on the interstate. He was hit by a car while travelling at speeds and reportedly went 100 feet through the air before hitting the ground. He walked away with only minor injures and no broken ribs.


    I'm getting out of my depth with this one, but in my youth I rode moutain bikes, properly - up and down mountain (well you can't ignor them around here!) and in my many falls, the ones where you are tensed up hurt the most, when you fall ragdole fashion you normally walk away laughing - So why is it good to basically immobilise the whole body with these jackets ? I think what I'm trying to say is one size does not fit all.

    You are not immobilising the body - merely providing a cushion for it upon impact

  3. Hi lads!

    I would like to buy some customising parts for my Dragstar 650 like a sissy bar, highway bar, passing lights etc.

    Is there a good shop with online buying possibility where I can get all of the above by one order and the selection is quite big as well?

    Thank you

    Go across the pond to the US - far cheaper!

  4. I'm sure that, if the government wants to enforce something, it will have been 'scientifically proven' in 'tests' that 'show' a 'significant reduction' in fatalities......

    .....Just like that Mayor's Report that 'showed' how letting bikes in bus lanes actually increased dangers.

    Having researched this myself for 2 years - i can safely say it is effective.

  5. so it isnt really for help searching for contents of member posts?

    No - its for searching for info on how to use the site functions.

    As i said - if you want to search members posts use the SEARCH facility at the top right of the forum.

  6. well I just tried searching 'yamaha', 'yamaha dt125', 'fazer' nothing seems to come up in the search results, maybe I'm doing something wrong?

    Why would you find any of those in the section thats all about how to use the forum??

    If you want those you need to click the search button at the top of the forum and look there.

    The FAQ section is ONLY info on how to use the site.

  7. To add a picture to your post, firstly you need have a photo hosting account, for example PHOTOBUCKET

    Once you have done that follow these easy steps:

    1 - Upload the picture you would like to put in your post to your photobucket account

    2 - Copy the IMG line of the picture you would like to appear in your post

    3 - Paste it into your post

    Once you submit your post the picture will appear within it.

    • Like 1
  8. Nice one Goff, I missed your post a month age, The item in question is still for sale, round and round and round it goes, by the way I cant bid on it...ive been blocked :o Such a shame that ...I really wanted that master piece of motorcycling history (complete with original wrapper......and a label with the part number on it :love-struct::cry2: )


  9. I dont know about anyone else but i find this deeply disturbing on so many levels.


    What the fuck were the parents doing while their CHILD was having sex and i cannot believe that both sets of parents allowed this at all

  10. how informative will it be goff, is it only about the forums cos i had a girl once asked me to do something and i thought how do i do that? :offtopic::D


    Yes will only be about the forums - anything else please feel free to PM me *snigger* :P

  11. Like the 'safety cameras'?

    Like the myriad road signs, such as the ones telling you the maximum speed you can take a corner at?

    Like the leg-protector panels, the seat belts, the roll cages and all the other insane add-ons that MAG successfully campaigned against?

    Nope - cos none of them have been tested to the hilt - so much so that its a FACT that these do actually help prevent fatalities and serious injuries.

  12. GOFF - Did the bloke reply after you said he'd bought it in november for £45????

    Lol yes, yes he did. He said that he had told his mate he was asking too much but his "mte" said he wanted to sell it at that price!!

    Just been to see if its still in me messages but is not

  13. For an extra fiver i'd have gone for the Bridgestones.

    I had Dunlops on the CBR when i first got it - didnt like them at all, the bike felt skittish and didnt seem to "stick" if you get my drift.

  14. Ahhhh gotcha - i couldnt see that in your OP!

    I agree with you though -it should be a choice, not compulsory.

    Theres also the flip side - inflating these things when you're spinning through the air and you neck happens to be at a funny angle can also have dire conseqeunces.

    They have been proven to be effective in REDUCING potential fatalities, but yes, you are quite right, it should be personal choice.

    Incidentally, riding a motorcycle in a knee brace and neck brace is THE most uncomfotable thing ever lol, even the ones they supply for motocross aren't great. And if you have a brace of any sort you need to know that its the right one for the injury/protection you need , and to make sure it fits properly else it will end up causing more, often irreversible damage - had a lecture on bracing yesterday *yawn* :lol:

  15. GREAT idea IMHO.

    These are already used by professional motorcycle riders in races and have proved to be EXTREMELY effective.

    I did a research project 2 years ago into motorcycle safety and in my paper i included the effectiveness of these jackets.

    Honda Goldwings already have airbags built into them

    Im not sure why you think its "nanny state" though because anything that helps save a life and/or limb in the event of an accident can only be a good thing.

    I would prefer to roll down the road on airbags and potentially walk away rather than roll down the road on every bone in my body which may prove fatal........................

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