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Everything posted by DT250MX79

  1. Where is My DT250MX 1979. I bought it new from Motorcycle city in Slough? for £600. I carried on riding my Malaguti Monte when I was 17 so that i could wait for V registration to come out. Longest 2 weeks of my life. I just checked and it is currently taxed, so it's still alive! Anyone know where it is? I sold it to someone who wanted to part exchange for a Fiat 127 with Starsky and Hutch stripes down the side! Just took the cash and purchased a 1969 Escort Mk1, much better for girlfriends (if I had had one!) Went to Scotland on it when it was new, couldn't keep up with my mates XT500's. I passed my bike test on it and then went for a rusty car. [email protected]
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