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Posts posted by Twisted2004

  1. I'm on a tight budget with my bike so heated grips may over kill! Out of curiousity how heated is heated? Cus its mainly my finger tips that a falling off not my palms!!

    Thinking about it, why not save some money and just squeeze some deep heat in them  B)

    :lol::lol::lol: I like your thinking!!

    I may have to go with the furry cover thingys, so i can take them off in the summer.

    ....although it may minus points from my street cred! Sayin that, how much street cred can you have with a 1988 DT125 LC that doesnt idle!!

  2. I ride to and from work on my bike everyday. My only problem (other than cars who are stuck in traffic not moving anywhere who block up the gaps so i can't filter through)....is my fingers and damn near falling off by the time i get to work or home.

    I'm on my bike for about 45mins, most of the journey is at 40-50mph and the rest is filtering through traffic.

    i wear a pair of those wind proof/thermal gloves and a pair of thicker waterproof gortex type gloves. I also have hand guards on the handle bars.

    I almost pray to come to a stop and traffic lights so that i can warm my fingers on the exhaust manifold!!

    what am i doing wrong? is it just me or is bloody freezin!!!!!!

    I was gonna buy a new helmet the month, but i may have to invest in some serious gloves!

    Thoughts? Am i the only one? is it my cheap gloves? is it the weather?

  3. Welcome aboard!

    Have you set the carb up properly?? Ie float height, pilot screw, idle screw?

    What sort of noise is coming from the carb??

    Is the fuel gettin to the carb and is it clean? Ie no bits floating around. is the air filter alright?

    Did you get a new plug?

    As for the oil pump, sorry cant be much help, i havent had a problem with it yet so i havent had to look at it!

  4. Sorry Twisted. :D

    Must be a Yank term.......for finding the sweet spot of tuning in a machine--

    Where everything's working as it should. ;)

    Aahhhhh, hopefully it has a sweet spot!

    Shit! This thread has run for longer than the bloody bike did!


    ....how dare you disrespect my bloody contramption!!

    I think you'll find this thread will probably last longer than the bloody bike!


    Thanks again everyone for the help with the bloody thing!

  5. About half full on those type of filters is what I remeber about them......had one on my Seca 400.....it worked great! ;)

    Those Goodridge lines are awesome, eh?.......got 'em on my RD.

    Sounds like you're finally on the right track to getting things sorted. B)

    I hope the filter is alright, gotta ride home soon!

    I'm so impressed, i can't tell you! The quality of the line, the way the hose fits to the banjo bolts, the amount of pressure in my front brake is crazy!

    I think they are well worth the price. I would HIGHLY recommend them!

  6. All looks fine to me, but underpressure the seal may not work as it should, whilst its out get a new piston set from patternparts, comes with new spring, seals, and surclip. Costs about a tenner if i remember.  B)

    ...that picture was taken a little while ago when the who brake was in pieces.

    I got the goodridge braided brake line yesterday! :D:D

    ...fitted it outside my house in the cold until about 11pm!

    I'm very impressed with the line. The front brake has crazy amounts of pressure in it! If i brake hard i believe i could go straight over the handle bars!!....so its working nicely now. Hopefully no more dramas with the front brake!

    Also i fitted the fuel filter last night. Experimented a little but the whole filter won't fill up (about half full). I'm not sure if this is a problem, it might just be the way the filter works. trickling bits of petrol into it slowly.

    I drove it into work today with the fuel filter on, and i didnt run out of petrol. Hopefully all is well on the filter front aswell. Fingers crossed ay!

  7. ....the saga continues to continue!

    ....woke up got on bike, BIKE = FINE

    ....drove to work, BIKE = FINE

    .....finished work got on bike, BIKE = NO FRONT BRAKE! (no pressure)

    .....drove 12miles home through central London, ME = SHITTING MYSELF

    .....got home, BIKE = FRONT BRAKE WORKING!!

    WTF is going on!!!!

    Still havent received my brake line from Goodridge!!!

    May get a master cylinder repair kit aswell! .....but everything looked fine in the master cylinder?? I have the pics to prove it!!

  8. You might have sticky floats. Although they are set right they may not go up or down and 'freeze' in the off position.

    Or you've lots of crud on your fuel tap.

    very true or maybe i have a punctured float??

    This weekend i'm going to spend some time with the B~TCH. I give it another balance and check the floats for any signs or possiblities of sticking.

    Thanks jimjam

  9. ....been a bit lazy this weekend and the weathers been a bit shite. So no progress.

    I think i may have worked out a way to completely fill the fuel filter.

    ....theres a screw on the bottom of the float bowl, which when slackened, purges the float bowl.

    So if i connect it up and allow the fuel to flow it should fill up the fuel filter! Fingers crossed!

    The other day i left the bike over night and when i went to start it in the morning the it wouldnt start. So i turned the fuel off and purged the carb of remaining fuel. I then turned the fuel on again and it start as usual!

    .....i'm thinkin another balancing session with the floats!

  10. Sorry been a but busy so havent had a chance to reply.....

    I believe the miles are genuine, the bike was last taxed in 1990, so i think it was only ridden for 2 years.

    Thanks Mickt for the info by the way, i'm so tempted to give it a go. The only thing holding me back is lack of funds!! :(:(

    Before i do that i may just take into a garage and see if they can diagnose anything....just in case its something really simple!

    Then if they say :-

    "....ooooo, your looking at an expensive job there mate, we're gonna have to take the WHOLE lot to bits and completely rebuild your doo-woop-shaft and reshape the diddly sproket"

    ....then i'll say

    "....okay, well i'm gonna have to save up and then i'll come back and get you do sort it out for me!.....you did say it needed a rebuild on the doo-woop-shaft??.......thank you.....bye bye!"

    If it turns out i need a rebuild then i'll do it. But hopefully its something simple. i'll give it a bit of TLC when the new brake line appears and i'll have a mess with the fuel filter.

    I'll keep you posted. Thanks again

  11. How fresh is the top end? Low compression can lead to hard starting woes so it might be worth trying some new rings if you're unsure of when it was last done.

    Knackered/chipped reeds can bugger the idle up.

    My first TZR250 had really worn bores and was a b*tch to start from cold. After getting it rebored with fresh pistons and rings it started first or second prod.

    Just a couple of things to investigate when you have the time/money. Again, these aren't 2 stroke 'unreliability' issues, just a function of the bike's age and possible lack of preventative maintainence by previous owners.


    Interesting........i'm not sure how fresh the top end is.....the bike was stationary for 15 years, and before that i'm not sure how frequent maintenance was.

    However its only got 9000miles on the clock!

    Would a rebuild be required in such an instant? Usual cost to do such a thing? (i'd have to do it myself, so parts and time?)

    Also how would the reeds get chippped? Just through general use?

    Thanks for the replies by the way

  12. I did try it the other way just, behaves the same! But when i have a bit of time i'll have another try.

    I got the airfilter today, thought it would solve my woes of lack of idle......but no! Still doesnt idle! I can get it to idle at 3000rpm but nothing below, it just dies!

    The floats have been set, the air filter is new, the plug is quite new, i've set the pilot screw 1 and 3/4 turns then turned the idle screw to adjust the idle speed........but no!


  13. The brake is sorted now, just waiting on MandP to send me a braided line.

    I took it to bits and cleaned it all and lubed the piston up.

    I'll give the filter another go when i get a bit of time. It makes sense what u said jimjam, i'll try it and let you know if i'm successful.

    Just ordered a new air filter, cus my one is in pieces!

    The f~#ked airfilter is very likely contributing to the poor starts, no idling and blocking of the carb! The filter should sort out a few things i hope!

    ....however the bike seems to be ok, ive been using most of the week and weekend. It takes about 10 kicks (with choke) to get going from cold. But after that its fine. (1 kick starts)

    I keep you posted!

  14. Thats crazy!!

    If its true, they are indangering our lives by using that stuff on the roads!

    I thought i was just me being nervous about going around corners after falling off the other day, but it does actually feel like to some roads have oil all over them!

    i'm not happy :angry::angry::angry:

    If your doing 50mph+ round a corner on a dual carriage way and the bike slips out...........not nice!!

  15. Let me get this right. You mean that the carb isnt get any fuel when the filter is connected, and the fuel chamber isnt filling up?

    You see i'm not entirely sure. I was having problems starting the bike after putting the filter on. Then removed the filter and put the direct pipe back on and all was ok!

    The filter doesnt fill up, only the a small bit of fuel sits in it. :huh::huh:

  16. Great to hear it finally passed!

    did you fit the indicators in the end?

    Yeah, i fitted front and back. I had some cheap ones i got from thailand, which were about £1.20 and another set from ebay at about £3.

    It was just the battery that needed to be connected. After that, all the electrics were fine. (fingers crossed, they stay that way!)

  17. Ah, sounds like the main jet unscrewed itself. Not entirely unheard of. Don't give up on the bike (yet). You've got the brake sorted, and it's running now. Maybe give it a good going over when you've got the time?


    It was the piece that screws into the bottom of the main jet in the float chamber.

    I'm gonna give the carb ANOTHER overhaul when i get the new standard air filter element.

    As for the fuel filter....hmmmmm....i put it on the right way but fuel won't go through it when its connected to the carb!

    If i disconnect the tube going to the carb fuel flows no problems! very strange.

    Seems like the carb is forming an air block.

  18. I'll try not to give up, just gotta perceiver with yet. Thanks any way.

    I've rode into work today in rush hour traffic on it, which was interestin....

    ...i tried to start yesterday morning, but it wouldnt start!

    (the weather was quite cold though)

    any recommendations on how to get it started on a cold mornin?

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