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  • Current Bike(s)
    2004 yzf-600r , Suzuki gs550l , Honda v45 magna.

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  • Interests
    Repairing electronics, gardening, collecting tools old and new, taking things that are broke and bringing them back to life.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Will full synthetic hurt the transmission of a yzf-600r 2005 model?
  2. Can anyone tell me if synt. oil is ok to use in a yzf-600r 2005 model?
  3. She screams like an eagle, a little cosmetic work and a good bath and we'll be hitting the wind. It pays to have a repair manual and good advise. Thanks again, Tim
  4. Yes, the secondary coil wires were crossed and the pilot jets needed a second cleaning. She is slowly coming back to life will keep posting progress and any problems I run into. I appreciate all the advise I received from members and look forward for more. Thanks Tim in Texas
  5. You lost me on that one could you explain?
  6. Ok, Cleaned the carbs and runs good if I give it gas but won't idle. Any suggestions
  7. Thanks, I've already started on the carbs and they are full of trash. I'll clean the bowls and jets the fuel pump and tank I've done so I hope this solves the problem.
  8. Hello all, Just got this yzf-600 and could use some advise on troubleshooting. It starts and runs as long as I keep the rpm's up. when it warns up I let it idle down and it dies. It won't start until it sits awhile. Can anyone point me in the right direction to resolve or check to narrow down the problem? no repair shops close to me.
  9. Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm new to this and not sure how this all works I hope I catch on so I can hit the wind soon.
  10. How do I find help for repair of my 2004 YZF600R? It starts, runs ruff and when it warms up it dies and won't start until it cools down. Could use some advise for resolving its problem. Hello to all members, Tim
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