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Posts posted by meatloaf

  1. Got four guitars sitting around gathering dust, recently dragged one out of the spare room thinking that I'd start playing again, thought I'd have time now I'm semi retired but now it's just gathering dust in the lounge. Last time I really played was to my kids when they were young but my youngest is now 26, fuck where did all those years go. Used to have a mate with a 12 string but I could never play like he did, when he played it sounded awesome but I sounded crap.

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  2. On 27/01/2016 at 10:50 AM, Ttaskmaster said:

    For simply checking the oil level, I would stick the sidestand on a block of wood, shaved to the exact height for keeping the bike almost completely upright. It had a very slight lean and I'd hold the left bar for extra safety, but oil checks is all I'd use it for.

    +1 works a treat

    On 27/01/2016 at 3:02 PM, drewpy said:

    macro did a bike lift, I still use mine 

    Still use mine but over kill just for checking oil, using a block of wood under sidestand is so much quicker.

  3. Nice, love those big v twins

    If it's anything like the two xvs1300,s I've had the stock pipes were way to quiet, cruisers should be loud, just don't roll up in the early hours and expect your neighbour's to still talk to you :rolleyes:

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