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Posts posted by meatloaf

  1. TBH slice I avoid motorways and big cities like the fucking plauge especially that car park called the M25 and the big smoke, in both cases the cars,vans and trucks are either standing still for what seems like hours or they are trying to fucking kill you.

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  2. I used to sing this to Mrs Meat, she always took the piss just cos I was a few years older than her and I lost most of my hair years ago. I guess that as somehow I've managed to reached the ripe old age of 64 today I should stop singing this song.


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  3. 2 hours ago, Harrywr65 said:

    Meatloaf how much did you pay for yours roughly?? There on Amazon for £130. Does that sound right? 


    TBH I cant remember how much I paid but I think it was more than that but it was quite new at the time, £130 sounds like a fair price. I did try some cheaper ones but they were all crap and got sent straight back, never regretted paying the extra for SMH10.

  4. On one of my daughters visits to me last year she digs out her mums lid and jacket and says come on dad lets go, it was her first time as a pillion so I took it easy at first but when I got to a clear straight bit of road I just had to go for it, as I slowed down for a roundabout I heard her say fuck that was awesome. She went back to Brum and I did'nt think any more of it until a couple of months later she tells me that she had passed her CBT and got herself a little 125.  She has definitely got the bug, my youngest has been riding for about 10 years that only leaves my eldest who will probably never ride but hey " two out of three aint bad"

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  5. I use a Sena SMH10 which I've had for 5 or 6 years, the speakers fit into spaces in my lid, works well with my sat nav, phone and blue tooth mp3 player although I've not tried talking to other bike riders. The only trouble I had was when I drove past a shopping mall and picked up 2 security guards talking to each other and it was so loud it nearly blew my brains out.

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  6. Started work as an apprentice electrical engineer nearly 49 years ago at the ripe old age of 15, been working for myself as a gardener for the last 7 years or so after getting really pissed off with the rat race, now as of today I'm retired. I've been reducing the amount of work I've been doing over the last couple of years untill it was'nt worth keeping my little van, so thats it no more work, feet up and relax and i can hear those country roads calling me already. :lol:

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