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Posts posted by meatloaf

  1. Back in the day my honda cb125 broke down the day before my test so I borrowed my uncles honda 50, one ride round the block, emergency stop, read the number plate from about 10 ft, a couple of easy questions on highway code then straight round to my mates to by his 650 BSA. It was tough in those days :spin2:

    • Like 2
  2. Must admit that I have no experience with the xvs950 but chose a xvs1300 over a harley, no regrets love it. I will ride a Harley one of these days but I'll never buy one cos I don't have money to burn.

  3. Except any form of oil will make a burn worse. It insulates the heat into a burn.

    And you will smell like old ladies!

    Don't old ladies smell of moth balls? at least the old dragon my mother in law does.

    • Like 1
  4. Allright we need a name for "TASKYS TURDS" so he can sell them on ebay, I'm going with this anyone else have a suggestion? Oh and if this takes off I want a cut (money!!) after meatloaf of course as it was his idea. :chair::bootyshake::crylaugh:

    Cash please, don't want to give the tax man more than I have to.

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  5. I am glad you are loving the bike riding. There is a wide mix of ages on this forum; some young; some old and ; some that just look old.

    A few years back when I first bought my Virago, my wife said I was going through my midlife crisis but my youngest son full of his usual respect said no dad, your going through an old age crisis but you don't look bad for someone born in the middle ages. Guess I fall in the middle category then.

  6. have a good one Jimjam

    off on summer camp Saturday, 5000 scouts at weekend(not all mine) and the theme is superheroes.

    I'm going as HitGirl :female:

    5000 that sounds like a hell of a camp, been on a few big camps in my time but none quite that big, where you off to drewpy?

  7. You have to dry them out first. Leave them in the sun for about 3 days and you should be good.

    Dried dog turds are better, though. Try and get the white chalky ones. A lot of people like to reminisce about how you don't see them any more, how they were a 'thing' from the 70s and 80s... but having started our dogs on a raw food diet, which includes raw meat on the bone, I can verify that white turds are still possible.

    If you want, I have an inexhaustible supply of white turd, for all your oil-soaking needs.

    Free to anyone willing to come collect...!

    You should put it on fleabay, people buy all sorts of shit there and that sounds like top quality shit to me - just a thought.

    • Like 2
  8. Most of them got those bikes without realising how much work it takes to keep them in good condition. They're not really designed for all weathers.

    I use ACF 50 and find that helps, but it doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize that lots of chrome + rain etc = rot

  9. CAT LITTER, Why didn't I think of that? Got 3 cat's and enough litter to soak up the North sea, going to be a smelly clean up but better than old towels and rags or even the trusty paper towel route I was going to follow.

    Oh you meant NEW cat litter !! Cat turds don't seem to soak up oil, you learn something new every day don't you? :crylaugh:

    Thanks DT.

    I got home from work hot sweaty and knackered, read this and am now cheered up, slice you just made my day.

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